Chapter 5

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Picture above (Jordan)

"Jayde" a name called out. I shot my head around and saw Nat running up to me puffing away. "Jesus Jayde" she said with her hand over her stomach and look exhausted. "What? Nat. Are you okay?" I asked with my eyebrow cocked. "The best thing just happened to me" she shouted. "What, what is it?" I said. "Micah matters just asked me to go out with him this Friday" she squealed. "Omg are you serious"
"Yes" she said jumping.
"Good job Nat. You babe"
She giggled. "I'm so excited." And hugged me. "Okay so why are we going to chadstone now?" She asked. "I wanna get an outfit" I looked down at myself examining my clothes.   Nat crocked an eyebrow "yeh I agree" she laughed. I paused for a bit, "Matts coming.." She shot her head up. "What!" She said why quickly fixing her hair. "Why is he coming?"
"He wants to help me with Damien" I shrugged. "We you sure? It's been long since he's done Anything for you."
"I know but I know the real him and not what everyone sees him as.. the classic school jerk hotty" just before Nat could respond I say Gabe and Jordan coming towards us. "Hey!" They said to us. We replied, "hey guys, what's going on?"
"Gabe is coming over and we are just gonna do some homework" Jordan wicked and we knew the truth. Yeh like Jordan does homework he's just using that as an excuse so then he can play video games all night with Gabe. "What are you girls up too?" Gabe asked. "We are going shopping" I said. "Oh yeh sounds like so much fun" Jordan said sarcastically. "Anyways we gotta head off, see ya gurls tomorrow" Jordan said. "Bye Jayde  and Nat" Gabe said politely. We headed off to the gate and saw Matt waiting there for us. He walked to us "hey girlies" he winked at Nat. Nat blushed and said hi. "Are we ready? Let's go I don't have a lot of time" I said grabbing Nats hand pulling her to move faster while Matt trailed behind. "Hey hope in" Matt said unlocking his black Holden commodore. I took the passenger seat whole Nat sat at the back. "Thanks Matt" he looked at me while turning on the engine. "Don't mention it" why was he being so kind all of a sudden. Was it because of Casey and he knew about how much of a skank she really was, and how I just helped him. I wasn't sure but I was liking it, and I'm pretty certain Nat was in love with him again.

Oh I didn't mention, in middle school to sophomore year Nat has the biggest crush on Matt and me and Jordan were the only to know about it. I'm sure he would of dated her if she just spoke to him but she couldn't and that was a first because she's the biggest flirt and gets away with anything when it comes to guys. She's gotten lunch when she forgot hers, got boys to do her homework for her and assignments when she was too lazy to do it. All just by a twirl of her hair while biting her lips. I've seen it enough times "to know what she is going to do every time. But this was different, when she talked to him she always some how seem to stuff it up, I'm not sure how she managed it but it happened. And I can tell you know, she's defiantly still in love with him.

We finally made it. I hoped out and smiled at Matt from across the top of the car. He opened the door for Nat and she giggled "thank you" she said softly with a cute smile. Nat was such a winner, she could get any boy with that smile.


"Thanks for the ride Matt" I got out the car and ran up the path to my house. Nat was still in the car with him, I wonder how that is gonna end up. I ran to my room and chucked my bags on the floor. I took of my clothes and chucked on some comfy ones and jumped onto my bed. I pulled open my laptop from off the floor and saw that I had a message.

Gabe: hey.

I smiled and quickly replied.

Me: hey Gabe

I waited a few minutes..

Gabe: what are you doing right now?

Me: nothing, talking to you. What about you?

Gabe: same :p

Me: how was Jordan's

Gabe: fun, defiantly not homework

Me: knew it! I'm guessing video games?

Gabe: how did you know haha

Me: I know my stuff

Gabe: cute

Wait wat, did he just call me cute?

Me: what?

Gabe: what?

Me: did you just call me cute?

Gabe: I don't know. Did I? ;)

Me: well I'm tired.. I think I'm going to sleep

Gabe: so early?

Me: Yeh, it's been a long day

Gabe: yeh it has. Well goodnight. Cya tomorrow

Me: goodnight Gabe :)

I closed my laptop not knowing while smiling. Did Gabe think I was cute? Nah...

I woke up feeling fresh and revived, it felt like something had changed but can't quite comprehend it. Maybe it was

In love with the big shotHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin