Chapter 10 - Epilogue

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7 years later.

Donna insisted that they had the wedding in the farm. Trixie and Katya were reluctant at first, because they hadn't heard from George in years. Both of the girls were working in New York, and barely had time to visit Boston or Milwaukee. Eventually, they agreed that the wedding should be at the farm, after all, it's where they met.
Trixie was working at a veterinarian hospital, as an intern, but heard rumors that soon she'd be promoted. Katya was working in an art gallery; it turns out she actually preferred to be around art more than making it.
Around mid-august, the girls were able to take breaks from their respective workplaces to travel to Milwaukee and finish their wedding plan alongside Pat and Donna. Everything was set, there were just some final adjustments to be made until the ceremony, which would happen in a week. Pat was already there when Trixie and Katya arrived. Her, Donna and some neighbors friends of Donna helped a lot with the decoration of the barn for the wedding, it was simply beautiful.

''Mom, Donna this is incredible!'' Katya said, looking around the place.
''Yes, oh my God, I can't believe you did all that for us'' Trixie couldn't stop smiling.
''We know how busy you two have been, we wanted to make it the most beautiful thing in the world. It's our wedding gift to you.'' Pat said.
''Trixie, I know you must be tired from the trip honey, but your grandfather really wanted to talk to you. He's in our bedroom.'' Donna said with her hand delicately placed on Trixie's shoulder.
''He...wants to talk to me? We haven't talked since...''
''I know sweetie. But there's so much that you don't many things happen...anyway, go talk to him. He's been waiting for you.''

Trixie hesitantly walked to the house, and took a hundred deep breaths before thinking of knocking, when she heard him calling.

''Trixie, is that you?''
''Yes, grandpa. It...It's me. Can I come in?''
''Of course!''

George was sitting on an armchair, looking ten times skinnier than the last time Trixie saw him. He had no hair on his head and looked really pale.

''Please, sit down, Trixie.''

Trixie sat at the edge of his bed, right in front of him on his chair.

''I'm so happy to see you again. I've missed you, my kid.''
''I've missed you too, grandpa.''
''How is Katya?'' Trixie was caught by surprise with the question.
''She's good, we're good! How you've been?''

There was a brief pause before George talked again.

''Listen, Trix, there are a few things I wanna talk to you about, and I'm just gonna be straight-forward with you: I have cancer. I've had it for two years now and yes, we didn't tell you, because I told Donna not to. I didn't want it to get in the way of you life, especially now that you're studying and doing your thing. All of this...gave me a lot to think about. Like how unfair I was to you and Katya. I know it's been a long time, but...I still wanna make things right. I'm sorry about the way I behaved when I found out about you two. I thought it was just a stupid teenager thing, that she was corrupting you...turns out I was the stupid one. I've always told you I wanted you to be happy but I shut you down the minute you found it. Just thinking about how many years I've wasted because of a stupid prejudice...I hope it's not too late for me to be telling you this, Trixie, I love you very much. And I know how much you love that girl.''

Trixie's face was bright red. She's been crying since her grandfather started to talk. After a few seconds, she was finally able to form a sentence.

''Grandpa...that's...a lot.''
''I know, kiddo, I'm sorry...''
''Don't apologize. I love you, I never stopped loving you. God, I'm so sorry about the...cancer. How much time...''
''Not a lot. I think a year tops, not much more than that. I'm old, sweetie, it's okay...Trix, don't cry, come here.''

George pulled Trixie close for a hug. She sat on his lap like she did when she was a kid and had a nightmare or was scared of something.

''Trixie, I wanna ask you something.''
''Can I walk you and Katya down the aisle? It's my only wish.''
''Grandpa, of course you can! I'll just have to tell Katya...''
''I wanna apologize to her as well. I did her wrong...''
''I'm sure she'll appreciate it very much.''

Trixie texted Katya to come inside, to the bedroom, and in about five minutes she appeared.

''Katya, come in darling.'' George said.

Trixie sat back on the bed, making room for Katya to sit next to her.

''I was just telling Trixie that I am really sorry for what I did to you. It wasn't fair, and I regret it very much. I love both of you very much, and if you agree, I'd like to walk you both down the aisle...''
''Thanks for the apology, George. But no. This wedding is a celebration of our love, and you were the first person of many to stand against us. I'm really glad you changed your mind, but I'm just not comfortable with the idea of you walking us down the aisle.''
''Katya, can I talk to you outside for a minute?'' Trixie asked.

