Chapter 6 - Girl Stuff

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''Shit.'' Trixie jumped out of the bed, picking up her clothes from the floor.
''What happened?'' said Katya, dizzy and sleepy.
''They're gonna wake up at any moment, I have to go back to my bedroom'' Trixie said in a low voice.
''We'll just say we had a little slumber party or something, come back to bed baby.''
''Katya we live in the same house, why would we have a slumber party?''
'''Cause we're friends and teenagers?''
And then it hit Trixie. Her grandparents had no reason to be suspicious about her and Katya having any kind of relationship beyond friendship. Trixie finished putting on her clothes and came back to bed, laying by Katya's side.
''Last night...'' Katya said with a smile.
''Last night.'' Trixie giggled, caressing Katya's face.
''Was it as good for you as it was for me?''
''It depends, how good was it for you?''
''It was absolutely amazing.''
''Then yes, it was as good for me.''
The girls giggled and kissed softly.
''You said I was the best you ever that true or something you just said at the heat of the moment?'' Trixie asked..
''I meant every word, Trix.''

Before Trixie could say anything else, they heard a knock on the door.

''Katya, is Trixie in here with you?'' Donna said from the other side of the door.
''Fuck! I need to get dressed.'' Katya whispered to Trixie, while desperately putting her clothes back on. ''She is! We had a little slumber party of our own, girl stuff.''
''Girl stuff? Really?'' Trixie whispered to Katya.
''Okay, breakfast is ready! Come before it gets cold!'' They heard Donna's footsteps getting distant with time.
''That was close.'' Trixie said looking serious.

Katya looked seriously at her for a second before cracking up and both of them started laughing, and then hugged each other.

''What do you say we go ''fishing'' by the lake after breakfast to celebrate your birthday?'' Trixie whispered on Katya's ear.
''That sounds perfect.''

When the girls opened the door, Donna and George started to sing happy birthday to Katya, which made the girl blush. She never had that much love on her birthday, not even from her friends. She was definitely not used to that kind of love. The breakfast table was a feast.

''Happy birthday, Kati!''  Said George giving the girl a hug.
''Thank you guys, oh my God. You really didn't have to...''
''Honey, but of course we did! It's your birthday, you deserve it!'' said Donna inviting her and Trixie to sit down on the table.
''Thank you so much. For real.''

Once they were all sat down, Donna dropped the bomb.

''So, how was your slumber party last night?''

Katya choked on her toast and Trixie stuttered before she could talk.

''It was fun! Very fun, we talked about, you know, girl stuff.'' the term ''girl stuff'' made Katya giggle.
''Yeah, we're getting closer and closer. I could risk saying Trixie's my best friend.'' Katya looked at Trixie, who was sitting in front of her and gave her a sincere smile.
''You're my best friend too.''
''Ah, it's so nice to see you two getting along! I knew from the beginning that that feud wasn't going to last longer.'' Donna said, innocently.

Trixie and Katya exchanged several looks during breakfast, caressed each other's legs from under the table, sometimes almost forgetting the presence of Trixie's grandparents.
After they were done, the girls thanked them for the breakfast and rushed to the stable to get Barbara and ride to the lake. This time, feeling each other's body warmth hit them in a completely different way. They didn't have to hold back the cuddling and the tender kissing. It felt right. At the lake, they sat on the deck side by side, the feet swaying in the water.

''So...'' Katya looked at Trixie.
'' actually like girls.''
'' I like you.''
''When did you realize?''
''After I stopped hating you. I know I can be spoiled sometimes, but the way I lashed out on you over stupid little things...I mean, after the anger was gone I realized I actually enjoyed your company very much. More than I'd like to admit. And when you kissed me, right here on this very place...I freaked out, because I actually...liked it. But I had never questioned my sexuality before. Because I do like boys. But it turns out I like girls as well. In this case, I like Trixie. I really like you.''

Trixie smiled so widely that her jaw hurt.

''I was so scared that I was gonna get my feelings hurt, Katya. This is such a relief, I'm so glad you're being honest with me. I really like you too.''

They leaned into each other to give a slow and passionate kiss. In a matter of seconds Katya was on Trixie's lap, one leg on each side of her body. Suddenly, Katya lost her balance and fell on her back inside the lake.
''Shit, fuck!'' She said emerging to the surface.
''Hahaha, honey, is that my effect on you?'' Trixie said, laughing out loud.
''Very funny.'' Katya pulled Trixie by her feet, dragging her to the lake.
''Oh my God, Katya!''

