Chapter 8 - The Wake

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Trixie had never been to a wake or a funeral since she was 4, when her parents died. If felt uncomfortable, but she needed to be there for Katya. She was greeting people with her mother at the entrance of the chapel.

''How are you doing, baby?'' Trixie asked, when Katya came back to her side.
''I don't know any of these people. I'm not even sure they met my father more than once. This is so weird.''
''Let me know if you need anything. I love you.''
''Love you too.''

They were sitting on the front row, right in front of the open casket. Suddenly, They heard familiar voices coming from the entrance.

''Trix, look.''

It was George and Donna. They greeted Katya's mother and their eyes searched for someone amongst the people.

''Oh no. Not in here, not today.'' Trixie said, turning her head to Katya.
''Do you think they're going to want to talk us?''
''Trixie! Katya!'' Donna said, approaching them. George didn't come along, instead, he sat on one of the benches on the chapel and started to pray.
''Hi grandma!'' Trixie said, standing up to give Donna a hug. ''What are you doing here?''
''Oh, Pat called us to give the news. We came to give our condolences, we both admired Dan very much.''
''Thanks for coming, Donna.''
''Darling...I'm so sorry for your loss. And I'm sorry about saying I was disappointed in you, I didn't mean it. You two are very important to me.''
''It's okay, Donna. I love you.'' Katya caught Donna by surprise.
''Oh. I love you too.'' The woman gave her a hug. ''Well, I'm gonna sit down next to George. We'll talk later.''

Donna walked back to George's side, who was still praying.

''Do you think he'll talk to us?'' Katya asked Trixie.
''I highly doubt that. But it's so weird for me that they traveled across the country just for the funeral. There must be something else...''

The priest entered the altar and started the mass. It lasted for two long hours, and then, all of the people went to the cemetery next to the chapel, to bury the man. Trixie comforted Katya as she said her goodbyes to her father, which made her self-conscious, due to the presence of her grandfather. After the burial, everyone went back to Katya's house for a cocktail. Both of the girls were in the backyard, lying on a hammock together and cuddling.

''I think I saw my ex-boyfriend in there. I told my mom to tell him I'm dead.''
''God, what is he doing here?''
''Probably to say he's sorry for my loss and then wait to see if I beg him to come back to me. Which is never gonna happen, because I have the best girlfriend in the entire world.''
''You know, being with you is not good for my ego.''
''I know.'' Katya lifted her head from Trixie's chest and kissed her, until they were interrupted.
''So, you're dating a girl...'' Eddie, Katya's ex-boyfriend said leaning into a tree and lighting up a cigarette.
''I am, Edward. And I would appreciate if you didn't smoke on my backyard.''
''What's your name?'' Eddie said, ignoring Katya's request and continuing smoking.
''I'm Trixie.'' She said, rolling her eyes at him.
''Nice. So, when did you dice to become a dyke, Kat?''

Katya untangled herself from Trixie and stood up from the hammock. She punched the boy so hard in the face that his cigarette flew.

''What the fuck, Katya?''
''You don't get to come into my house, on the day of my father's funeral and call me dyke. You're an asshole. Get out of my house. Now.''

Eddie walked away, cursing something. Katya returned to Trixie's arms, her hand shaking and red.

''Okay, that was awesome.'' Trixie said, making Katya forget her anger immediately. ''But I think you may have hurt your hand punching that son of a bitch.''
''I think I did. I'll take care of that later. I don't wanna go inside, I hate talking to people.''
''Good call.''

After a few minutes of complete peace, the girls ended up falling asleep on the hammock. By the time the sun had set and all of the guests were gone, Katya's mother went to the backyard to call the girls.

''Girls, hey.'' She said tapping Katya lightly on her shoulder.
''Hmm...hey mom''
''Come inside, everyone's gone.''

Katya woke Trixie up and both of the girls stood up from the hammock, following Pat inside. The girls stopped walking at the sight of Donna and George sitting on the couch at the living room.