The girls left the room and Trixie closed the door.

''Baby, you have all the right to not want this. But I'm gonna ask you to consider it, for me. He...has cancer, Katya. He doesn't have much time left with us and...'' Trixie started to cry again, ''I love him so much, I missed him, I...''

Katya held her bride in her arms, comforting her.

''Baby, I had no idea...If it'll mean that much to you, I'll do it. Anything for my girl.'' Katya held Trixie's chin and gave her a tender kiss.
''You don't have to answer right now, just...think about it. I love you.''
''I love you too.''


The barn was entirely decorated with light pink and red flowers, Trixie and Katya's favorite colors respectively. All of the guests were gathered there waiting for the ceremony to begin. Meanwhile, Katya and Trixie were getting ready together in Trixie's old bedroom. They decided that they didn't really care about seeing each other before the wedding, that was a 'straight people stupid superstition'. Pat was helping Trixie put on her dress, a beautiful long lace white dress with lace flowers all over it. Her hair was half up half down, her long blonde curls cascading all over her shoulders. Katya was still wearing a robe, and a friend of hers who was a makeup artist was finishing up her makeup. The minute Katya opened her eyes after her makeup was done, her eyes almost teared up when she saw Trixie in the dress.

''Hey, baby! Do you like it?'' Trixie twirled around to show off her dress.
''You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. I so lucky...'' Katya hugged Trixie, sniffing her hair.
''I love you so much, dumbass.''
''Katya, come on, you have to get dressed sweetie!'' Pat said, holding up Katya's dress.

After the girls were ready, they went to the living room where Donna and George waited for them.

''Oh, my girls! You look so beautiful!'' Donna said, teary eyed.
''I'm so proud of you!'' George said to them.
''George...I thought about and...I would love if you'd walk us down the aisle.'' Katya said holding his hand.
''Thank you for letting me, Katya. I couldn't ask for a better gift.''

When they arrived at the barn, all the guests stood up and looked at them. George walked Trixie first. She was holding a beautiful bouquet of light pink roses, just like the ones decorating the barn. After he left Trixie at the altar, he walked back and walked Katya down the aisle. Her bouquet also has the same flowers that were decorating the room, the red ones. Trixie was on the verge of tears, watching her woman walking towards her, so beautiful, so in love. Katya look at Trixie's little brown glowing eyes, and at that moment she was sure: this is the love of her life.

''Congratulations, girls. You deserve all the love in the world.'' George said when he let go of Katya's arm by the altar.

The person marrying them was Beth, Donna's cousin, who also happened to me an ordained minister. She initiated the ceremony, and then it was time for the girls to exchange their vows.

''Katya, my love, my beautiful bride. 7 years ago I spilled tomato sauce all over you, and who would've thought this would change my life forever? One month was more than enough for me to realize that I wanted to be with you for the rest of my life. We've been through so much together in the past seven years, and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I promise to be by your side even if the entire world tells me not ot. I promise to love you every single day of my life, restlessly. I promise to never leave you, even when you deserve it, like when I left you at that lake that one time. You are my world, my rock, my anchor. I love you.''

''Oh, wow, I promised myself I wouldn't cry'' Katya said, crying. ''Here we go...Trixie, my beautiful soon-to-be wife, the first time I saw you, you were dancing in the kitchen like an idiot'' everyone at the wedding laughed, especially Trixie, who laughed through her tears. ''We did not like each other at first. Not at all. But not loving you is a pretty difficult thing, miss. Impossible, I'd say. You are the most intelligent, kind, sweet and loving person I've ever met. There is no one else in this world I'd rather spend the rest of my life with. Not only because you're the only one who can stand my little temper tantrums, but because you are my ride or die, my one and only. I promise to love every bit of you forever. I will take care of you no matter what, because you're my favorite person in the world, and I can't imagine life without you. And if you leave me at the altar like you left me at that lake, I will hunt you down.''

Even though Katya's vows were full of jokes, Trixie couldn't help but being emotional. Tears of joy were overflowing from her eyes, and from Katya's as well. They were for sure willing to  take each other as each other's lawful wife , to have and to hold, from that day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in heath, to love and cherish until death does them part.

''I do.''
''I do.''

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