CH. 2 - Young Athanasia

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Young Athanasia

"Be careful, child!" Someone shouted worriedly, for a blonde child running. "I will!" Athanasia replied.

"ATHY!" I looked behind me and saw Lily trying to catch me. "Lily! I just need to go somewhere! Hehe, bye!!" I ran faster so she won't catch up to me.

When I looked behind me, I saw her stop and just looked at me, I waved at her and continued my marathon.

When I arrived at the destination I was breathing heavily. "Hah. Hah." 

I live in a village near the borders of the Obelia Empire, there's a nearby mountain that has a cliff that can overlook the whole capital, and I can even see the silhouette of the castle.

"Hello! Even if I came here every day, you still look pretty every time." I said.

I wonder what the Imperial Palace looks like inside because it looks pretty on the outside.

In my village, people always compliment me because of my eyes, they say that it looks familiar, someone even said that it looked like the Emperor's eyes. But I haven't seen the Emperor before so I don't know.

"I'll be leaving soon. Lily said we'll be moving to the capital. I'll always have time to go back here. But I think that'll happen when I'm much older, Lily might have a heart attack if I travel from the capital to here. Hehe."

I just stayed there admiring the scenery, I didn't notice the sun slowly descending from the sky.

"Oh! I have to go!" 

I glanced one more time and started heading back to our house.

"ATHANASIA!" I was welcomed by Lily's shout, which means I'm in trouble.

I look at her and felt guilty because I took longer coming back.

"I'm sorry... I was late.." I apologized to Lily.

"Hah... Please, don't do that again, you hear me?" Lily asked me and I just nod at her.

"Come, dinner's almost ready. Can you take a bath?" She asked me again, "Yes! Athy's 8 years old! I can bathe!" I answered.

She just laughed at me while I went to my room, and took a bath. A few minutes later.

"Athy! Let's eat!" Lily called for me.

I went to the kitchen and saw her moving the chair for me.

"Thank you, Lily!" I said as I sat down.

She just smiled at me, "Athy's almost 9 years old. Are you sure it's alright if we celebrate it at the capital?" she asked while we were eating.

"It's fine. People say that the capital is pretty! I wanna see it!" I happily exclaimed.

But I only saw the worry on her face, "Whatever happens in the capital, make sure that you never leave my side, okay?" She said and I nodded.




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