80s Retro (one-shot)

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Synopsys: Roger has been married to the Reader since forever and when 'Bohemian Rhapsody' is finally underway, she can't help but reminisce of the past.

Pairing: Roger Taylor x f!Reader

Genre: pure fluff

Warnings: swearing, alluding to sexy times and drinking

Word count: 2085

70s Vintage - part of the same series

70s Bling - part of the same series

70s Glam - part of the same series


   When they had first met the actress that would play Y/N in the new Queen biopic, the woman was completely star-struck and a blubbering mess. But Roger Taylor, oh he was a different story. His jaw had hung open, for she was a complete carbon copy of the love of his life. His gaze had looked her up and down, completely missing how the real Y/N passed him by, slapping him over the head.
"Keep gawking like that and you'll be sleeping on the couch," she said, sauntering away, one of the movies PA's running after her and showing her to the Live Aid stage.
Roger had to take a few seconds to snap out of the moment, only to see the actress smirk at him. "I'm going to take your reaction as a compliment, mister Taylor, but I do believe you should run after your wife. From what I've read she's quite the woman."
"That she is." And with a loud "Wait, honey!" Roger rushed to Y/N's side.
" 'M sorry," he quickly pecked her lips, beard scratching her chin. "It's just... for a second it was like I was transported back in time..."
"What? You saying I don't look as pretty as I used to?" her eyebrow was raised, but there was that devilish glint in her Y/E/C orbs that told him- she was just teasing.
"Actually, the opposite. You look more beautiful with every day that passes."
Y/N hummed, feeling Roger's arms weave around her waist, so, she leaned back and rested her head against his shoulders, a finger tracing the line of a tattoo. When he had first brought up the idea of getting a sleeve Y/N was pissed. Not because she didn't like them, the woman herself had a quill wrapped around her ankle, she was mad because she'd been deprived of that look for more than thirty years of their relationship.

