Chapter Seventeen

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Anna's POV

I walked onto set with a coffee in my hand because I was exhausted. I really didn't want to talk to Owen after crying over him all night long. I heard laughing coming from the trailer where my costume was.

"Anna!" Owen yelled the second I walked into the trailer.

I looked up at him not ready to have to face him. He was wearing my green wig and he had a huge smile on his face. Madi was laughing at him as she nearly fell out of her chair. I immediately started laughing as I shook my head.

"Why do you have my wig on?" I ask him playfully as I walk over to him.

"What wig? This is my hair." He says dramatically as he flings his hair back.

"Shut up." I say playfully as I snatch the wig off of his head.

"She snatched your weave!" Madi yells as she starts dying of laughter.

Owen try's to grab the wig back from me but I stand up on a chair and hold it above his head.

"Look who's the tall one now!" I yell as I hover over him.

He grabs my ankle forcing me to fall as I saw my life flash before my eyes. I felt two hands grab my waist and quickly catch me before I fall to the ground. His hand accidentally touched my butt but he quickly moved his hand to my back.

"What did I just witness?" Madi mumbles as she sits down in a chair.

Owen takes the wig out of my hand as he continues to hold me in his arms. He gently set me down on the ground as I felt butterflies in my stomach. He placed the wig on my head backwards so the hair was all in my face.

"Awww I like you better with the wig on like that." Owen says playfully as I feel him pat my shoulder.

"So you like it when you can't see my face?" I ask him sharply as I take off the wig.

I smack his shoulder as he laughs at me.

"Oww!" Owen yells dramatically.

"Anna we need to get you in your wig." My hair lady told me as she walked into the trailer.

Owen holds it above my head and every-time I try and grab it he moves it higher above my head.

"I need that." I say sharply.

I grab his arm and try and pull it down but he keeps the wig above my head.

"If you give me a kiss on the cheek I will give it back to you?" Owen says playfully causing Madi to nearly fall out of her chair.

"It's not worth it then." I say playfully as I sit down in my chair and stop fighting him.

Owens eyes widened in disbelief as he handed me the wig. He quickly grabbed my coffee and chugged the rest of it.

"You really want me to kill you... don't you?" I ask him sharply.

He just laughs as he accidentally spits the coffee out all over me.

"Owen!" I scream in disbelief as my body and face was now covered in coffee.

"Sorry." He says nervously as he frantically grabs a box of tissues and aggressively try's to get the coffee out of my clothes.

"Good thing she isn't in costume yet." Madi mumbles as she looks over in disbelief.

I glare at Owen as he frantically wipes the coffee off of my face.

"Sorry.... sorry....sorry." Owen mumbled as he continued to try and clean my face up.

He was so focused on cleaning up my face he looked so adorable causing me to smile at him.

"I think it's okay Owen..." I reassure him.

He stops aggressively wiping my face and sits down in the chair next to me. I laugh as I look down at my shirt that had coffee stains splattered across it. This definitely wasn't how I planned to spend my morning. My hair and makeup lady starts working on my hair as Owen just sits and watches me. Madi left the trailer to go find Jermey. He grabs a bag of chips from his bag and hands me one and I start eating it.

"Are we seriously eating chips at like 9:00 in the morning?" I ask him in disbelief.

"And your point is?" He asks me playfully.

I open my mouth and he throws the chip into my mouth. My hair and makeup lady leaves and I feel Owen pick me up and place me on his lap.

"Why?" I ask him as a laugh leaves my mouth.

"Because I wanted to." Owen replies sharply.

I ruffle his hair causing him to smack my hand away.

"I told you.... no touching my hair." He says sharply.

"And I like triggering you." I reply playfully as I place my hands in his hair again.

I run my fingers through his hair as Owen glares at me. Jermey walked into the trailer and gave us a very confused look and then quickly walked away. My nail got caught on a piece of Owens hair causing me to accidentally tug his hair. Owen moaned causing my eyes to widen in shock.

"Sorry!" I screamed as I frantically tried to untangle my nail.

Owens hips shifted underneath me causing me to quickly get off of his lap as I focused on getting my nail out of his hair.

"You are fine... it's okay." Owen reassures me as he laughs.

"I'm embarrassed." I mumble as I finally get my finger out of his hair.

My hair and makeup lady walks back into the trailer and I quickly sit back down in my seat. Owen fixes his hair in the mirror as my hair lady puts my hair into a bun. Owen playfully tried to touch my cheek put I smack his hand away.

"Don't touch me." I tell him sharply.

He playfully rolls his eyes as he quickly places a kiss on my cheek and then sprints out of the trailer as he laughs.

"What the hell? Owen!" I scream at him from my chair.

I couldn't chase after him due to me having to stay still to finish getting my hair done.

Owen really did that 👀

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