70s Bling (one-shot)

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Synopsys: This is the story of how Roger and the Reader first met. And how it didn't start off as planned. (Set in the world of 80s Retro and 70s Vintage)

Pairing: Roger Taylor x f!Reader

Genre: fiuff

Warnings: swearing....maybe???

Word count: 2347


"Ronnie, I'm not going," Y/N exasperated for the umpteenth time, as Veronica was trying to convince her friend to go to a pub with her. "Besides, you'd ditch me in the first five minutes, John's off stage. And what will happen to me then? Some drunk ass bloke will try and hit on me, and I will actually have to hit him to get away."
"Y/N, please," Veronica whined. "Please, just this one time. I just... I can't do it alone. You know I'll wuss out and just run away."
And as much as Y/N just wanted to stay in and write a bit, she had a soft spot for Veronica in her heart. She was the first one to push the girl to hand in her manuscript to a publisher. She was the one who let Y/N cry her heart out as it got rejected, and she was the one who bought the two expensive champagne bottles to celebrate the release of her first novel.
With a deep sigh, Y/N rolled her eyes and stood up from the couch. "You owe me for this," she pointed a finger at the girl and stomped to her room to get dressed.


The pub was packed. People were walking and shimmying all over the place, quite a lot of them going towards the stage to be closer to the band.
"I'll go get a drink," Y/N announced, and Veronica nodded, as she went closer to the front as well. The lights dimmed pretty much immediately as the boys came on stage and started the show.
She hated to admit it, but the band wasn't that bad. Queen was their name, though not at first. In the beginning, they had been Smile, but then they spilt. That's when John had come in the picture as well as their new and fabulous lead singer Freddie.
Y/N had known the guitarist Brian for a while now. He was the person she went to, to vent when Ronnie had talked her ear off about John. The astrophysicist and Y/N had shared a biology class together before she dropped out and decided to pursue writing as her full-time career, but they got along pretty well and remained acquaintances if not friends.
The only person she wasn't that big of a fan was the drummer Roger Taylor. He had a reputation on campus. He liked to drink, smoke but most of all- he liked his one-night stands. He had even approached Veronica one time, trying to hit on the girl, while she was talking to Deaky. After that Y/N had spent the next three hours listening to her talk about the blond boy and how rude that had been.
Admittedly, Y/N wasn't one to take someone else's words for the truth, but when she'd walked inside the bar and had seen him with two groupies under each of his arms, there was no denying it.
There was nothing wrong with one-night stands, not in Y/N's opinion as long as things were consensual, but she longed for something that would last. For something that would make her heart flutter the rest of her life, not for twenty minutes and a 'see ya later'.
Ordering a pint, she sat down on one of the stools an waited for the gig to end. As the band said goodbye and exited to backstage, Y/N had to roll her eyes at how cute Veronica was when she saw Deaky approach her. The girl was practically buzzing with excitement and jumping up and down on the spot.
Suddenly someone slid right next to her and bumped Y/N's shoulder. With an annoyed look on her face, she turned to the person who'd disrupted her evening and saw a pair of piercing blue eyes and a wide smile on his face.
"I'm Roger," the blond smirked and extended a hand for Y/N to take, but she just scoffed.
"And I'm not interested."
"Ouch," he chuckled. "No need to be so cold. 'M just trying to make conversation."
Y/N's eyebrow quirked up. "Oh, I know the kind of conversations the Roger Taylor has with girls. It starts off with a simple 'Hi' and it ends with you in bed. After that, you'd say, 'this was nice we should do it again,' when in fact you have no intentions of ever contacting the poor girl."
Roger's cocky smile widened. "So, you've heard about me?"
"Mhm," Y/N swallowed the rest of her drink and hopped off the barstool. "And if there is one thing in the world I trust, it is my best friend's advice- never become someone on Roger Taylor's list. You're better than that."
The drummer laughed, eyes crinkling at the corners. "And if you don't mind telling me who have I scorned so bad?"
Y/N turned to the side leaning a bit closer to Roger and pointing at where John stood talking to Veronica. "See that girl?" she asked. "That's Ronnie. John might have mentioned her before. And given how her taste in men is sensible, Imma follow her advice."
Roger's heart had plummeted the second Y/N pointed in the bassist's direction. He knew Veronica and he knew that she wasn't overly fond of how the drummer like to live his life. And it hurt him especially, cause throughout the whole performance his eyes had been on Y/N and just her.
She just stood out to him. He couldn't explain why and what, but there was that indescribable quality she possessed and so he had decided to chat her up. Yes, with the intentions of going back to his place, but deep down he knew if anything would have happened, he'd be screwed for life. Though at that moment Roger didn't even realize just how deep he was already in. Let alone the fact that the woman would, later on, become his wife.
Pulling on her leather jacket, Y/N turned to him. "So, have a good night Roger. I hope we never meet again."
With the look of a lovesick puppy, he watched the Y/H/C haired beauty leave the pub. His whole body sagged down when he saw the door close and quietly, he whined.
Suddenly someone tapped him on his shoulder. Turning his head to the side, the long blond locks obscured his vision, but when he pushed them out of the way he saw Brian.
"You alright, mate?"
"No," Roger pouted. "I just blew it with a girl."
Brian snorted. "Now that's a first." Waving at the bartender he ordered two pints, putting one in front of his friend. "And what was so special about this one that you're sulking? A rejection never seemed to have stopped you before."
"I know," Roger gulped down two mouthfuls of the beer. "It's just... I don't know. She called me out on my bullshit. She didn't care I was in a band, didn't care to even hold a conversation. Didn't even give me her name," the man huffed the last part.
"A chase has never stopped you before."
