Chapter 5 | Happily Ever After 🖤

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As you spent more time with the boys , ( well Mark ) you realized you developed feelings for Mark... The more time you spent with him , the more you fell for him. Then , school ended , and it was summer break. You could spend every single day with him.

" Y/n. "Y/n wake up! " You opened your eyes to see Mark , David , and Barry standing by you in your room.

" Wh- how'd you guys get in?? " You said , confused as to why they were in your room.

" Your mom let us in. Duh. What? Do you think we broke in your house or something? " Mark replied.

" Godamn Mark , do you always have to act like an emo bitch on her period? " You asked Mark , raising an eyebrow.

Mark got red in the face , and Barry and David started laughing. Then you realized it.

" Uhh.. I need to get changed guys.. I'm kinda not wearing clothes... " You said blushing.

" O-oh , we'll get out Y/n! Sorry.. " David said as he pushed Mark and Barry out with him , and shut your door.

You got your clothes , and put them on as quick as possible , you didn't want your friends waiting for you. You quickly put on your eyeliner , and walked down the stairs with the boys.

" So what's happening today that's so important that you guys need to barge in my room and wake me up god early in the morning? " You asked.

" I have a schedule planned for today. It's very specific. " Mark answered.

" What? Where are we even going? " You asked , you didn't know what weird things Mark had planned , but you hoped it was something good.

" Mark won't tell us. He just said it's very important. " Barry said to you.

You walked to Mark's house , and there was a red car parked in the driveway , and Mark took out keys from his pocket. You assumed it was his car , and before you could make assumptions , he was rushing you guys in the car.

" Jeez Mark , are you kidnapping us? " You giggled , and starred at him.

He didn't respond , and just looked at you with a weird look.

" Y/n , sit in the front. " Mark demanded.

" Why do I have to sit in the front? " You asked with a tone.

" I told you how specific I planned today. "

You got in the front seat , and you were pretty concerned on what Mark planned , it wasn't like him to take you guys somewhere. He also had a pretty nice car. As you guys were in the car , you noticed the streets you were passing , then immediately knew you were going to the mall.

" Alright you ass , where are we going? C'mon. Spill the beans mr perfect. " You asked Mark , raising an eyebrow.

" You'll know when we're there. And we're almost there. " Mark smirked , only focusing on the road.

You let out a sigh of annoyance , and slouched in the seat.

When you all arrived ( to the mall like you expected ) , Mark lead the way to a GameStop.

" Really Mark? We came here just to go to GameStop? Whatever that's a waste of your gas money. " You rolled your eyes.

Mark smiled at you , " we came here for many things , Barry and David needed to go to GameStop. Now you come with me. "

" Uhhhh okay? I guess. " You hesitated to agree , but it was wayyy to early to argue with this dude. Plus , you got to spend more time with him.

Mark ordered food for you and him , your favorite.. which was odd.. you thanked him and smiled , but you had a lot of questions. Why was Mark being so nice to you? Why didn't he order food for Barry and David? Why did he order your favorite food for both of you?-

" Y/n.. there's.. something I have to tell you.. " Mark said seriously , looking at you. He looked like he was really nervous , and he was fidgeting with his hand.

" Yes Mark? " You answered him , concerned , wondering what was wrong with him.

" I...I'm in love with you... I've been in love with you since I first saw you and... Will you be my girlfriend? " Mark asked you , and you smiled at him , with excitement.

" Marky of course!! I've felt the exact same about you.. I just didn't know how to tell you. " You said hugging him.

He kissed you , and you both blushed , and smiled at each other. You both talked , and joked , then went to an ice cream place , when it was time to leave the boys were cheering and happily and what not. It made you smile. On the ride back , you couldn't stop smiling.

" Where we going now Mark? " You asked smiling.

" Elder rock m'lady. " He smiled , and it made you even more happy.

When you arrived at elder rock , you were suprised to see the gift bags , and wrapped gifts.

" Happy birthday Y/n. " Mark kissed you.

You completely forgot it was your birthday , and you almost fell in excitement

" You guys are the best!! " You said to the boys , and hugged them.

" One last thing Mark. " You said giving a stare.

" Uhh yeah? " Mark looked confused.

" I love you nerd. " Then you pulled him in for a very passionate kiss ✨

That's the end! Hope you liked it! Sorry if it was a bit short. You can leave your suggestions here , if you got any

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