''Girls, sit down. We need to talk, it's very important.'' Pat said, sitting on an armchair.
''Is it a good talk or bad talk?'' Katya asked, leading Trixie by the hand to the other couch, across Donna and George.
''Neither. It's just a talk. Well, let's just cut to the point: your father left you money, but you probably already figured that out. But, there is something intriguing us very much.'' Said Pat, looking at George and Donna.
''What is it?''
''You're father left his part of the farm ownership. It's on your name now.''
''What the fuck?'' Katya stood up, looking confused.
''Honey, sit down. We're going to figure this out. Just...calm down.''
''I don't wanna own anything. I'm 18! Even in the afterlife my father is trying to fuck me up, God!''
''We're here for two reasons, mainly, Katya.'' George said, sounding serious. ''First of all, your father had agreed to help us with the Harry incident before he passed, but now...the elections are approaching and it's still not looking good for Paul, so there's a chance that he'll ruin our business at any moment. We're gonna have to figure it out...''
''And you need me? How ironic. You kicked me out of your farm and now you need my help to save it.'' Katya giggled, ironically.
''We're humbly asking you, darling. You're aware of what happened, you know how bad things are.'' Donna said, looking Katya in the eye.
''I'm transferring all of this shit to my mom. I don't know how to handle business.Is that helpful?''
''It's a good choice, sweetie.'' Pat said. ''I'll contact every lawyer Dan knew, I'll do my best. I'm sure we can work this out. Don't worry about your farm.''
''We are very grateful. Aren't we, George?'' Donna looked at her husband.
''Yes. Thanks, Pat.''
''So, what was the other thing you came here to do?'' Trixie spoke for the first time in that conversation.
''We brought you these.'' George said, putting a pile of letters on the coffee table.
''What are these?''
''Acceptance letters. From all of the colleges you applied to.'' Donna said smiling proudly.
''Oh my...really? Oh lord...'' Trixie picked up the letters, nervously.
''Congratulations, baby.'' Katya said, instinctively giving her girlfriend a kiss.

Suddenly, both of them forgot there were people in the room.

''Oh my God, I'm so happy. I love you so much. Look, one of them is here in Boston. Did you send an application there?'' Trixie asked Katya, enthusiastically.
''Baby I...I didn't send any applications. I missed the deadlines, I guess.''
''Well, I didn't miss any.'' Pat said, handing out two enveloped to Katya.
'', you sent my applications? How do you know what I wanna study?''
''When you were gone I visited your bedroom a couple of times, because I was missing you'' the statement made Katya smile. ''and I saw a bunch of drawings lying around. You're so talented, sweetheart. I knew you hadn't sent any applications so I took the liberty of doing so.''

Katya's mother was really trying to be a better mother. The girl stood up and gave her mother a big hug, one that they had never given before. It felt slightly weird, but right.

''Thank you so much mom! And...where are these schools?''
''One is in Chicago, the other one in New York City.''
''Trixie...are yours in any of these cities?'' Katya asked, fearing the answer.

Trixie patiently looked at the addresses at every single one of the 15 letters she had. The silence was deadly, and it was definitely killing Katya. Suddenly, Trixie picked one out and shouted.

''New York City! This one is in New York City! Baby, we're going to New York!'' The girl jumped on Katya's arms, both of them spun around with happiness.
''We should probably go back to the hotel, we have a long day tomorrow...'' George said, standing up from the couch.
''Yes, sure. I'll drive you there!'' Pat said to Donna and George.
''Bye, my girls! I love you!'' Donna kissed both Katya and Trixie on their cheeks.
''Bye grandma...''
''Bye...'' Katya waved at Donna.

When they, left the house, Trixie broke down. She was holding back those tears since she first saw her grandfather at the wake. It was tough to see the man whom raised her, taught her how to play the guitar, and gave her so much love throughout her life suddenly not even acknowledging her. She was sobbing, lying with her head on Katya's lap on the couch.

''He'll come around, baby. Just give him time.'' Katya said, caressing her girlfriend's hair,
''I just wish he didn't hate me. It's my worst nightmare coming true. I didn't wanna let him down.''
''It's not your fault, Trix. Stop punishing yourself. You're not doing anything wrong.''
''I know, Katya, I know! You don't understand. You never had to live under the expectation of  people who actually love you.'' Trixie stood up from the girl's lap.
''Oh, okay. I...'' Katya was speechless. Although what Trixie said was true, it hurt Katya's feelings to have that thrown at her like that.
''I'm sorry, Katya...''
''You know what, you're right. Maybe I am unworthy of love. Fuck that shit.''
''I didn't say that, stop being such a brat!''
''Oh my God, shut the fuck up!''
''YOU shut the fuck up, and listen to me! I am sorry! It's not an easy moment, for neither one of us. Please, I already lost my grandfather, I don't wanna lose the only good goddamn thing that happened to me.''

Katya knew Trixie was referring to her. She walked towards Trixie and wrapped her arms around her, like she was afraid of letting her go.

''I'm sorry I lost it. I love you. I love you so much.''
''All this fighting actually turned me on a little bit...'' Trixie said, almost whispering, on Katya's neck.
''Meet me in the shower in 5 minutes.''

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