Chapter 1

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Hi everyone. This is my second book im writing so i hope you enjoy :). Please go check out he first books I've writen.

Just to let all yous know this is completely unedited so don't judge if I start making a ton of mistakes.

I've tried to change up the typical stories of bad boys with something different. Just as a little change.

Hope you enjoy and please comment what you think

Thanks girlies and the chance if a boy is reading this xx

Chapter 1


It was my first day of senior year and everything was looking pretty usual. The popular kids hung out under the big oak tree. The jocks where either hanging out with the cheerleaders or training for there upcoming season. The nerds were no doubt at the library playing some sort of video game. Bad boys were probably off somewhere pulling a prank and causing trouble around the school getting themselves into detention. Then there was me.. Jayde Hewitt. The average student at this school waiting patiently ready to leave school and have a life at any given moment. I wasn't alone, sitting next to me was my two best friends Jordan and Natalie. I suppose Jordan was the cheeky one, always trying to get with the ladies. He could spot a girl from a mile away and using his charm but somehow managed to blow it big time. I could say he was probably not an average kid here but more of a 'special' one. If you know what I mean.

And on the other side was Natalie Groth, she is the simple kind of girl. Does her homework, cares for her family and friends and just wants that special guy to sweep her off her feet and take her away to paradise and live happily ever after.

Yeah right... Thats sounds more like me and this sounds more like Natalie Groth.

Natalie Groth is my best friend, I've known her since kindergarden. She has always been there for me when I need her and I've always been there for her when she needed me and we could read each other's mind simply by our eye movement. But she is a bit different, she is the hot, wild friend. She has all the boys drooling over her and if it wasn't for me being her best friend since god knows when I'm pretty sure she would be off with all the popular girls. But I'm kinda glad that shes a catch because it brings the cute boys around. Yeah I know, I don't have a chance but on the bright side I get first class viewing of them.

Oh and I almost forgot.. Theres Damien Green and his gang of rich boys who hangs out around there fancy cars. I've never spoken to Damien like EVER and there is no way in hell that I could ever do it. He was probably the most popular boy in school beating the quarterback Matt and Isaac the schools bad boy which is a totally hottie. But Damien isn't popular because he is wealthy, he's popular because he's so damn gorgeous. His shady blonde hair and his fixated facial hair compliments his intriguingly deep brown eyes. He's tall, very lean and wheres slick clothes that are just irresistible. If he was poor I wouldn't even care, Id just love to be with him. I don't even care about his wealth and I'm pretty sure three quarters of the girls here don't give one crap about the money. They would all just love to be his. He's just a dream I'm not even sure if he's real or just a figure of my imagination.

"Jayde! Jayde. Ground control to Jayde Hewitt" Jordan snapped trying to grab my attention. "Oh sorry, yes?" I said quickly trying to get out of my dream of Damien. "We have class, the bell just rang. Didn't you hear?" Nat replied cocking an eyebrow. I stood up, grabbed my bag and started walking to my class. I was lucky to have Nat in my maths methods class, with her it was going to make the class a bit more enjoyable. I took a seat in the middle row and Nat sat on my left while a new boy sat to my left. I checked him out until he noticed me starring and then smiled at me. I couldn't help but blush I was crazy when it came to boys looking at me.

In love with the big shotHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin