Rock Rivalry (one-shot)

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Requested: by Anon on tumblr (Hey! So I think you're one of the best writers in this fandom and I had this idea in my head where the reader is married to Rog and they've been together for a long time (they know each other from college or even befo...

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Requested: by Anon on tumblr (Hey! So I think you're one of the best writers in this fandom and I had this idea in my head where the reader is married to Rog and they've been together for a long time (they know each other from college or even before that) and she's obv a Queen fan but she's also a huge AC/DC fan (they're her fav band other than Queen) and he's jealous but she )reasures him and they go to their concert together and he takes her backstage since he knows the band and she meets them and it's really cute n fluffy

Synopsys: Even though Roger and the Reader have been together for years, even rock legends need some reassurance from their loved ones.

Pairing: Roger Taylor x f!Reader (or Ben Hardy! Roger Taylor x f!Reader, whichever you prefer :) )

Genre: fluff

Warnings: swearing, some suggestive themes

Word count: 2813


Roger unlocked the door to his apartment only to be greeted by the heavy banging of drums. His lips tugged up knowing it was Y/N, his gorgeous girl sitting behind them and expertly flipping the sticks between her fingers as if she was a world-renowned musician.
They'd met while he was still in college studying dentistry and playing in a band was only a hobby. He'd seen her at a pub during one of Smile's gigs, and, at first, he'd only looked at the woman as a possible hook-up, but when she'd turned around after he'd tapped her on the shoulder and had given him a dazzling smile, he was done for it. Completely and utterly in love with her then and there.
It had taken him ages to ask Y/N out, for as it turned out she was one of Mary's best friends, immediately becoming Freddie's best friend and their singer was incredibly protective of the two women. As the eccentric man had seen the lingering gazes Roger threw in Y/N's direction, he'd pulled the drummer aside and had given him the 'if you hurt her, I hurt you' speech, and then a quick smack over the head saying 'why the hell haven't you asked her out yet?'
That night, with fidgety finger's, he'd approached Y/N, as she had been standing with Mary backstage during their performance, and he'd barely stuttered out the words without swallowing his tongue. Roger was just about to run away, embarrassment making his cheeks flush, as Y/N had just stared at him wide-eyed, when her hands wove in that blond mop of his, and her lips tightly pressed against his.
"Took you long enough," she murmured in his mouth as his now steady palms settled on her hips and pulled her body closer, making the man grin into the kiss.
Now, almost four years of dating and six years of marriage later, he was still just as enamoured by the girl, her different talents surprising him every day. As Roger threw his bag onto the sofa, he slowly bopped his head along to the rhythm of her drums, remembering how he'd been the one who suggested teaching the instrument to her.

