Chapter 4

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Picture above - Matt

Chapter 4

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and texted Nat.
"Nat, where are you"
"art class"
"I thought you had this period off?"
"No. talk later i gotta go before Miss Simons catches me."
She hung up before I could even say bye.
I shoved my phone back into my pocket. I think I need more friends.. Like seriously only four good friends and thats it. I looked around trying to find anyone interesting but the only interesting person there was Damien Green. No, I cant go talk to him. I saw Matt leaning against a pole alone while texting away. Hmm.. Maybe. Maybe I could talk to him. The cheerleaders would hate me if i started talking to him, especially Casey Jones who's dating him. Casey is actually the biggest slut, shes dating Matt and also trying to get "in" with Damien. And I've heard shes given the entire football team a blowjob. The typical cheerleader bitch and thats probably why Damien doesn't want to be around her. But I think it will be worth it. If I can talk with him Casey will totally hate me and I have my plans.

I picked up my bag and slowly walked up to Matt. I went to the other side of the pole. "Hi Matt." He looked up. "oh.. Hi Jayde" while continuing to text. "Who you texting?"
"My girlfriend. Why does it matter anyways"
"No reason."
"Then go away if you don't have a reason" he looked upset.
"Are you okay? you've changed a lot since year 7"
Matt and I used to be really good friends in middle school but then he joined the football team and started hanging out with Casey jones. Its sad how much people can change someone. Now he's an arse to people like me. "Im fine. Do you want something Jayde?" He said staring at me.
"No..." I stuttered. "I just wanted someone to talk to"
"What about loser Jordan?"
"First off. Jordan is not a loser. Second, he's not here hes still in class. And finally what happened to you. Your such a jerk" I yelled back. "And just to let you know, you should leave her"
"Excuse me?" He said with a buff tone.
"Leave her, shes not good for you. You can do better" I took a step back as he came closer.
"No shes my girlfriend I cant leave her"
"Matt. Seriously... Think about it"
"I love her though"
"Trust me, that isn't love. Shes using you. I've seen her, shes trying to get in with Damien after school"
"What, no thats not true"
"Believe me, i know"
"Jayde you lying. You want me now don't you?"
"No Matt, Im looking out for you"
"Yeah right, looking out for me. In year 7 i asked out out and you rejected me in front of everyone"
"Im sorry, but I saw you as a brother to me. Then you left to go with Casey and she used you because she knew you are a catch and that it would make a lot of girls jealous"
"No... Noo Jayde. I don't believe you"
"Well do whatever you want anyways. I dont care anymore"
I raised my shoulders and started to walk. "Jayde wait" I turned he turned of his phone. "Um.. Wait. Do you wanna talk." He said looking around making sure no one saw him. "That's what I kinda intended when I came here"
He chuckled. I threw my bag over my shoulder and we walked together. We headed towards Main Street.

"So what were you saying about Casey trying to hook up with Damien?"
"Well, I oftern find myself staring at him because.."
"Oh I understand" he said and winked.
"Anyways, I always find her all over him" I said. "She goes all flirty with him and try's to lead him on but it doesn't work."
"Fuck! I knew it"
I raised an eyebrow "knew what?"
"I fucking knew she was a snitch, but she was too hot and a Sweet to me that I couldn't resist myself." I glanced out and saw Damien again. Matt caught me looking "ay look who it is" he winked. "Huh?" I played dumb. " Don't you play dumb with me" he said giving me a nudge. "Come on" he said pulling my arm. "What?" I shouted. "We are going to talk to Damien" he said dragging me. "Noo! Matt I can't" I resisted. "Stop no please Matt" but he continued dragging me over to Damien. I started punching his arm trying to make him let go but his grip was too firm.

He came to a halt, and started to fix my hair and pull out my shirt. "What are you doing" I questioned. "don't you want to look slightly decent when you talk to your lover boy" he said and winked. "I can't do this" I pushed back away. "You can't pretend not to exist, guys like girls who can talk to them" he said, "why are you helping me?"
"Maybe I'm not the guy everyone sees me as, and I know you know who I really am, why should I pretend not to care when I actually do" he sounded smart. Wow... Is this Matt I'm talking to or am I just dreaming. i was speechless. I didn't get a word out. "Ready?" He said. "No..." I said trying to get away.

"Damien" he called. Damien look over confused. "Come here" he slowly walked over, "what do you want?" Matt looked at me. damien stood there waiting for an answer. "Jayde wants to talk to you" Matt said, I started sweating. Holy shit.. What am I doing. "Hi" I said nervously and my voice crackled. "Hi" he replied, his voice was so firm and deep. "Anything you want Jayde?" Damien asked, "umm" I stuttered I couldn't get a word out. "Okay well bye then" he walked off. That was cold, I have never felt so embarrassed in my life.

"Jayde what the hell" he said pushing me. "What" I said not looking at his face. "You need to stop stalling, it's not gonna get you ur man" he said. "I don't know what to say.." I sighed. "Just ask what he's doing on the weekend or something, it's not that hard." He said. "Yes it is, it's hard for me cause I like him okay" I shouted in his face. "Jayde you make it hard on yourself, just act how you act with everyone else and it would be so natural" he placed his hand on my shoulder and I looked up into his eyes and stared deeply into those deep green eyes of his. "okay, I can do it" I continued to stare. "But not yet" I quickly remarked. "Good, I will prepare you" he winked and walked away.

I quickly pulled out my phone and called Nat. "What? She answered. "Nat we are going shopping after school."
"Sure but why?" She questioned. "I'll tell you later just meet me in front of the school." She replied "okay cya" and hung up. I held my bag and ran to class, I wasn't even sure what class I had now or if I even had class but I just ran. I came to a stop in front of building three and pulled out my phone and texted Matt.

Me: meet me at chadstone after school, we are going shopping

He replied quickly...

Matt: sure! Is Nat coming?

Me: of course.. Why?

Matt: no reason..

Me: okay, see ya there knuckle head

Matt: knuckle head.. Bringing back the names are we? Sour puss

Me: wow no never again, you know I hate that name

Matt: aw poor you, I'm sorry ;)
Anyways, Mr David is looking at me. Talk later.

I put my phone back and smirked. I finally took out my timetable to look at what I had then I noticed I had chemistry but I was 40 minutes late. Shit.. I can't go now I'll get in detention. I decided to wait out the front of the school until Matt and Nat were done with there classes.

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