70s Glam (one-shot)

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Synopsys: What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas... or until the cast of Bohemian Rhapsody demands to know how the hell the wife of Roger Taylor married Freddie Mercury.

Pairing: Roger Taylor x f!Reader

Genre: fluff, if you squint real hard some angst

Warnings: swearing, heavy drinking

Word count: 2906


   "Y/N, you cannot just say something like that and leave it unexplained!" Rami pressed on as almost everyone on set had gathered around her and Roger, expecting her to elaborate on the fact that she'd gotten married to Freddie.
"Really guys, it's nothing! Rog, help me out here?" she raised her eyebrow at her husband but the grey drummer only laughed.
"Love, you got yourself into this mess, you get yourself out."
She narrowed her eyes at the musician, but with a deep groan, she relented, taking everyone back to 1978.
Queen was on their 'News of the World' tour and Y/N was travelling around with them. She was Freddie's plus one, as he liked to refer to the girl, despite her dating Roger for more than a couple of years by that point.
The singer and she had bonded right when Veronica had first seen Deaky play, and being the amazing friend that Y/N was, she acted as a wing woman, and suddenly, she and Freddie had fucked off to a corner, the two in a deep conversation about music and their dreams.
Now, they were in the city of glitter and glam- Las Vegas. That meant Roger had to constantly stay on his guard, for he knew just how easily Y/N could get drunk when Freddie was around. The drummer couldn't explain the effect their lead singer had on his girlfriend, but whenever they were together, and alcohol was involved, he had to be prepared for practically anything.
Yet somehow, he'd gotten distracted by a tipsy Brian who assured everyone he could win the jackpot. And seeing her boyfriend so immersed in the scene that played before them, Y/N, in her drunken state, gave Freddie the most mischievous of smiles, and the two ran off, giggling like madmen.

She was desperately holding onto his elbow, ground swaying below her feet, and the heels didn't help one bit.
"I love Roger," she slurred as the two wandered around the casino where the band was staying. " 'M mean I love you too, Fred, don't get me wrong... but... I love Roger..." Y/N deeply sighed looking up at a statue of some Greek god.
She snickered and giggled. "Penis," the girl pointed at the carved out genitalia, and Freddie let out a loud laugh pulling them along.
"I wanna get married," she suddenly said. "I wanna get married right now!"
"I wanna get married too!" Freddie exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air, but then his happy smile fell as a fat tear rolled down his cheek. "But I don't have anyone to get married to. Mary's not h-"
"Oh, don't worry, honey, I'll marry you!"
Instantly Freddie elated. "Really?"
"Of course! I love my best friend! Why wouldn't I get married to you?"
And so it was decided. Together they stumbled out of the building only for the bright lights to momentarily blind them.
"First," Y/N held up a finger and accidentally poked Freddie in the chest, "we need to find a chapel. Second... I-" she scrunched her brows trying to recall what she wanted to say. "I can't remember, but that just means it wasn't important."
Together they crossed the street to the nearby church. It was tacky in a way that only Vegas could be with a huge sign of 'Marriages Here! Open 24/7!' as if it was some sort of a drive-through, flickered before their faces, though neither Freddie nor Y/N cared much.
"We'd like one marriage, please," Y/N slurred at the receptionist whose eyebrows had skyrocketed when the pair entered their establishment.
"One marriage?"
"Yes," Freddie confirmed, "with a sprinkle of love."
"Ohh," Y/N drawled out. "I want one of those."
The two drunkards giggled at her words, thinking it was the funniest shit ever.
"Alright," the woman said, looking the pair up and down trying to gauge how far gone the two actually were. "Do you have your passports with you?"
Despite them being already past their mid-twenties, they still needed to carry around their identification, just in case. Teasingly Y/N pulled the document out of the front of her dress, and the stranger rolled her eyes, while Freddie pinched her side handing over his own passport from where it had been in his pocket.
"Smashing, my love!" He exclaimed throwing a hand in the air while tightening the grip on Y/N's waist more to counter his own balance issues. "Now, could we hurry along? We'd like to say our 'I do's' before we grey here."
The woman sighed but proceeded nonetheless. And in twenty minutes time, Y/N had officially become Mrs Mercury after Elvis had officiated the ceremony.
"I'm married!" she exclaimed running out of the chapel and practically into the street, throwing the little bouquet of white plastic roses high in the air where it got stuck in a palm tree. "Oh my god, we have to tell everyone, Fred!"
"And we will, but before we do- sleep."
"Sleep?" Y/N was astonished. "But we have to celebrate!"
"I know, love, but my feet hurt!" he whined, stomping a platform clad heel onto the ground. Freddie was pouting like a three-year-old now, and if Y/N was being quite honest, as her eyes caught the early morning sun slowly turn the dark skies into a deep blue, she was exhausted as well.
"Alright, you big man-child. Let's get back to the hotel."

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