Chapter 3 | Fuck.

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Your dream : You were running from something but you didn't know what , you were so scared , and out of breath , that you stopped running. But the person who was chasing you was catching up to you. You started running again , but stumbled over a rock , and fell. When the person reached you , they took off their hood.

That's when you woke up to your alarm , loudly beeping. You turned it off and checked the time. 8:05. It must have been ringing for about 5 minutes now , which was strange. You weren't a heavy sleeper , and loud things like your alarm would've woke you up.

You decided to ignore it , and got dressed. It was your first day back to school. " What a nightmare. " You thought to yourself , as you put on your dark grey colored top , and black skirt.

As soon as you were finished getting ready , you grabbed your bag went down stairs , and headed out the door  to walk to the bus stop. You were suprised to see Barry and David waiting for the bus too.

" Y/n!! " David cheerfully said , as he hugged you and smiled at you.

" Oh hi guys , I didn't really expect to see you guys here this early. " You said smiling.

" Yeah we're usually the first ones here. " Barry said looking over at you.

" So where's nerd boy? " You asked the boys smirking.

" Oh , he's usually late to school , and sometimes he takes his car. " David replied to you.

" Makes sense.. he probably wakes up at like 9:00. " You joked , and made Barry and David smile at your comment.

A few minutes later , the bus arrvied , and you , Barry , and David sat together , but they were sitting behind you. You guys talked thought out the ride , but as soon as you reached the first stop , you were suprised to see Mark standing at the entrance of the bus. He walked towards you , and then looked at David.

" David , trade places with me , I need to talk to Barry. " Mark demanded , as David walked up , and sat next to you. David didn't mind sitting next to you , because he smiled right as he sat down.

You and David talked , and you just now realized that that was the first time you saw David without that weird viking helmet. He looked so adorable! " David can I play with your hair- " you asked as you smiled at him.

He giggled , " sure! " You smiled , and played with his hair , it was soft and floofy. Everything about david reminded you of an innocent child , and he was really sweet , he was like a little brother you never had.

As soon as the bus reached you guys' school , you got off with the boys and headed inside. The boys went off to their lockers , and so did you. Your girl friends ran up to you and squealed. " EEEEE! OMG Y/N HIIII!! "

" Oh hey girls , nice to see you guys. " You smiled slightly.

" How is it with those boys girl?? Do you like any of them?? " They smiled widely and starred at you , waiting for your response. " I just met them!! " You smiled at them and then checked the time. " I got to get to my class see you guys! " You left , and headed to your class.

Mark's POV :

For some reason I couldn't stop thinking of her , and how close we got the night before. But.. why..? You couldn't figure out why she was on your mind.. it was probably because you were being salty about the dnd match. You hated to admit it , but she did flawlessly beat you , fair and square. " Oh shit! I'm late for class! " You ran through the halls , and saw someone who was the absolute last person you wanted to see.

" Running through the halths I she. " Jason said , raising an eyebrow at you.

" Ugh! First a scout , then a hall monitor? I should've known. " You sighed in annoyance at him.

" I can write you up for running in the halls you know. " Jason crossed his arms.

" Jason , I'm already late to my class. I really don't need you scolding me for running in the halls. " You said rolling your eyes.

" Fine then. You may path. But next time , I'm writing you up mithter. " He said.

" Whatever. " You replied. Then you were off the class.

~ Back to your POV ~ :

You were in your first class. Which would've been P.E. if you weren't a cheerleader. You honestly kind of liked cheerleading. You didn't have to do anything hard , well. Anything you didn't already know how to do.

You were on the field , and noticed Mark running laps in his class. " Oh fuck.. he's gonna-... " Right as you mumbled that under your breath , he looked over at you and you both immediately turned red. He looked away , which made you a bit relieved. Like P.E. , you had to wear uniform to this class.. which meant you had to wear your cheerleading outfit...

As soon as your cheerleading class was over , you rushed to the bathroom to change. You absolutely hated being in that thing , and now it was even worse because now Mark saw you in it. " Fuck he's gonna tease me so hard. " You thought as you shook your head.

After you changed you went to your next class , science. Nothing can go wrong right? WRONG. He was in that class to. AND HE SAT RIGHT ACROSS FROM YOU. You buried your face on the desk. " This can't get any worse. " You quietly said as you sighed.

Then you saw Barry and David walk in. " Godamnit. " You thought silently. " What if he tells them??? " You nervously took out your science book when the teacher directed the class to turn to pages 17-18 and start reviewing it with a partner. David walked up to you and asked if you wanted to review it with him , and you agreed , then you guys started reading.

" Hey , Y/n , are you alright? I noticed your hands are shaking a bit... " David looked concerned.

" Oh it's nothing I'm fine.. " you replied , smiling at him.

" Oki doki then! ",  David smiled at you.

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