CH. 11 - Blackie

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I was amazed at the boy when he suddenly disappeared, Woah!

He can do that?

That's not the point since this adorable thing appeared, licking and jumping on me.

'What is this?'

"Athy?!" I heard someone shout when I looked back I saw Lily running towards me.

When she finally got near me, she immediately took me from the thing. "What is that?!" She looked at me, "Are you hurt?!" She said while frantically searching my body for any bruises or scratches.

I shook my head as an answer for 'no'.

She sighed and looked back at it.

"Your Highness! Stand back!"

I heard another shout and saw Mr. Felix running to us with something shiny in his hands.

"No don't!" I blocked the doggy that's currently wagging its tail behind me.

They looked at me and then back at it.

"What's the commotion here?" I looked behind Mr. Felix and saw Papa!

"Papa!" I shouted in glee and ran to him, he immediately opened his arms for me then carried me.

"Hello!" I said.

He looked at me then looked at the other people. "What's going on here?" He asks.

"They are looking at Blackie!" I said with a smile. His eyebrows shot up, "Blackie?"

I nodded and pointed at Blackie that is still sitting and wagging its tail. "Do you like that thing?" I nodded.

"Felix carry that thing and put it in one of my gardens." Felix glances at Blackie and carefully carried it while I am being carried by Papa to somewhere.

I just kept humming as Papa walks.

When I looked behind him, I didn't saw Mr. Felix nor Lily anymore, I tried looking but Papa held my head in place.

I looked at him, "They're going to place your dog in my garden, you can visit it later."

I nodded, "Papa, where are we going?" He looks at me and said, "You're going to meet some people."

Meet who?

I didn't ask more and just waited.

WHEN I looked at my side I got shocked.

I saw Father carrying sister... again.


I flinched because of his cold stare, "May I ask where you and sister are going?" I ask nervously.

"It's none of your business. Get out of my sight."

I flinched backwards since I am blocking their way.

"I'm sorry..."

He— they just walked past me, I looked at my sister but I just saw her eyes closed.

I didn't try to annoy him more, and just continued what I was about to do.

Going back to my palace.

I heard from a few maids that my sister is staying at Father's chamber.

How is she staying there, and I stay at a separate palace? No! Athy grew up far away, it's proper for them to bond.

I wish I was with them right now.




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