Chapter 2

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Picture above ( Gabriel )

Hey fellow story readers, i hope you enjoy this next chapter xx

Please comment and tell me what you think.

Chapter 2


I walked besides Nat while behind me Jordan and Gabe were chatting away

"Turn down here" Gabe directed. We all quickly crossed the road and walked down the street. "Here" Gabe said turning in the driveway. "ooh nice house" Nat hurried eager to go in. "Thanks" he replied unlocking the door. We all stepped in having a look at the house. It was very big and neatly designed, the floor was a was wooden and had a delicate red ting to it, the walls were white with precise paintings hanging up. Ever piece of furniture fitted perfectly with the house and there was a grand stairway leading upstairs where it was bright and modern. The dining table had a bowl of fruit sitting on it and it looked like the most well organised bowl of fruit I've ever seen.

Gabe walked to the fridge, "you guys want anything?"

"Im good" while checking out the house.

"Me too"

"Do you have ginger beer?" Jordan asked with a massive smile hugging his face.

"Yeah I'll go grab it, its in the back fridge"

We all walked around examining his house. There was a picture of Gabe and a very beautiful girl sitting next to him. "Who's this?" I asked. He had returned with the ginger beer. "Thats my sister.. Jess" he replied while pouring four glasses of the soda. He said handing it to us. "Thanks you" we all greeted.

"Wheres your parents?" Nat asked. "My Dad is away on a business trip and my mother is working late tonight"

"Interesting" she replied. "So Gabe, where did you move from?" I asked smiling. "I came from Perth." Jordan's eyes widened "Wow thats far." I let out a quick, loud laugh at Jordan. "Is there something funny Jayde Hewitt?" Jordan warned. "No,"

"Do you guys want something to eat. I have meat pies I can heat up?"

"Im starving" Jordan said. Nat and I chuckled while Gabe pulled out a packet of 4 n 20 pies. "They are the ones with the mashed potato on top instead of pastry" he said. "Those ones are my favourite" I shouted super excited. He chuckled and gave me a soft smile. He turned on the oven and placed them on the tray. "Lets watch a movie while we wait" Jordan jumped out. "What do you have?" Nat asked. Gabe walked over to his huge tv and pulled out a box filled with movies. "Taken?" He asked. "Nah, i feel like a feel good movie" Jordan recommend. "Hmm let me see" he said rummaging through the box. "Perfect. How about 'The secret life of Walter Mitty'?" I nodded. "Yeah, haven't seen it before but heard that its good" Nat said. Gabe turned on his PS4 and placed the disc in. "Woah Gabe you have the PS4. I want one so bad" Jordan said admiring it. "Gabe I hope you dont mind but I'm going to be coming over a lot so we can play it"

He laughed "alrighty Jordan"

I sat down on the couch and Nat once again sat on my left and the new boy sat on my right. He turned to me and smiled. My heart grew fast by the fact he just smiled and looked at me. Gabriel was pretty cute with his perfectly cut devilish hair and his lingering deep eyes. The way he talked and moved was perfected but I could tell that there was more to him. He had a bad boy within him wanting to be set free and into the wild, but something was holding him back. Maybe it was the lifestyle.. The well mannered and trained boy he was raised as.

"Ooh I see how it is then" Jordan said looking for somewhere to sit. "You guys take up the entire couch and leave me to sit on my own on the chair"

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