Chapter 4: The Day After

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*Karina's POV*

I don't know how I will ever repay the Mikaelsons. I spent all night thinking about it. Letting us stay here? Maybe this small town isn't so bad after all. They seem to be very protective and I believe Mikael had mentioned he was the person in charge of everyone.  So if anything this could be perfect for Jenli and I. Maybe I could ask Mikael for a small favor. Oh if only he would help, however he may be hunting and reject my offer. I'll have to speak to Esther this afternoon. After I have a talk with my daughter. That Jenli. She's all I have but boy is she in trouble. Running away from me when I specifically told her no. Mud all over her dress in front of boys! Not having manners at the table! My little girl troubling around. Next thing you know she's going to run off into the sunset with some boy and get herself killed! Best I go wake her up now.

Esther leads to me to what seems to be Rebekah's room. She opens the door and we see the two girls still asleep. I walk over to my daughter and shake her awake.

"Jenli! Wake up it's time to have a talk." I whisper in her ear. She wakes up without a word being said and follows me outside. We walk around the hut for a little privacy. 

"Jenli, what were you thinking?" I ask her. She looks at me. Avoiding my eyes. So I continue. "Yesterday you were supposed to stay by me. We don't know anybody here, it's dangerous. And if I knew that you would have been communing with the leaders of this small town I wouldn't have you parading around in this." I point to her outfit. I don't normally yell at her so I felt bad but this was not good. I doubt they will allow us to stay unless we show more respect.
"But also, we are staying." She looks up at me surprised. She also looks so happy. "That is if, Esther's family will help us build our own hut." She sighs but is still smiling. She's been running for too long. It's time to settle down. If they'll have us. I hug my daughter and tell her to go play with Rebekah if she is awake. I head back inside to talk to Esther. Her and her husband are in a deep conversation. Something about a neighboring town or something.

"Excuse me." I start. They look towards me and ask what is wrong. 

" Nothing is wrong, Esther. But I have come to a decision." I say. 

"Whatever it is, speak it now." Mikael says. 

"I would like for my daughter and I to stay here. In this town. Only if you agree." I finish. Esther smiles and Mikael nods. 

"You can stay, of course you can." Esther says. 

"I'll have the boys build you and your daughter a hut. Until it is finished you can stay here." Mikael adds. I smile and nod. Mikael walks outside and Esther and I follow. I'm happy for myself. But I'm more happy for my daughter.

*Niklaus POV*

"Boys!" Father yells for us. He sounds angry. We all run towards the sound.

"Yes Father?" Finn says first. Father looks at us all. 

"The Hartios' are staying. They will need a hut. It is your job to make it." Father says. Jenli is staying? She is so considerate and pretty. I don't fancy her as a love but she will always somehow be important to me. I just know it. 

"Where should we start Father?" Kol asks our father. Father points right next to our hut. 

"Get to it boys. It'll take probably more than a day but it better get done." He says and walks back to Mother and Karina. As if on cue the two most beautiful young ladies of the village come running through. Henrik picks up two flowers. The girls come to a stop in front of us. One is Jenli and the other is my sister Rebekah. Henrik steps forward towards the girls. Elijah and I oooooh and chuckle at Henrik giving the girls flowers. 

"Thank you, Henrik." Rebekah says. 

"Why, thank you, Henrik." Jenli says. She looks at Henrik to Kol who's already started walking away. Oooh looks like Kol's feelings aren't one sided. This'll be fun. 

"Jenli, mind a word?" I ask her. Elijah looks at me smiling.

"Sure Niklaus." She replies. I pull her aside. She's smiling.

"So, I wanted to ask you if you'd accompany me to the village gathering tonight." She looks at me like I'm crazy.

"Um, I don't know if I'm going." She says to me.

"Oh, well I'm pretty sure you are, and it would be just as friends." I reassured her. She looks at me still unsure.

"Oh come on Jenli. Be a little spontaneous." I continue.

"Fine. I'll go with you. But only as friends." She says finally.

"Great. We should probably get back. I have to help my brothers build you a hut." I say and I turn around to leave. 

"Wait! Does that mean we are staying?" She asks me.

"I'm guessing so if I'm building you a hut." I say. She smiles wide. And runs ahead of me and grabs Rebekah's arm and they're off. Glad I made that girls day.

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