Chapter 20: Speed

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3rd POV

        As Soundwave, in his Predacon form, took of running, Bulkhead immediately raised his blaster in an attempt to shoot the dragon. "No!" A slightly raspy feminine voice rang out. Ravage. "Don't shoot him," Ravage spoke in almost perfect English. "He's exercising his legs before he flies. This is the first time he's changed in decades! Don't ruin it for him." 

        A tap on the foreleg alerted Ravage. "Why was Soundwave screaming when he transformed? It didn't hurt him right?" Miko asked, concerned eyes looking up at the Cybercat. Ravage let out what seemed like a laugh. "Oh, no, human, it didn't hurt him. He loved the feeling. The feeling to take on his true form again." She laughed again. 

        Miko nodded, looking thoughtful. she opened her small mouth to talk, but a slight shaking of the ground alerted her. Soundwave and his huge, monstrous form bounded this way. "I'm ready." He said. Ravage rose from her spot and Laserbeak flew overhead. Soundwave walked up to the very edge of the cliff, his tail swaying behind him. His huge, black wings started to slowly spread. And then...

        ...He jumped. 

        Miko screamed while Mrs. Darby let out a surprised wail. Then, a huge black blur shot upwards. Huge, metal wings beat the air, making the humans' hair whip back and forth. Spiraling upwards towards the moon, Soundwave was in pure bliss, the feeling of the wind in his armor. 

        Miko 'whoop'ed. Soundwave's tail lashed in a feeling nobody knew. His dragon-like ears whipped around in the wind, his pearly white denta glistened. He looked like he was in pure bliss.

Soundwave's POV

        Nobody can save me now, I thought. I have completely given into my predator, and I loved it.I was panting by the time I reached the group again. I had flown for thirty minutes, and realized something in Miko's behavior. She looked so left out and sad. She looked longingly at me fly, so, I made a decision.

        "Miko." I said. "Would you like to ride on my back?" I asked her. I gave a small, toothy grin as her eyes filled with light. "Yes! Yes! Please, Optimus!" She begged the Prime. Optimus chuckled, "Of course, Miko." He laughed. 

        She ran to my, scurrying up my scaled and plopping down in the space between my ears. My claw twitched. I was extremely sensitive there. Ravage smiled a cat-like smile at me. "Laserbeak would like to accompany you." She stated. ::Gladly.:: I said through the mental link to both of them. Laserbeak squawked in delight and landed on my horn, nuzzling a really eager Miko.

        I neared the edge, but a harsh voice stopped me. "You can't jump with Miko there. She'll get hurt." Bulkhead sneered. I growled and raised my wings, making me look bigger, although I was already much taller than him. Then I gave them a huge push downwards, shooting into the air. Miko screamed in glee, clutching my left ear like a lifeline.

        Laserbeak slowly raised his wings and flew up into the air, falling behind a bit, but quickly regathering speed and rejoining me at my snout. I glided down and skimmed the water with my right wing, spraying Miko with cool sea mist. My claws tapped the water and I felt like I was floating!

        I gave my wings another calm flap and burst into the air again. "Okay, Miko, I'm going to begin the ritual. Hang on tight!" I shouted in happiness. I angled downwards and pressed my wings to my body. I raced down through he clouds and curved up, snapping opened my wings right before I would have hit the ocean below. Spinning upwards, I snapped my wings opened and soared for a few seconds, then angled up and flew as fast and hard as I could to the sky. As soon as the air started to thin, I blew a string of black fire to the moon. A sign of my honor. 

        I glided lazily back down to the ocean before splashing down into the cool water. Using my tail and paws to slowly propel myself through the water, I let my wings droop. The ritual itself lasted forty minutes, but it seemed like hours. Miko was smiling widely, gripping my ear and horn. She was quiet, eyes wide and that sappy grin on her face looked like she was frozen. 

        I used my tail to splash a small wave of cold sea water at her. She shrieked and fell off my head and into the small, and sensitive, place between my wings. Her small hands and feet thrashed as she slipped and slid, trying to gain her balance. 

        I shuddered. My wings flinched as I bit back a laugh. Now, she was trying to claw her way back up neck. I arched my back, giving out a huge laugh. Miko stopped her attempts. I finally wrapped my tail around her waist and returned her to her original spot next to my ear. 

        Laserbeak cawed, warning me of an incoming boat. It was far away, but now I was unable to fly away. "Hey, Miko?" I asked. "Yeah?" "Can you climb into my mouth?" "What?!" "There is a human boat approaching. I need to swim back to the ledge. I cannot risk being seen, remember?" I reminded. Miko groaned.

        I opened my mouth and grimaced as Miko slid down a fang and landed onto my glossa. I shut my moth gently after she plopped herself down in the middle of my mouth. I took a deep vent, then closed off all the openings, protecting my wires from the cool, salty, sea. 

        I plunged downwards, optics adjusting to the dark. I sped forwards, my wings and tail adding thrust. The cold ocean cooled my sizzling hot armor. It was nice. Miko, inside my mouth, was admiring my fangs. "Wow," She said, her voice echoing and sending tremors down my throat. It took all my willpower NOT to swallow her. 

        A sharp flick of my glossa stopped her. As I neared to cove, I resurfaced and fanned my wings, before jumping onto the ledge where the Autobots stood. "Where's Miko?" Asked Jack. I rumbled deep in my chest, then spat Miko onto the grass. 

        Miko stood, shaking herself off and then 'whooping' in excitement. I grinned a wide, fanged grin and gave Miko a lick with my huge glossa. She laughed, stumbling. 

        Laserbeak landed on my horn and squawked happily while Ravage padded over and laid on my giant paw. I am finally satisfied. 

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