Chapter Two

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"Wait, WHAT?!" Violette asked, with her eyebrows raised in a rare state of shock.

"I don't know when...maybe next year or even in the middle of the term... but I just know I'm going to get it soon." Narcissa sighed sadly.

"How do you know that, Cissa?" Violette asked, laying her hand on top of her friend's hand.

"Well my parents told me that I was going to have a great future ahead of me with the Dark Lord, so I guess I know what they meant."

"Do you want this?" Violette asked, grabbing her friend's chin so she could face her.

Narcissa only whispered a "no" before she burst into tears again. The rest of the ride was Narcissa sobbing uncontrollably every time she would try to open her mouth to talk, and Violette trying to distract her with another subject. After a while, they changed into their Slytherin robes and Violette held Narcissa's hand trying to give her support while they were getting out of the train. Violette managed a small smile from her friend which made her content because she wasn't that good at comforting people.

When they finally finished the big and delicious feast they entered the Slytherin common room with Violette laughing with Narcissa.


She turned around and smiled brightly: "Regulus!! I missed you!"

"Oh, I missed you too. This summer was kinda boring I was alone all the time." He rolled his eyes while giving a sweet kiss to Narcissa's cheek. They weren't that close.

"Me too. We" She pointed to Narcissa and herself. " were only together three times all summer because Mother and Father want me to be a respectful and loving lady to my future pureblood husband."

"And how was it?" Narcissa asked sitting down in the dark green sofas of the common room.

"What do you mean how was it? It was terrible! And do you know what's even worse? My grandma had to teach me everything." Violette made a face of disgust sitting next to Narcissa.

"That sucks," Narcissa commented receiving nods of agreement from Regulus and Violette.

"But what did you have to do exactly?" Regulus asked curiously.

"I mean I did loads of things. I needed to wait for my father to sit so I could eat and he would always be late so I would learn how to be patient." She rolled her eyes. "Oh, and my Grandmother, used to carry around a stick so she could hit my back whenever I would be with a bad posture. She told me that no boy will ever want to marry me if I keep looking down when I walk."

"That never happened to me," Regulus commented.

"Well, you are a boy. We are girls and we need to please our husbands." Narcissa said making Violette snort with the last statement. Narcissa's eyes widen when she realized why she had snorted, so, she grabbed a parchment that was near and hit her arm slightly making Violette put her hands in the air defensively. "You have such a dirty mind! I don't think that classes of etiquette happen to be effective."

"Do you know Violette? It's obvious that wasn't effective." Regulus told them making Violette roll her eyes playfully.

"Well, I guess you are saying the truth. Besides I—"

"Party tomorrow at the Slytherin common room baby." Barty Crouch interrupted while giving a kiss to Violette's cheek making her almost shove him off the couch he had sat on.

"Oh my god can't you be civil?!" Violette snapped while rubbing her hand on the cheek she had been kissed.

"I was being civil, I gave you a kiss on the cheek." He winked making her groan. "Will I see you there?"

"It's obvious that I'm coming. But that doesn't mean that you will see me there." She retorted making Narcissa chuckle.

"We will see." He stood up and winked one more time before walking away towards his group of loud and arrogant friends.

"I thought that guy forgot about you," Regulus commented.

"Well, he didn't because I've never slept with him. And I'll never will."

"Never say never." Regulus teased.

"Oh Fuck off." She stood up and pulled Narcissa up who was almost asleep on the couch. "We are going to bed now, it's almost 11 pm. We will see you tomorrow. Goodnight."

"Goodnight." He smiled and walked away towards the dormitories alone.

When Violette arrived at the dorm, she threw herself onto the bed with a long and deep sigh, making Narcissa laugh.

The two friends had a dormitory just to themselves. They were lucky enough to have the richest families in the wizarding world so they could pay for their dormitories and technically, their privacy.

Their bedroom was pretty big too. They had two beds, one close to the wall which was Narcissa's, and the other in the middle close to the window which was Violette's. They had a lot of posters of huge bands, especially muggle ones, that they couldn't put in their bedrooms walls at home, because their parents would freak out. Their bedsheets were white and each one had three dark green pillows. It was a pretty cozy room that they were very content with.

When she finally put her pajamas on and entered her bedsheets, Violette hit her head on the pillow next to her and the moment she closed her eyes, she fell asleep not knowing that her life was going to change in so many ways in these and the next years.


This is so small ew anyways I hope you enjoyed it and don't forget to vote!!

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