"How dare you!" Y/N had emphasized each word with a hit of a pillow. "Why couldn't you do it sooner!" Roger had been laughing throughout the whole thing, a hand sneaking underneath her assault, and grabbing at Y/N's knee to pull her towards him, and ultimately make her flop down onto the bed. "Do you know, how much sex you've missed out on?"
He was hovering above her, a palm pushing a strand of Y/H/C hair away, grey weaving through it. "Then we have to make up for the lost time, don't we?"
When his voice dropped down to a husk, usually Y/N would melt. But not this time.
"Do it on your own, Rog," Y/N said and pushed him away, walking to sulk in the guest bedroom. "Thirty-seven fucking years and now he decides to make me lose my mind! I'm not as flexible as I used to be, you wanker!"
Roger had fallen asleep with a wide grin on his face.
"You know, I'm glad they're recreating Live Aid," Y/N's voice brought him back to reality, the grip around her middle tightening. She'd always been a feisty woman, so the fact that he could call her his, and have been able to share his life together since 1979, was astonishing to him.
"Yeah?" Roger pecked her temple as Brian walked up to the two and the BoRhap guys nervously trailed behind him. "And why is that?"
"Cause you got me bloody hammered before the show," she smiled, embracing Brian and standing next to the man as one by one they introduced themselves to her. Ben, who was playing Roger in the movie, was absolutely shaking from how nervous he was, so Y/N hugged him a bit longer. "You're gonna be amazing," she whispered to him. Pulling back, she looked at the four men gathered there. "You're all gonna be fantastic and if Freddie could be here, I know he'd say the same."
"Actually," Brian piped up, a too happy of a look on his face, "he'd be asking why Melinda is here," he gestured towards the Y/N of Bohemian Rhapsody.
That made the real one choke on her coffee and snort it through her nose. Rami instantly was by her side, offering a tissue as she, Bri and Rog laughed.
"So, the legend is really true- you were drunk while they performed the most iconic concert in history?" Joe asked as a stylist poofed up his wig a bit more.
Y/N smirked and nodded. "Also, Rog shagged my brains out five minutes before they had to go on stage," she winked at Ben. "Couldn't feel my legs, nor walk to the car afterwards."
The guys' mouths all hung open and they turned redder with each passing second.
"Honestly, Y/N, can't you keep at least something private?" Roger exasperated, watching Brian as he fixed Gwilym's wig. When Y/N had first seen the actor in the full get up, her eyes almost had bugged out of her head and the cup of tea, she had been nursing, had shattered on the ground.
"That bad?" Gwil had nervously laughed as Y/N came towards him and poked his cheek.
"Holy shit, it's real," she'd whispered, causing Roger to cackle, who had been watching the whole scene unfold. She'd turned to him and in a conspiratory tone stated, "I told you, Rog, cloning exists! Years ago! And now they got your DNA from one of the groupies you once shagged, and the apocalypse is starting now. Holy shit, he's Brian!"
And that had eased all of the tension there could possibly be, for everyone had the approval of the three most important people.
Throughout the filming, Y/N was on set constantly. Not only had she been close to the band and still was, but she had also been best friends with Freddie.
"Honestly, darling," he'd said to her years ago as both sat on the steps of the Garden Lodge, Delilah rubbing her head up and down Y/N's thigh. "If I didn't have Mary and Delilah here, you'd be the love of my life."
"Oh, shut it Fred!" she had laughed and placed her head on his shoulder. "We both now, Delilah has you wrapped around all her tiny paws."
And he'd hummed in agreement, watching the sun rise with his best friend dozing on his shoulder.
She hung out with all of the guys as much as possible, giving a third-party opinion and directions, for how the band used to act, and some little things that each did, either when nervous or when playing their instruments.
At that moment, Y/N was relaxing in one of the seats, after having shooed a fifth PA away by saying, "Love, you brought me a cup ten minutes ago." The young woman had bashfully smiled at the legendary woman and Y/N had just waved her off, telling, "Go. Relax. I see how all of you run around like chickens without heads. You must be exhausted. And if anyone gives you any shit, you come and talk to me. Immediately."
The PA gave Y/N a look of pure relief, before peeling away to take a nap in some corner. She smiled, thinking as long as the girl pulled through the hectic life that was being in the entertainment industry, she had a bright future ahead of her.
"They really don't do you justice in the movie," Ben's deep voice came from Y/N's left and she smiled at the boy. Well, man, but he was the baby of the cast and she just couldn't stop herself.
"You know, I helped with the script revisions."
"Then you're too modest, cause with everything that we've read and filmed, it truly doesn't let your heart shine."
Y/N threw him a wink. "You already get to make out with young me as young Roger. No need for flirtin'. Besides... this is about Freddie and Queen. I was and still am just lucky to call them a family."
A fond look came over her face as the memory of their most recent Christmas came to mind. All of them, Deaky and Veronica included, had gone out to a market, intended on buying their grandchildren and each other presents, but a few cups of beer and mulled wine later, they'd ended up stumbling around London and wreaking some havoc. Y/N was surprised nothing was in the press the next day, for it was an adventure worthy of the front page.
"Can I just say, Ben, you're nothing like Roger, when he was young," Y/N returned to the present day and sipped on her still warm coffee.
Immediately at the comment, she saw the young man's face fall.
"Oh, no, honey, I didn't mean it like that. Trust me, it's a compliment."
"What's a compliment?" Roger's voice invaded the pair's conversation, as he plopped down next to his wife, draping an arm around her shoulders.
"I was just saying how different Ben is from you when you were young, and how that is a good thing," she emphasized the last bit, hoping to ease the young actor's nerves.
Roger put a hand on his chest in mock hurt. "How is that a good thing?"
"You were a bloody self-centered, egotistical asshole who only cared if he had a hole to put his dick in by the end of the day! And contrary to you, Ben is the sweetest, kindest most humble person I've ever met."
From the corner of her eye, Y/N saw Ben blush at the compliment and she threw him a wink.
"Hey!" Roger tapped Y/N's shoulder. "No flirting. He could be your grandson."
"What can I say? He just makes me remember the good old days before you became a shrivelled prune," the woman said, snuggling closer to Roger's side who fondly smiled down at her.
"If you don't mind me asking- how come you two have worked so well over the years?" said Ben with awe in his eyes, as Roger lovingly stared at Y/N who snorted. "You two come from completely different worlds." And it was true. She was a world-renowned novelist and Rog was a rock-and-roll drummer.
Y/N had actually been the one to achieve fame half a decade before Queen was even on the map, but she never had and still didn't care about recognition.
"Cause I call him out on his bullshit. And also, we broke up one time, so it wasn't all roses..." she answered, mischievously looking at her husband.
That took Ben by surprise. "Wait you broke up? How come no one has ever spoken about it?"
"Well, cause it was only two days. And it wasn't a breakup," Roger exasperated, rolling his eyes.
"Of course, it was!" Y/N exclaimed, sipping on her coffee.
"You were just being petty," he pinched her cheek, and she swatted at his hand.
"Petty or not, I threw you out of the house and didn't speak to you."
Ben was watching the interaction, heart swelling at how the two acted. "Would you mind, if I ask- what happened?"
And the grin that appeared on Roger's face was nothing else but shit-eating. "Yes, dear. Why don't you tell Ben, why you decided to throw a fit and have me stay at Fred's?"
Y/N shrugged. "He looked hotter as a chick than I did."
Ben spluttered the tea he was drinking. "Wait, what?"
"When he came up with the idea for 'I Want To Break Free' I was all for it, ya know. Supporting my man and such. But when I saw him as Rogerina... wearing my blouse, which by the way was my only good work blouse and you smeared it with red lipstick, I threw a fit. How come, he gets to look like that and I don't? I simply couldn't allow it."
"But-" Ben couldn't contain the laughter that bubbled past his lips. "Are you joking?"
Roger shook his head, pecking Y/N's temple. "Not one bit. Came home that evening to find a bag packed and her sulking on the couch. Said to leave and come back when I figured my shit out and when she was once again my first priority."
"Ever since that day, he's forbidden to wear my clothes. Or women clothing in general," Y/N smiled placing the finished coffee cup on the table.
Ben chuckled hearing that. "Well, I do hope that when we start filming the scene, where I have to be in Roger's position, you don't evict him again."
"Who knows," Y/N smirked. "It might bring back too many painful memories and he might just have to stay at Bri's."

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