They were in the early stages of their relationship, and honestly, he just needed an excuse to spend as much time with Y/N as possible. Being on Rockfield Farm and recording an album day and night, didn't leave much of anything for the pair.
Reluctantly the girl had agreed to come down to the countryside and allow him to teach the instrument to her. Though she claimed to have no musical hearing whatsoever, after Roger had caught her singing in the shower that morning, belting out the highest notes and then effortlessly dropping to the lower register, he'd called bullshit.
And he'd been right, obviously.
She was almost a pro, and he was baffled as to why Y/N wasn't in a band just like himself.
"Rog, that's your world," she said after they had returned to their room, the sun already rising up over the horizon, as they had spent the whole night behind the drums. Quite a lot of the time though was not spent teaching.
Her head rested against his naked chest as their breathing steadied out. The tension in the studio had risen to an almost physically painful level, but now, after slicing right through it, they basked in the warmth that spread between them, as it had turned from hot-and-bothered to sweet and lax.
"My world is between the letters, as I write words and weave them into sentences to create worlds," Y/N said, brushing away a strand of matted down hair from his perfect face.
"But you're a natural!" he'd exclaimed. "What kind of a boyfriend, let alone musician would I be, if I let such talent remain hidden?"
"The kind that supports his girlfriend's dreams while she supports his?" Y/N's eyebrow had risen up, and a small affectionate smile was playing on her lips.
Roger had whined and actually pouted like a seven-year-old, hearing her answer, but he relented. Pulling her sweaty body closer to his, he pressed a kiss to her forehead and rested his cheek there.
"Will you at least promise me that we'll continue with our lessons?"
That made Y/N pull back. "Why is it so important to you that I do this?" She wasn't offended by him being so incessant with the drumming, but she was rather curious. And when he bit his lip, anxiety flickering in those blue eyes she'd already grown to love, her heart sped up a bit.
"Because you're this smart, gorgeous girl who spends her days working hard to get her degree while hanging out with other smart, gorgeous people who are also almost done with university; while I'm some college drop-out, twirling two wooden sticks and sometimes slapping them against a skin or a cymbal."
"Rog," Y/N was astonished at the words and quite honestly hurt. "You're one of the smartest people I know! How can you say that? Do you know how much it takes to get into dentistry, how resilient you have to be?"
His eyes had started to glisten as she looked at him so lovingly, he thought his heart had stopped and he was in heaven.
"You are smart," she said accentuating every word with a kiss. "You are talented. You are creative and imaginative. You are Roger fucking Taylor, and I adore each and every single atom of you!"
That had made him laugh, and the heavy feeling in his chest dissipated at least a little bit. "I'm just afraid that one day you'll leave and go look for someone who can stand by your side as your equal. So, I just wanted us to have something in common."
"Oh, love," Y/N had cooed and pressed their lips together in a passionate kiss, wrapping her leg around his waist and making him moan at the feel of her still sticky between her thighs; all his doing. "You are my equal. And... if it means that much to you, we can continue the lessons."
Roger's smile had widened tenfold as he rolled her over on her back, making Y/N giggle. "Besides, I can't really complain. The teacher is hot as fuck."
Present time's Roger's lips were already in a wide smile, but as he made his way deeper into the apartment, two mugs of steaming tea in hand, he frowned. Usually, she was playing one of Queen's songs, or some hyper jazz tune, like Benny Goodman's 'SING SING SING' making even Roger's jaw hang open at her skills, but this time it was neither.
The sounds were of pure rock, rather than rock and roll, and as he rounded the corner, he saw her in a state of absolute euphoria as a vinyl of AC/DC provided background guitar and bass, and 'Highway to Hell' rumbled through their apartment.
She was clad in one of his button ups and nothing more, hair wildly moving along to the heavy beat as she perfectly timed each bass hit and cymbal smash. Roger placed the two mugs on their mantlepiece and leaned against the doorframe, crossing his arms just observing his wife go at it.
He liked AC/DC, without a doubt. They were talented and had brought the genre of the rejects to the forefront of the mainstream. He was even good friends with the band, but there was just something about seeing Y/N's face split open in a wide smile as she played their songs that made something tug in his chest.
Of course, he knew just how proud she was of him and Queen. She'd been through the ups and downs with them, and not for one second had he doubted how much she cared for him and the band. But as the Australian group had erupted onto the scene with 'High Voltage', he had always feared she would just suddenly leave them. Not only Roger but Queen as a whole, for something more hard-core.
AC/DC was her favourite band, well apart from his own, thank you very much. She'd even tattooed their lightning bolt by her ankle after a drunken outing with a friend of hers. So now, seeing the woman, smash the drums as the song ended, her eyes blazing with adrenaline and joy, Roger couldn't help the jealousy that coursed through his veins.
"You're back!" her happy yell pulled him out of the wallowing as Y/N launched her body into his, face nuzzling in the crook of his neck.
"Of course," he mumbled, kissing the exposed skin of her collarbone. "Where else do you think I would go after recording, if not home?"
"I thought you all were going to Freddie's."
"And leave my best girl alone?"
"Mhm," Y/N pulled back, trailing a thumb over his bottom lip. "I better be your only girl, Mr Taylor."
"There is no one in the whole fucking galaxy that compares to you, Mrs Taylor. Why do you think I put that ring on your finger?"
Y/N chuckled, looking down at the dainty golden band under which a small silver one sat, a beautiful turquoise in the middle. Her heart warmed remembering how much Roger had been crying while down on one knee, trying to get the whole speech out, before abandoning it half-way and just asking her. How he had smiled when she'd said 'yes' could only be compared to the grin he'd sported on their wedding day.
"Though I think I might have to start worrying if I'm your only man."
Y/N frowned stepping back from her husband a bit. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"Nothing," Roger shook his head, instantly regretting the words as he saw his wife's face fall. "I didn't mean anything by it."
"Well you did mean something," she said tugging Roger to sit down at the edge of the bed and climbing in his lap. They always assumed this position when things were tough, or they had just made up after an argument. It made Roger feel safe, to be able to hold her so close, to have her chin rest above his head and her finger's weave through his hair.
He wrapped his arms around her waist and deeply sighed, pressing his face into her chest. A position he loved so much, for if he cried, he could cry without anyone seeing, and she'd always soothe his soul, tightening her grip on him and allowing him to just let everything go.
"You just..." he mumbled, lips moving against her skin. "You just weren't playing our songs, 's all."
"What do you mean our songs?"
"You know... Queen... The Beatles... stuff like that."
Y/N's brows furrowed, but she still kept her fingers in his hair. "I was playing 'Highway to Hell', so what? I thought you liked them? Aren't you like friends and stuff?"
"Yeah," Roger huffed and finally pulled away, bringing a palm to cup her cheek. "I am... It's just you always play our songs. And now you're supporting my rivals?"
"Rivals?!" Y/N spluttered, looking at Roger as if he had suddenly grown two heads. "Since when are they rivals to you?"
"Since the moment you started liking their music more than mine," and when his bottom lip jutted out in an adorable sulk, Y/N's whole body flushed with warmth.
"Is someone jealous?"
"No..." he moped, crossing his arms and turning his head to the side just so she couldn't kiss him.
"I think you are," she smiled, and clasped her hands around his neck, forcing the drummer to look at her. "But there is nothing to be jealous of," her voice had softened, and it made Roger's chest tighten at how caring Y/N was of his feelings. "I love AC/DC. And I love Queen. And The Beatles, and everything else in between and beyond. So just because one day, I decide to play something different doesn't suddenly mean, I don't love you. Rog, you know just how proud I am of you and everything you've accomplished."
He nodded at her words, fingers playing with the buttons of the shirt she was wearing.
"Then please remember this for the rest of our lives- I love you and I'm honoured to be a part of this crazy journey. And no matter how many bands come along, you and Queen will always be my number ones."
"I love you so fucking much," he mumbled, leaning up and kissing Y/N so passionately, she almost fell down to the ground from her straddling position.
"I know," she said hugging the man. "Why do you think I married you?"
" 'M pretty to look at?"
And feeling her whole body vibrate with laughter, made Roger soft.
"Not going to deny that. Not one bit."
Her fingers stroked through his hair, untangling the strands that needed it, when suddenly he pulled back, looking up at his wife, biting his bottom lip.
"Then what would you say if I wanted to make it up to you, by taking you to one of their shows."
Her whole body went rigid, and eyes turned wide as saucers. "Don't say things like that if you don't mean them. That's fucking horrible, Rog and you know it."
He laughed, certainly no longer feeling the bitterness. "I'm being serious. The guys are playing an exclusive show tonight, and I wasn't thinking of really going since I just came back from tour and wanted to spend the night with you, but what do you say? Wanna go and see AC/DC?" his blue eyes were hopeful as he looked at Y/N who was now standing, a hand's distance away from Roger, still not believing a single word he was saying.
"You're being serious right now?" Y/N tentatively asked, not even caring that the shirt had slipped halfway off as Roger had managed to unbutton it pretty much all the way down. And when he nodded his head, Y/N yelled in joy, tackling him to the bed and shedding their clothes faster than he could say 'cymbal'.


