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"And so what is one way to counter act that?" I ask Bolin as we sit in the courtyard of the Badgermole Complex.

"Well um, I'm not entirely sure." Bolin says in a sheepish voice.

"It's okay. When you stutter what are some causes?" I ask and Bolin ponders for a moment.

"When I'm extremely scared, or sad. So I guess calming down would be a good way to help stuttering." Bolin says and I smile.

"Nice okay and what if it is cause by blocking?" I ask him.

"Well if it is psychological blocking then trauma or group therapy will help. If it is physical blocking then speech therapy will help." Bolin says.

"And how are those two different?" I ask him.

"Well with physical blocking it is usually something you are born with or an injury. You have to retrain your muscles with speech therapy. With psychological blocks it is usually from an emotion trauma so therapy helps. Also you need a loving environment to help as well." Bolin says looking proud of himself.

"Well that is about it. You seem all ready to me. It is tomorrow anyways so not much more we can do. Just read over your notes and get a good nights rest. No partying or anything." I say and Bolin nods his head.

"Thank you so much (Y/N). How can I repay you?" Bolin asks.

"Oh well um. I'm tasked with some profiling, I wonder if I could do a profile on you?" I ask and he looks confused.

"What is that? Do you need to like watch me move around at night or something?" Bolin asks.

"No I have all the information I need to do it. I just wanted your permission." I say and Bolin squares his eyes.

"When did you gather information on me? You haven't even met my friends." Bolin says and I smile.

"The whole point of profiling is to find out about that person without them knowing. So you can predict what they are going to do next." I say as I take out a file from my backpack.

"What is that?" Bolin asks.

"It's your file. Do you want to read it. I had to do it for school. Ms. Beifong wouldn't let me do it on my roomate." I say and Bolin nods as he holds the file. He flips through the file and nods with it.

"Wow." Bolin mumbles as he gives the file back.

"So, how did I do?" I ask.

"Super precise almost scary. In a good way." He says and I nod. I look down at the file and remember what I had written.

"So um I have a question." I say.

"Shoot." He says.

"I wrote that you most likely had an emotional trauma from when you were younger. Causing you to stay a bit more on the goofy side while what I've heard from your brother was forced to grow up faster. Do you mind if I ask what it was?" I ask him.

"Oh um, our parents died when we were young and we lived out on the streets. That was until we came here to learn. We both got in on scholar ships and then met our friends." Bolin says with a little tear in his eye.

"Hey love birds get off the grass would you." I hear and look over to see Asami with Korra.

"Hi!" Bolin says as out of nowhere from behind Korra a red ferret appears.

"uh oh." I mumble as I recognize it.

"PABU!" Bolin yells as he runs over and the ferret climbs onto his arm. I smile slightly.

"Hey Bolin, Mako wants you." Asami says and Bolin nods and runs off with Pabu and his stuff. Without him here I fall back into my shell.

"So you are the mysterious tutor we always hear about." Korra says.

"Korra you've seen me a few times." I say trying not to stutter.

"Oh Korra be nice. What she means to say is hi, how have you been?" Asami asks.

"Fine," I mumble.

"So we didn't want to tell Bolin but um, your roommate is something." Korra says with a small smile.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Well about a week ago he appeared at our building. Haven't seen him since." Asami asks.

"Oh yeah, I um, he is all good. Sorry if he bothered you." I say as I collect my things.

"He said you didn't have a car and that you are at the Koi complex. Are you heading there now?" Korra asks.

"Yeah," I say as I begin to walk away cowering. I felt like I didn't belong.

"We can drive you back." Asami says as she catches up with me.

"Um no thanks I can walk." I say as I readjust everything in my hands.

"Are you sure, it wouldn't be any trouble." Korra says.

"No I'm okay thanks for the offer though." I say. I didn't want them to see where I lived. It was nice having people not know you really were the outsider among the outsiders.

"Then we will walk you there." Korra says as she smiles and I shake my head.

"I'm sure you two are busy and stuff with finals arriving, so I'm sure you need to head back." I say and walk away. I rush away and begin to head back to my dorm. I walk awhile until I hear something in the bushes. I look back and don't see anything. I walk a little further and hear it again and look back and there I see him.

Kai, my old bully.

"Hey (Y/N) how are you?" He asks, a few of his friends appearing behind him.

"Kai I don't want to do this." I say looking at him as he walks closer. I put down my bag.

"Come on, lets dance." He says as he throws a punch and I duck under it and hit a few of his pressure points in a quick motion causing him to fall back.

"My arm, what did you do!" He yells as he looks at his limp arm.

"I learned a few tricks." I say talking about my chi blocking.

"GET HIM!" Kai yells and a few of his friends run at me and I paralyze them all in a few seconds. I pick up my bag and sigh.

"I told you I didn't want to do this." I say as I walk away from the groaning men. Little did I know who was in the bushes.

"He was amazing." Korra mumbles to Asami.

"Why didn't Bolin say he could do that?" Asami asks.

"Well Bolin said it himself. He shows up for class then tutoring then he disappears till the next day. He doesn't know much about him. This mystery man." Korra says.

"Must everything be like a detective novel with you?" Asami asks.

"Yes," Korra says a bit loud which triggers my response. I know that voice.

"You can come out." I say as I look back and Korra and Asami appear.

"Sorry we just wanted to make sure you could get back safely." Asami says.

"Well I'm safe and I think I proved I can get back safely, so goodbye." I say as I turn around and begin to walk off.

"Why are you so distant!" Korra yells as she begins to run over.

"Korra stop." Asami yells out and she grabs my arm and in a reaction I block her and paralyzed her to the ground.

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