Chapter 3

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I woke up with a smile on my face. I was so content. Why am i so content ? Then i felt an arm around me. I looked behind me and came in contact with a beard. Ugh i really hate his beard, i don't care if he thinks he's manly with it, i don't like it. I tried to get out of bed, but Damien pulled me more into him, if that was even possible. I tried again. Keyword being "tried". He's really strong. I tried and tried till i couldn't anymore. That's where my alarm started to go off. Oh really now you go off ?! I felt Damien moving behind me. I turned the alarm off and turned around. His eyes were open and he smiled at me. What is it with this man and smiles? Jeez.    

"Good morning" He said with another smile. Shaking  my head i gave him a kiss on his cheek and tried to get out of his embrace which was another fail. "Damien ? Could you please let go, darling ? I need to go to work." I asked him as calm as possible. He was irritating me right now. I guess that's why i never really had a boyfriend. I get irritated fast. But since i told him he's my husband i had to suck it up and just get over it. "Aren't you going to stay home with me ?" He asked me in a sad voice. I really didn't wanna go to work. I wanted to make sure he was okay and didn't walk to much. "I have to go to work, i have a case today. I really have to go, i'm really sorry. But i'll be home before you know it. Yeah?" He nodded softly. I kissed his cheek again and smiled. "Now go back to sleep." I got up before he could change his mind. 

"-this case is closed........" Everybody clapped. I was happy i won the case and that my client was content with me doing my job well. Now i really wanna go home and celebrate with my  "husband". I started packing all the papers i had set on the table 2 hours ago. I felt a hand  on my shoulder and turned as quick as possible. There stood the son of my client that was hitting on me for the past 3 weeks since he met me. I really didn't have a thing for him. I mean i don't do player's nor casanova's. I love my peacefully and happy life with myself. I just hope Damien can keep me happy. 

"Hey Celine, what are you doing later ? Maybe we could go out and celebrate winning the case." He said smiling bright showing his clean white teeth. "I'm really sorry, but i don't think my husband would approve of me going out with a guy." His smile fell."You're married?!" He shouted. Everybody looked my way. Uh oh ..... "Uh..Yeah..." Everybody was looking at me confused. "When did you get married Cel?" Martha, my co-worker asked. I didn't trust my voice so i just nodded and smiled. I cleared my throat. "Uh yesterday, we just wanted a small wedding, you know?" I was nervous about answering these questions. Right then my phone started ringing. Aah saved by.... my house phone? "Sorry, i really have to take this. I'll see you soon. Byeee!!" And i rushed out of there. I picked it up as fast as possible. 

"Hello? Damien?" The voice i heard on the other line almost killed me. "Hi, sweetheart." I swear my eyes were as big as bugsy from the movie : Bedtime Stories. "Hhhiii m-mmom?" My heart was beating so fast. "Why wasn't i invited to your wedding?" Oh shit ! I'm in so much trouble. "You get your butt over here young lady. Now!!!" Then she hung up on me.  She was super mad so i got in my car and quickly drove home. 

As i closed the front door, i was immediately embarrassed in big arms. I smelled his cologne. It smelled like i don't know, Armani men's cologne ? I do know this smell though. My boss's husband uses this one too. I looked up at him and turns out he was already looking at me. He kissed me like there was no tomorrow. There were so many emotions i was feeling like safe, happy and love. Did i just say love ? Oh my god. I'm turning into a love sick puppy. He's making me feel all these types of emotions i haven't felt before. He let go and kissed me on my forehead.

"I missed you. You have no idea how lonely i was until mom came." He pointed to my mother, who was sitting on a  kitchen stool with crossed arms, a glare and leaning on the counter. May i add she was glaring at me, but smiling at Damien. I'm in so  much trouble. "Hi mom !" Oh no! That sounded so fake. "Hi, sweetheart" I could hear the bitterness in her voice. "Can i talk to you alone for a moment, darling ?" Still glaring at me. I nodded hesitantly. I walked over to her while Damien went into the living-room to watch t.v.. 

"Can you tell me what's going on ?" My mom whispered-yelled. I sighed. "Mom, where do i begin ? So you know that i couldn't come the other day, because i got into an accident right?" she nodded her head. "Well that guy in my living-room kinda jumped in front of my car." I said quickly. "WHAT ?!!!!" I shushed her immediately. "He has amnesia and doesn't remember a thing of his past, which belongs to amnesia. So i took him in since it was my car that almost ran over him. I panicked when he asked me if i was his wife, I just couldn't come up with a better answer so i just nodded. That's how he became my husband." My mother shook her head. "Well since you opened your big mouth, you are getting married. Real life this time. A ceremony will be held and everything will be planned by me." What ?! Is she mad ? "Mom no, please don't do it. If you want me to get married ? Fine, i'll do it, but please no ceremony. No guest. I just want it to be private and legal." My mother sighed. "Okay, fine" I smiled in triumphantly. I was happy, she finally agreed to something i wanted. 

"Uh.... anybody in there ?! I'm hungry! I would get it myself, but someone will just scold me." Damien said out loud. And it's true i would scold him. I took my blazer of and made my way to him. "Hey...." He smiled at me. "Uh you know i don't really like you in a beard." His smile faltered. He looked upset. Oh no. "No it's not that i don't like it, it's just since mom wasn't at the wedding, she's making us get married again." He chuckled. One minute I was sitting on the arm rest and the next i was sitting on Damien's lap. "Well if you wanna make me look fresh, you're gonna have to shave me." Hmm..... yeah i could do that. It's easy. 

"Alright... Let's go." We both got up and  went to the bathroom where i had shaving cream and the shave subject. I decided to change in more comfortable clothes.I was now in some sweats and a tank top. I started to put the shaving cream on his face and when done, started cutting. When i was done i looked at the Greek god in front of me. I was sitting on his lap staring at him. "Babe, is there something wrong ? Do i look ugly ?" He was asking if he was ugly ? It's more like the opposite of ugly. I shook my head not trusting my voice. He smirked and took my face in his hands and kissed me like there was no one but me who could satisfy him. God, I'm falling in love with him every second i spent with him. Thank you for giving him to me or should i say jumping in front of my car.

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