CH. 5 - Eye to Eye

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Eye to Eye

I hid once the Knights left Father's tent.

Someone with Jewelled Eyes is what they say.

What's happening? I breathed heavily and smiled, "Hello, Father!" I happily greeted Him, but I was only welcomed with a cold stare.

"Leave." He immediately orders.

"Princess, His Majesty has an incoming audience, please, enjoy the festival." Knight Robane said then called someone.

"Princess, right this way." A maid suddenly gestures me outside of Father's tent.

As I walk out, I looked at Father again but he didn't glance at me.

I felt the maid halt at her steps, when I looked forward I saw something that made me halt as well.

I saw a woman hugging a girl with blonde hair and... Jewelled Eyes.

"Lily, Athy's scared. What's happening?" The scared girl aid while hugging the woman tightly.

"Sorry for making you wait. His Majesty's waiting." I glanced and saw Knight Robane looking at them with a smile.

'He never smiles at me.'

They guided the two inside the tent, and I could only look at them entering. I hear people's whispers.

"Did you see the girl's eyes?"

"Is she an Imperial Family member?"

"That girl is like a copy of His Majesty!"

"How come that girl looks like the Emperor, but Princess Jennette isn't?"

"If it wasn't the jewelled eyes of Princess Jennette, I would think she's just from a noble family."

I looked down and started walking away from the place. Thoughts filling my head.

'Who's that girl?'

'Why did she have such eyes?'

'Is she the one the maids are gossiping about from before?'

"BLESSINGS and Glory upon the sun of the Obelian Empire." I hear Lily say then bowed, I just followed her. When I peeked, it's like I'm looking at a mirror. The man's eyes are the same as mine.

"Who is she?" The man suddenly asked.

"Young lady?" Someone suddenly asked from my said making me jumped, "What is your name?" She asked again.

I looked at Lily and saw her smile at me. I looked back at the lady and said "A-athanasia, A-athy." I said,

"Is Athy like a pet name?" She asked again I nodded as an answer.

"Athanasia, you say?" The man suddenly said making me look at him.

"And you must be?" He then asks Lily, "Lilian York, Your Majesty." Lily answered.

"Bring them both to the palace after the festival. For now," The man said and looked at me, "Could you join me for a while?" He asks me which I answered yes.

He seems so important here. It'll trouble Lily if I don't behave but Lily's face says the opposite. I think she doesn't want me to join Him. Huh?




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