70s Vintage (one-shot)

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Synopsys: More shenanigans ensue as the Taylors hang around the set. And if the BoRhap boys thought they were wild on nights out, they'll be proven severely wrong.

Pairing: Roger Taylor x f!Reader

Genre: fluff

Warnings: drinking, swearing, alluding to sexy times ;)

Word count: 2595


When Brian May walked up to the BoRhap boys who were engaged in a discussion about how to better work off of one another during the big Live Aid scene, Ben in the meantime had been struggling to get one particular bit in 'Radio Ga Ga' right, so Bri, the ever-loving father figure, went out on a search for the real drummer.
"Has anyone seen Rog? Ben's struggling with getting the movements down."
The guys only shook their heads when Jon got a quizzical look on his face. "We haven't seen Roger in like half an hour. In fact, we haven't seen Y/N for twenty minutes either."
It was a bold suggestion, but by the eye roll that Brian did, they knew they hit the jackpot. And all the confirmation they needed came in the form of a thoroughly dishevelled Y/N.
"Did you have fun?" Brian asked, and she winked at her old friend.
"I think Roger enjoyed it a bit more, this time."
"Well, is he put together enough to go out and help Ben?" Brian asked, just as the blond actor came up to the guys, drumsticks tightly clutched between his fingers.
"Come on, love," Y/N said linking her arm through his elbow. "Rog is a bit preoccupied at the moment, so I'll try and help as much as I can."
Ben's eyebrows were high up on his forehead. "You know how to drum?"
She hummed in response, and the crowd, seeing him and the woman walk out on stage went wild, chanting Y/N's name like she was a Goddess there to fulfil all of their wishes. With a small wave, she sat down behind the drum set and adjusted the height of the little round bench. "I also know how to play the cello, violin, bass, guitar, piano and trumpet."

Expertly Y/N twirled the drumstick and looked up at Ben. "Which part were you struggling with, honey?"
But even before she could tap a snare, Roger stormed on stage, the crowd of extras going absolutely crazy.
"No," he pointed a finger at Y/N. "Not happening. You're not stealing my spotlight."
A smirk tugged up her lips, seeing that purplish mark on his neck, which he so desperately had tried to cover up with a shawl, but it was still peeking through. "Your spotlight? Love, it's Ben that's gonna be on stage, not you."
Roger raised a grey eyebrow. "And who do you think he's playing? Me! Ha!"
"Fine," Y/N stood up, leaving the drumsticks on the chair. "But who do you think is sleeping on the couch? You! Ha!" and with a wide smile plastered over her face, Y/N waved at the roaring crowd and disappeared behind the scenes.
The grey drummer put his hands on his hips and looked up to the sky, letting out a deep sigh.
"You alright?" Ben asked, clearly concerned if he'd somehow made a mistake and offended the legend.
"Yeah," Roger nodded, sitting down behind the drums. "Just can't figure out how the hell did I fall in love with a woman who infuriates me so much." But he said it with nothing but adoration in his voice.


