The Reason Why She is Selfish

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There she sits just staring in to space, thinking about how much she hates the world. She ready to say good-bye.

Her eyes are red, her cheeks are wet. She been crying for days and she has grow sick of it but she can't stop. He broke her fragile human heart and she feels ugly and worthless. She loved him and she thought he loved her but it was all a lie. A sick lie.

Three years... That’s how long they were together. Allot happen when you are with someone that long. You learn so much and start caring for that person; you never want to say good-bye.

Now she felt alone, sitting on a rock in the middle of no where. She is ready to say good-bye. Sighing she pulls out a knife but she to scared to look at it. Scared that she would change her mind.

Her pale hands shaking, there is no sound around the blonde hair teen. The fields are silent waiting for the girl. More tears fall as she thought of her past.

Her beautiful mother who could annoy till you want her dead but you loved her the next day with everything you had. A dad who would call every her boyfriend Skippy just to see you smile cause you know that he was joking. Her parents that she was blessed with, she knows that they care and loved her.

Her phone rang her mother ring tone making more tears come to her eyes. She wanted so bad to hear her mommy's voice again. To be in her arms and listen to her sing you to sleep, little when you were little. She let it ring though knowing if she answered it she would go home and never finish what she had started. The phone went silent

The knife still sat in her right hand mocking her. She was done...finished...dead. Her eyes closed as she gripped it tighter auguring with herself over what was right thing to do. She fell to her knees screaming into the ground. Truly not caring if anyone heard her anymore.

Her phone rang again but this time it was not her mother. It was one of her friends, she ignore it. Those people left when HE had broke her heart. They laughed and walked away from her. Leaving all alone.

She closed her eyes bringing the knife up knowing this was the only way to stop her pain. The world around was quiet, the trees watching her waiting to see when she would end her self. With one last tear she did it.

She screamed in pain as the knife hit her skin and went in her. Her blood fell down her shirt and down her legs. Her tears didn't stop like she wanted them too. Her head felt lighter and she soon be came dizzy. Her body fall back, her head hitting the rock behind her. Then it all went black.

The sixteen year old was dead. Her blonde hair became red and her green eyes closed never to be seen again.

You know what is funny though? This was all because of a boy who didn't even care...


Suicide is the most selfish thing you could ever do. ~Chaseylove


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