Chapter 4

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It was 6 a.m. and i'm already awake. I decided i would stay home today with Damien. We could do lots of stuff together. I started making plans for the day. Damien needs more clothes, so we could go shopping. Ugh shopping. I groaned forgetting that "my husband" was sleeping behind me. I turned immediately to see if i woke him up. Guess what, he was watching me with an amusing glint in his eyes and a smile to top it off. 

He was really handsome, especially without the annoying beard on his face. I touch his face automatically. He grabbed my hand and kissed the inside of my palm. He's so sweet. Wait!! What if he has a wife?! I mean he has amnesia so he only knows that i'm his wife, which i'm not but he could've had a wife who he maybe had problems with, which explains why he would jump in front of my car. 

"Why are you frowning, my love?" Damian's voice snapped me out of my trance. His thumb was on my lips moving side to side. I couldn't breath all of a sudden. He takes my breath away. I pushed his arms away from me and got out of bed as quick as possible. I made my way to the living-room to call my mom. I grabbed the phone and dialed her number. I can't marry him, i just can't. Nothing's right, yet it feels so right to be in his arms. The phone got picked up on the third ring.

"Hello?" I heard my mom's voice. She was an early riser so it explains why she picked it up so cheerfully. "Mom? I can't do it, it doesn't seem right. Cancel everything, I can't marry him. What if-" My mom cut me off "Sweetheart, it's going to be fine. You can do it. I see the way he looks at you-" now it was my turn to cut her off. "You're just saying that because you want me to get married." I rolled my eyes. "Well yes and no. You can finally get married and also to a guy that loves you. Bonus points he's ripped." my mom gushed over Damien. The thing she said got me thinking, he loves me? "Mom how do you know that he loves me?" My mom laughed. "Sweety it's pretty obvious he does. I see the way he looks at you, it's the same way your dad used to look at me. The same glint in their eyes. Love. That young man loves you from the moment he layed his eyes on you. Why do you you think he asked you if you were his wife? Because an alien magically broke into his brain and told him to ask that ? No. But i understand if you really don't wanna marry him. I won't mind. Just give him to me, yeah, he could be your new stepfather." I could imagine my mom winking at nothingness. "Mom, first of all your weird. Aliens don't exist or do they? Second, EWW!" My mom laughed. That's when i felt strong arms being wrapped around my waist. Butterfly kisses were planted on my neck. I couldn't breath. My mom was still talking to me."M-Mom i-i-i n-nee-eed to g-go and  th-thi-rd, th-hank yo-you f-for c-con-vincing m-me. I-I-I L-lo-ve y-o-ou. Byee!!" 

Damien chuckled, he knew what he was doing was the reason for me stuttering. Oh he is evil. He turned me around and took the phone out of my hands. I watch his every move, it was so fascinating. All my attention was on him. I didn't even notice what he was planning till i was in his arms bridal style. I laughed when he picked me up. I swear this is another moment of the romantic series i watched with mom. "Are you staying  home with me?" Damien asked me. I nodded. "Good then lets have a lazy day and he put me on the bed and got on top of me. Oh-oh if this gets heated-too late he's kissing my neck. I sat up quickly."Uhm i was actually thinking of going out with you. You know a little bit of shopping. We need to get you more clothes. So, uh yeah shopping it is." I stood up and went to the bathroom. "Why do you keep pushing me away? Is it something i did? You can't keep pushing me away. We're a married couple for god sake, let's talk about this." Damien was really getting on her nerves right now. 

"Look i just need a shower so could you please just go out and let me take a shower." I tried to say as calm as i could. It wasn't easy. Damien let out an annoying sigh and left. I undressed and went in the shower. Not even half way through her shower she heard sounds of glass break. She turned off the shower and listened again thinking she was just hearing things. But she wasn't, there were more things breaking. She took her towel and wrapped herself in it while walking out of the room. What the hell is happening ?!

"Damien?!" She called out his name. Damien was standing with a face full of rage. Around him was broken glass. My mother's vase !! "Damien what's wrong ?" She asked concerned. She walked over to him, careful not to step onto the glass. "Damien ? Can you please step out of the glass?" Damien looked at her, he wore a heart broken face. "Why ? You don't care about my feelings !! Why should you care about me then ? Huh?!" He yelled at her. For the first time, she was scared of a man. She was never scared, but now she knows how those clients of her felt to be abused by their husband that led to divorcing and of course jail time. "I-I care a-ab-bout you, b-b-beca-a-cause i-i l-l-love y-you." Damien's face softened when he heard those 3 words out of my mouth. He carefully walked over to me. "I'm sorry, i didn't mean to flip out." he chuckled. "I just got mad, it's like you're ignoring me, which you aren't right?" He asked me. I looked everywhere except his face. 

"Celine? You aren't, are you?" He was growing impatient. "N-no of course not" I said quickly not wanting him to break anything in the room. He just looks so violent it scared her. He smiled at her and kissed her cheek. "So are you done with the shower, i need to use it to if we're going shopping." He chuckled. I nodded. "Great!!" He kissed my cheek and went to the room. I just stood there thinking of what just happened. Is Damien Bipolar? Or is he really frustrated that he's being ignored. I need to ask the doctor. I could make an appointment right now. I walked over to the phone and dialed the doctors number. I immediately made an appointment before Damien got out of the shower. 

 I would say shopping with Damien isn't that bad. It was actually fun. After the little incident we had he was fine. It was like it never happened. I'm worried about him. Even though he drinks his meds on time, that shouldn't happen right ? Right now we were looking for my mom at the mall. Apparently she wanted to see my hunk of a husband. My mom is weird and so is my little sister, i guess i took after my father. I must admit though i might act weird sometimes. 

By the time we arrived at my apartment, we were exhausted. I had shopping bags in my hand and so did Damien. Damien threw the bags on the floor and went to lay on the big sofa i had in the living-room. He opened his arms wide and grinned at me. I laughed and went into those safe arms. I must admit that i am kinda scared of him at times, because i don't know him that well, but i'm falling in love. Now that's the part i'm afraid of. Well i'll just enjoy my time with him until it's over. 


Hello, fellow readers!!! Kinda late, but i updated. That's what's important. I hope you enjoyed reading it. Oh and i would love to thank Shiwii (darklyalone) for making the cover. Thanx again, wifey. And also could you read my other books that i'm currently working on. It would mean so much. Oh God, i hope i don't sound desperate. Soo anywho don't forget to comment, vote and follow. Love youuuu!!!!! Ciao !!!!

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