Chapter One

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"Already smoking, Violette?" Lucius asked with a smirk, leaning against the door.

"Are you blind? Yes, I'm fucking smoking, now leave me alone." She responded with an eye roll turning her face to face the large window in her room

"Why so feisty?" He asked again, now entering her room.

"I just woke up, and I'm not happy to go back to school, so fuck off."

"Alright alright," Lucius said putting his hands in the air defensively. "I just wanted to tell you that breakfast is on the table, and we need to go."

"I'm going to get dressed, I'll be down in a minute."

As she watched him getting out of her bedroom, she did her whole morning routine. Violette Malfoy would take a bath, put her clothes on, and then she would put on a little bit of makeup. She didn't even know if she would call that makeup, as she just wore some eyeliner and eyeshadow.

Violette was brushing her long (almost white) blonde hair, when she heard a familiar voice yelling, making her jump.

"Violette!" Her fathers demanding voice was heard at the hall of the manor making her jump once again. "I want you here in 2 minutes!"

"Yes, father!" She yelled back starting to pack everything (in a big mess) into her bag.

Eventually, she met her father, but not even hearing a "good morning" or a "did you sleep well?". Instead, what she listened was a scream from her dad, blaming her for being late. He didn't let her eat, telling her this was her punishment.

She stood along with her mother, father, and brother at Platform 9 and three quarters. In exactly 5 minutes the Hogwarts Express would be on its way to Hogwarts.

"Don't forget to write us." Violette's eyes widen surprised. Did her mother just tell her to write to her? But as she continued Vi frowned. "About your grades, and how you are doing in your classes. I want a good performance in Potions this time."

"I don't think that's possible because she sucks," Lucius muttered with a smirk.

"If you keep on making fun of me, I'll cut that ponytail that is making you look like a horse." Violette retorted, watching for her delight, a Lucius turning red at her insult.

Abraxas looked at the two teenagers with disgust, as if they were insects, and, the last thing he said, was "Behave". With that, he walked away grabbing their mother's arm, leading her again towards the entrance.

"I'm going to find Narcissa."

She saw Lucius's expression lighting up, which made her regret the decision of saying her name out loud.

"But you are not coming with me."

He groaned.

The Black and Malfoy family had bound over the summer. They started to have dinners every single Friday, which made Violette suspicious until she overhead her parents talk. They were planning on making a rearranged wedding with Narcissa and Lucius. It was disgusting in her opinion, but to her parents, it was fantastic.

Lucius didn't mind it either, as she heard him talk with his friends about how hot she was. Gross.

But, what was making her preoccupied, was her situation. If Lucius was the first one with a rearranged married, (as he was a boy), she was next... she couldn't marry those ugly pure blood boys just because it would make her and her family wealthier. It was a lot to think about and she even tried to forget about all of this situation in the summer holidays.

We could say she hadn't succeeded.

As Violette was walking in the long corridors of the train, trying to find her best friend's compartment she heard an obnoxious laugh making her gag with disgust.

The laughs started to get closer and closer until they were in front of her.

She watched Sirius, James, and Peter in front of the door of the compartment laughing about some joke James had just said. As she glanced to the side, she watched Remus Lupin trying to read his book, as his friend laughs started to get bigger.

"Get out of my way Black." She demanded, making him look down at her.

"Oh if it's not another Malfoy. Your brother just walked past me and he didn't look very happy to see me..."

"He's not the only one who is not very happy to see you," Violette replied rolling her eyes irritated. "Now get out of my way."

As she watched Sirius and his other friends making themselves more comfortable in the middle of the corridor she groaned. Violette didn't want to waste more of her time in those idiots, so, with a flick of her wand, she made the marauders go up against the corridor walls, with unbelievable force leaving them with incredulous expressions.

"Goodbye losers." She voiced, finally walking in the middle of the corridor with a smirk.

The only thing she heard from that group of friends that day, was a Remus Lupin snorting at the scene and a Sirius Black telling him to shut up.

"Hey, Cissa!" She greeted when she finally found her, in a small compartment alone.

"Hi, Vi! Why so late?" Narcissa asked while putting Violette's bag next to hers.

"I just found some idiots"

"Idiots?" Cissa asked, furrowing her eyebrows confused


"Oh, and the rest of them." She replied with an eye roll. "Did you know he got disowned? It's everything my family is talking about lately."

"What? Really? Well, took them long enough." The blond girl commented making her friend snort.

"He is living with Potter."

"That's not new though... two blood traitors hanging out together, gross," Vi commented with an annoyed eye roll.

"Yeah, gross." She heard Narcissa agreeing. "Did you eat today?" She continued.

"No, I didn't..." Vi replied while grabbing some pumpkin pasties that Cissa handed to her. "How did you know?"

"You look pale... and this is not the first time, so I came prepared," Narcissa said shaking the food in her hand making Vi chuckle.

"Anyways, how was your summer? Violette asked trying to change the subject.

"I met The Dark Lord..." She whispered making the blonde girl almost gag with the food in her mouth.

Maybe Vi shouldn't have changed the subject.

"You did what?!" Violette interrupted her shocked.

"...But I don't want to talk about it."

"You can not just drop a bomb like that and then not wanting to talk about it!"

"Yeah, I know, but I just get so scared when I talk about him..."

"Well... how was it? He was at the Manor during the summer sometimes, but my parents didn't let me join them."

"You're lucky, mine dragged me inside. I just had to be there and listen to all the horrible things he wants to do to this world. It's terrible."

"Was Regulus there?" Violette asked. Regulus was a year younger than her, so, he had always been like a little brother to her. She always felt the need to protect him and to even think he was in the meetings without her, made her stomach drop with fear.

"Yes, he was. He looked so sick. I guess everyone new felt sick." Narcissa commented looking out of the window, watching the sky turn darker and sadder. Dark times were coming and everyone felt that.

"Oh and I forgot to say something," Narcissa said making Violette face her. She watched her friend's bright eyes turn into tearful ones. Worried, she sat next to and closer to her friend.

"I'm going to get the dark mark."

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