Y/N was pure nerves, as she let the jitters take over her. Queen and she were standing by the bar conversing between themselves after witnessing AC/DC obliterate the stage. She had been gushing for the past half an hour about the performance. Roger had only rolled his eyes and pecked her temple, the adrenaline of the show coursing through her veins.
"No, you don't get it!" she said to Deaky who just laughed at her ecstatic state. "I- I feel like I'm gonna pass out! I just fucking saw AC/DC!"
"And hearing praise from the wife of the greatest drummer alive, is the biggest compliment we could ever receive," said a gruff voice with a thick Australian accent behind her.
Y/N stilled completely, and Roger had to suppress a laugh as she dramatically turned around and was now face to face with none other than Brian Johnson. His smile was warm and welcoming as he shook Roger's hand and said 'hi' to the rest of the band.
"Rog here says you like our songs."
The woman could only nod, completely star struck. "You're Brian Johnson," Y/N blurted out not thinking whatsoever.
"That I am," the Australian chortled and took the beer Freddie was offering. "And I also know that this guy right here," he gave Roger a pointed look, "best keep you by his side, Y/N. A girl with such good music taste as yourself is a true keeper."
And she practically melted against Roger, who only shook his head. "You know my name."
"Mate won't shut up. Almost bashed his head in while on tour. Kept getting everyone down. 'I miss my wife. I miss Y/N. Can we fly her out here? I wanna go home,'" Brian said in a bad British accent, but what made Y/N turn around almost fuming wasn't the fact that he hadn't flown her out while he'd been away for so long,
"You went on tour with these guys? And didn't tell me?"
She was Roger gulp, but he shrugged, smirking lightly as Y/N whined and pressed her head in his shoulder. "I hate you, Rog."
Rubbing her back, he kissed her head before smiling widely, his wedding band shining almost as much as his grin did. "I love you too."
"Say," Brian perked up when Y/N turned around to face the singer, "do you wanna play a song with us? I'm sure Simon won't mind."
"Fuck yeah!" Y/N exclaimed as Brian's arm wove around her waist, and he led her towards the stage. It was only when she was practically out of sight, Roger snapped out of it.
"Wait a bloody second!" he yelled and ran after the pair, though not for a second did he feel jealousy, only pride as Y/N stepped behind the drums and rocked the world.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2020 ⏰

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