"I know."
"So, what's the difference now?"
"She's Veronica's friend," Roger grumbled pouting at the wall. A slender girl slid up next to him trying to get his attention by batting her eyelashes, but for all he could have cared, it could have been the Queen of England and he'd tell her to fuck off. "And because she's Veronica's friend, she is sensible and smart and-" but he was cut off mid-sentence as the affront mentioned woman ran up to the boys.
"Have you seen Y/N?" she addressed Brian, but the name made Roger's head perk up. That must be hers.
"She left like five minutes ago," Roger responded, and Veronica huffed, rushing out of the door in a completely frazzled state. The blond let his eyes follow along as she exited the bar as well before returning to his drink.
"Listen," Brian grabbed Roger's attention again, "if you really like this girl so much, then maybe it's time to switch things up."
The blond's eyebrows scrunched up in confusion. "What do you mean?"
"I mean," Brian emphasized, "ask her out on a date. That's it. No shagging in mind, nothing of the sort. A real proper date where the two of you could get to know one another."
Roger rolled his eyes. "I would, but as you can see she's not here."
Though it was right at that moment Y/N and Veronica entered the bar again, the women's elbows linked together and talking in hushed voices. Immediately Roger's focus was just on Y/N. How she moved and how her lips formed words he could not decipher. The girl rolled her eyes at something Veronica said before pushing the other woman in the direction of the stage.
"Go," she said to her as she approached where Brian and Roger were.
"Did she chicken out again?" Bri asked and watched how Veronica fidgeted with her fingers while walking towards John who was talking with Freddie.
"I was smoking a cig when she rushes out, in a complete panic saying she almost asked John for a cup of coffee. She snatched my pack, took three out, smoked them so fast I think she must have stuck two in her nose and dragged me back in only to say, 'let's go home'. So, yeah. I'd say she ran away."
Brian snorted and turned to look at Y/N, her arms crossed as she kept watch on Veronica and what she was gonna do next. "If it's any consolation," the guitarist said, "John is smitten to the point I think he's already written a few love songs about and for her."
Y/N laughed and turned to the bar once more to order a pint. It would seem like the night was only starting. During the whole conversation, Roger had only stared at Y/N and watched the profile of her face- how her eyelashes curled upwards to her brows and her cupids' bow dipped down to lips he so desperately wanted to kiss, eyes shining brightly in the dim lights of the pub. But then something else struck him. Her name. Her face. Both of those things were so familiar.
"Holy shit, you're Y/N Y/L/N!" he exclaimed standing up from his seat so fast he almost knocked over the waitress that walked past.
Y/N turned her head to look at him and raised an eyebrow. "Yeah? So?"
Roger was at a loss for words, but somehow managed to stutter out, "I- I just... umm... I just absolutely love your books."
In all honesty, Roger was fangirling like crazy and sweating like a pig, for one of his favourite authors ever was standing right in front of him. And he'd just hit on her. Unsuccessfully though.
His reaction, his blushing and becoming so humble and shy, surprised Y/N like nothing else. "Really? You've read my stuff?"
"I think there isn't a person in the whole universe who hasn't," and the soft smile on his face was so genuine it made Y/N reconsider everything she'd thought about the playboy.
"Huh..." Y/N looked Roger over once again, only with different eyes now. "Who would've thought that Roger Taylor had time to devote to such things as books."
Roger's whole demeanour had changed from confident and self-assured to a timid man standing in front of someone they greatly admired. And seeing this change, Y/N slipped on the seat between Brian and the drummer and looked at the blond.
"So. Got any recommendations of any other books I should be keeping my eyes on?"
The smile Roger gave Y/N was nothing short of brilliant.
She didn't even notice how time slipped by as she and Roger engaged in actual meaningful conversations. They talked about everything and anything that came to mind until the bartender said they were about to close.
"I hate to say this, but I didn't have that bad of a time, Roger," Y/N pulled on her jacket, a small smile on her lips. "Maybe you're not that bad after all."
And suddenly she saw his whole form flush with nervousness. "Then maybe you wouldn't mind giving me your number? I just really would like to take you out on a proper date. To say sorry for how I acted before and just... I just really like you."
He was like a schoolboy in front of his crush, and against her better judgement and Ronnie's advice, Y/N sighed, taking a napkin and quickly writing down her number.
"Don't lose it, cause there won't be a second chance," she said walking over to where Veronica was still conversing with John. The pair reluctantly said their goodbyes, and together the two women started to make their way to the apartment.
"So, did you do it?" Y/N pestered, an unusual skip in her step.
"No," Veronica groaned throwing her head back. "But next time I will."
"I got scared!"
The two laughed and Veronica linked her arm through Y/N's elbow. "Though I saw you and Roger getting real cosy. Anything I should be worried about?"
Y/N shrugged. "I don't know. As much as we had a great conversation, I don't think he'll call. Doesn't seem like the commitment type."
But boy, had Y/N been wrong to say that about the man who would become her boyfriend, her husband, the father of their three children, and evolve into something that could only be described as a soulmate.
And now, seeing the scene of the two of them meeting, being immortalized for the big screen made the woman smile.
A pair of arms wove around her waist and Y/N melted against Roger's chest.
"Thank you," he murmured in her neck.
"For what?"
"For taking a chance on me."
"Well, you didn't dump me after I and Freddie got accidentally married in Vegas. I think I should be the one saying thank you."
The two were about to lean in for a kiss when Rami's voice loudly interrupted their little moment and filming, making Melinda and the actress that played Veronica jump apart. "Wait you did what with Freddie?!"

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