Chapter 11

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3rd POV:
After the whole Hinata and Asahi incident the team kinda forgot. They were done with practice and decided to take a shower and go to bed. Hinata was already ready for bed he was just waiting for the karasuno team to come into there room. When they finally came in Hinata was already whining for his bottle and too be picked up. Since tsukki kinda jealous he decided he was pick up Hinata and so he went to were Hinata was and picked up the orange.
Tsukki's POV:
*awww he so adorable* tsukki said in his mind but wouldn't show it. He took the bottle that suga prepared and starting feeding Hinata and getting ready to go to sleep.
3rd POV:
As everyone was already asleep tsukki was waiting for Hinata to stop eating and when Hinata did stop he burped Hinata and then both him and Hinata layed down. Hinata was just so adorable he was in a dino onesie and just looking at tsukki trying to fall asleep. After a few minutes of rubing circles on hinata's back Hinata finally went to sleep and tsukki followed right after. It was morning in no time and hinata was up and energetic so he decided to wake tsukki up and so he did. When they got ready an everything they went to get breakfast and see the other teams in the cafeteria. When they were in there Hinata being the sunny boy he is shouted out his version of a hi to the other teams who just adored him so much.
All The Other Teams POV:
there all just thinking "awwwwwww he is so cute!"
3rd POV:
The boys practiced while Hinata was learning the basics as a toddler with some of the managers. It was ending practice for the boys and they were pretty exhausted so they all took showers and decided to hang out with Hinata ofc. Hinata was so happy to see his favorite people that he squealed and started giggling. They were outside in the grass when Hinata saw a lady bug and decided to befriend it. Hinata thought the ladybug was nice so he went to show the others. He goes to them and shows them what he found. They were so proud of him and happy that he was happy.

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