Both of the girls were laughing out loud. Katya wrapped her legs around Trixie's waist, and her hands around her neck. The kiss was wet, yet warm. Trixie was holding Katya as close to her as she could, and then a voice caught them by surprise.


It was George. He was holding two fishing rods, the ones that Trixie and Katya had forgotten to bring to their ''fishing''.


Trixie and Katya were soaking wet, sitting on the couch in the living room. Donna was pale, sitting on an armchair across the room, looking apprehensive.

''This is your fault. You corrupted our little girl. Trixie had never done such a thing, such a sin. You came into our house and destroyed our granddaughter!'' George yelled at Katya.
''I didn't do anything!'' Katya said, crying her eyes out.
''Shut up! You've done enough. Dennis will pick you up tonight to take you back home.''
''What?'' Trixie shouted, also crying.
''Trixie, this does not concern you, honey.'' Donna said, trying to remain calm.
''Of course it does! She's my friend!''
''We do not make friends with these types of people, Beatrice. Please, just stay out of this.'' George said.
''Katya, I'm gonna have to ask you to stay in your room until the evening, when Dennis arrives to pick you up. I am very disappointed in you.'' Donna said.
''I am disappointed in YOU! I knew your neighbors were motherfuckers who tried to bankrupt you, but you...''
''Wait, what do you mean...bankrupt?'' Trixie asked, looking confused.
''Oh, yeah Trixie. They forgot to tell you that that asshole Harry's grandfather wants to make you publically apologize and admit that you were lying about being sexually assaulted.''
'' that true?'' Trixie looked at her grandparents, crying even more.
''It is, darling. I'm sorry we didn't tell you before.'' Donna said, looking down.
''Oh my God. This is too much.'' Trixie left and slammed her bedroom door behind her.

The room was silent for a few minutes, until Katya stood up and went to her room.
The hours passed slower than ever. Neither one of the girls could stop crying, in their respective rooms. They regretted not being more careful. Just when they finally were sure about their feelings towards each other, something had to happen. Donna and George weren't bad people, they just didn't understand their love. But it had a very high price, and the girls were the ones who had to pay it. 
  When the sun was going down, Donna knocked on Katya's door to give her phone back and tell her that Dennis had arrived.

''Can I at least say goodbye to Trixie?'' the girl was teary eyed.
''Yes you can. But be quick, if George sees you...''
''Okay.'' Katya interrupted the woman, going straight to Trixie's bedroom. The girl was sitting on the window, looking at the sunset.
''Hey. I'm leaving.''

Trixie rushed to the other girl and hugged her as tight as she could.

''I don't want you to go.'' Trixie started to cry again.
''I don't wanna go either. Trixie...'' Katya parted them and held Trixie's head on her hands. ''I love you.''
''I love you too.'' Trixie pulled Katya closer to her and kissed her. They goodbye kiss. ''Please call me when you get to Boston. I don't wanna give up on us. Please, don't forget about me, Katya.''
''How could I forget about you?'' Katya said, caressing Trixie's cheek, wiping her tears away. ''You are my favorite person in the world. We'll figure it out. I promise.''

Donna knocked on the door and then Katya knew it was her time to go. She kissed Trixie's forehead one last time and left. She never saw George's face again after their discussion. Donna looked torn, Katya couldn't tell how she was feeling or what she was thinking, but she said goodbye to Katya anyway.
The ride to the airport was worse than when Katya arrived at the farm. Leaving Trixie was worse than leaving Boston, her ex, her friends. It didn't even compare. She didn't know how much she loved that girl until she has to say goodbye to her. It was painful, very painful.
Katya was sitting on the airplane, waiting for it to depart, so she could return to her terrible but spoiled life in Boston. Suddenly, a blonde girl with a peachy pink dress and terribly ugly and old luggage caught her eye.

''Excuse me sir, thank you. I'm so sorry ma'am. Oh, God, I'm sorry sir.''

It was her. The country girl that stole her heart. Katya thought she was hallucinating. And then she sat by her side. Her cheeks were red, her little brown eyes had a glow that could lit up the entire room.

''It's a long story, my love.''

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