"Ronnie, I'm telling you, it's crazy freaky," Y/N sat in one of the sofas in the trailer that was labeled 'THE BAND AND PAUL'. "I'm telling you! Look, I'll just send you a picture and then you can see for yourself."
As Y/N pulled the phone away from her ear and went into the photos folder, Joe walked inside, fingers massaging his scalp as he had just been able to get the wig removed.
The woman gave him a small smile, before doing a double take and practically shouting "Don't move!" and putting her phone back to her ear. "Imma switch to Facetime." She said to whoever was on the other line and Joe just stood there confused.
Y/N turned the phone to him and the man almost choked on his spit seeing the Veronica Deacon on the other side, the woman's eyes widening at the appearance of Joe. Silence took over the trailer before she quietly asked when he was born.
"Nine- ninete- 1983. September 21, 1983," Joe stuttered out. "Mam."
Veronica narrowed her eyes before yelling down the house. "John, you better come here and explain some things to me!"
Joe couldn't believe what was actually happening as John Deacon came in view, the man rubbing his eyes as if he had just been rudely awoken.
"If this is Y/N again, trying to persuade you to go bar hopping, I'm not joining. Last time ended with you in a jail cell and her in Scotland."
But just as he was about to talk further about the crazy things the two women had done, he stopped, looking Joe dead in the eye. Veronica for a second thought he wasn't breathing, but then John cleared his throat.
"Hello," he warmly smiled at Joe who was still frozen in the spot. "You must be mister Mazzello. Brian and Roger have had nothing but good things to say about you and the guys."
Joe just stared at the rock legend, mouth hanging open, cause holy fucking shit, he was talking to the Disco Deaky. Y/N smiled looking at the star-struck actor and glanced at Veronica who cleared her throat and crossed her arms.
"Are you sure you didn't have an affair with someone in late 1982 or early 1983?" Veronica turned her head to the side as John looked at her fondly but rolled his eyes. "I'm just saying, you look quite uncanny."
Joe laughed at that and he couldn't help but feel relief flood his veins. They spent a few minutes talking about the music of Queen and how Y/N had been the one to push Veronica to ask Deaky out on a date.
"She was so bloody petrified that he wouldn't say yes, she came to my flat and we both got drunk. In the end, she ended up calling him and slurring out that she liked him and wanted to go out on a date."
"And she," Veronica pointed at Y/N, "ended up calling Freddie, who was also coincidentally drunk that night, and convinced him that flying over to New York that night was a good idea."
Y/N shrugged, remembering how she had woken up next to a passed-out Freddie, in a hotel room. Her scream had been the thing that had stirred both of them up, massive hangovers already forming.
"What the fuck did we do last night?" Y/N asked, rummaging through the first aid kit she had found underneath the sink in the bathroom for some painkillers. "Where are we?"
Freddie had been very nonchalant about all of it, as he made two cups of black coffee. "Well, my love, by the view outside of the window, I'd say we're on some thirty-odd story of a hotel in the middle of New York."
Y/N had choked on the water she was drinking. "New York? How the fuck did we end up in New York?"
Veronica smiled, reminiscing about how much fun it had been to tease the two as they caught the first plane home. "Almost gave Rog a heart attack. He thought she'd run off with someone."
"Honestly, he overreacted way too much," Y/N replied, and it was like he had been waiting to be mentioned, Roger stepped in the trailer.
"What are you two conspiring about? Y/N if you've put some bloody dumb ideas in his head, I swear you'll be the one staying at Bri's."
She rolled her eyes and scooted closer to Joe, to make room for Roger to sit down.
"Deaky!" his blue eyes lit up like Christmas trees, seeing his old friend. "How are you?"
"Good. We were just talking about when Y/N and Fred got so hammered they ended up in the city that never sleeps. And she was just saying how you overreacted."
"Overreacted?" Roger's eyes shot up to his forehead. "One second you and Ronnie are simply drinking wine at your flat, the next I hear is Freddie's hungover voice telling me to be at the airport in nine hours, since you two had fucked off to God knows where."
"We had gone out on two dates, Rog. You really took it as if I had cheated on you and married the pool boy."
"You were still my friend, even if we weren't dating then. So, pardon me if I got worried."
Y/N rolled her eyes, but her heart swelled at the thought of Roger taking care of her like that.
The five of them talked a bit more about what wild things they'd done in the past and a little bit about how Joe could become an even more convincing Deaky. Soon enough, he was called to set, and with a very solemn look, he said goodbye to Veronica and John, exiting the trailer.
"Honestly, you two," Deaky said through the phone pointing at his wife and Y/N, "are forbidden to drink without supervision."
Roger laughed and nodded along, but the glance Ronnie threw Y/N, whose smirk had widened tenfold, was enough to make his heart drop. "What did you two do?"

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