Underneath the Street Lights

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I walk down Serpent's pass road away from Wa Shi tong library. I walk on the sidewalk and hear a low rumble from behind me. I look back and a man in a car. I turn back around and begin to walk faster.

"HEY!" I hear but ignore it.

"HEY I WAS TALKING TO YOU" I hear, then a car runs onto the sidewalk and the man comes out.

"What the hell" I say.

"I was talking to you." The man says.

"You could have killed me." I yell as I grab my bag and walk around the front of the car.

"Not so fast little boy." I hear as I feel a strong hand grab my arm. 

"Hey let go of me!" I yell as I look back at the man.

"Got some fire in your eyes don't you" The man says.

"You better hope not." I say as I clench my fists.

"You there leave him alone." I hear and look back to see my main Criminology teacher Ms. Beifong.

"Or what?" The man sneers. I instantly feel bad for him. In a matter of seconds the man is on the ground and Ms. Beifong is standing on him.

"That, now get out." Beifong says. I readjust my sweater as the man gets back into the car and speeds off.

"Thank you." I say as I pick up my bag from the floor.

"Why do you always go around in the dark?" Ms. Beifong asks as we begin to walk away from the scene.

"I was at the library studying again." I say.

"Of course you were. You know I worry about you (Y/N). You are my best student but you are jumped everyday it seems and, correct me if I'm wrong but you always seem to be in the library. Is this how your parents would have wanted you to spend your collage years? No big social interactions?" Ms. Beifong says and I shrug.

"They said get good grades and study hard. Never said anything about friends." I say as we begin to see the Koi complex in the distance.

"Alright, but I still don't think it is too healthy. So I'm giving you a challenge." She says and I look at her.

"Which is?" I ask.

"You will be doing a report for me." She says and I smile.

"What case?" I ask.

"Yours." She says and I look at her confused.

"I meant like whose crime am I looking at?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"You will be doing a profile on yourself. You have one week to turn it in. From there we will go into the next phase." She says as we appear at the Koi complex.

"But ma'am we haven't learned a lot about profiling, only about profiling criminals which is completely different then profiling a civilian." I say and she smiles.

"You are smart, you'll figure it out. Besides it isn't for a grade per say. Extra credit, and if you really want to impress me you'll do a second profile on someone of your interest. Someone you might want to know better and not Druk." She says and my mind wanders to Bolin. I nod and unlock the door to the Omashu building.

"Okay, challenge accepted." I say and she nods her head.

"I'll be waiting then." She says as she turns away and I walk into my dorm. I climb the flights of stairs and walk the empty halls and open my dorm room. I see my roomate. He was covered in paint and there was a half dry paint brush stuck behind his ear.

"You have to get up now." I say as I shake him awake he pounces up.

"Oh hey (Y/N) you're back early." He says.

"Thanks Druk for noticing." I say as I sigh.

"So, why are you back early?" Druk asks. His red hair wild.

"Just got bored." I say.

"Of studying? Not even possible. Come on what was it really?" Druk asks.

"It was nothing." I say a bit aggressively.

"Not don't go biting off like a dragon." Druk says and I chuckle slightly. Druk is the closest thing I have to a friend.

"Oh alright, I'm going to tutor someone and I need my sleep cause I know this is going to be a headache." I say and Druk smiles even wider then I thought possible.

"You mean you might actually meet someone. Learn what they are like and all on your own?" Druk asks and I stare at him.

"I met you didn't I?" I ask.

"Forced too." Druk says and I shake my head.

"Fien I would like to know this person a bit better. Plus they seem nice, for a jock." I say and Druk cocks his head.

"So who is it? What class are you tutoring them in. Come on I need details." Druk says.

"Anatomy, he is a nice guy and-" I begin.

"A guy, you are tutoring a guy? Is he cute?" Druk asks and I shake my head.

"I should never have told you I liked males." I say and Druk sits next to me.

"Nope you shouldn't have, now spill. Is he cute, eye color, hair color. I need everything." Druk says.

"Green eyes black hair." I say and Druk fake faints.

"God, i she buff?" Druk asks.

"Druk stop you are acting like a little middle school girl." I say.

"Well what is his name?" Druk asks.

"His name is Bolin." I say with a shrug.

"Man, I have to meet this  Bolin guy. Make sure he doesn't hurt my baby." Druk says.

"What, like you would. He is in the Ba Sing Se building in the Badgermole complex. You walking half way would be a miracle." I say and realize what I said.

"Well it is our sister building." Druk says grabbing a coat and a bag.

"Druk it is seven at night don't you dare do this." I say slowly approaching him.

"Can't stop me!" He yells as he swings the door open. I follow quickly just barely grabbing my keys from the shelf and following him down the hall and stairs. He gets outside and begins to bolt faster and I lose him.

"DRUK YOU SON OF A GUN!" I yell after him.

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