chapter 3

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I woke up around one in the afternoon. I know that is late but I'm just so tired, and I could have slept more. I needed to get up and go to the library, the nursery, and finally stop down at the beach.

I help out in the nursery twice a week. Lately I have been working three or four times a week. Everyone stopped volunteering because of the funeral. I guess when they lose  life they don't want to help another one. I completely get it.

I grab a purple shirt and some jeans with knee-high boots. I comb through my hair. It leaves it really wavey. I look the best I have since they left. I actually look like, well, me.

I race through the kitchen and grab a handful of strawerrys. I start to go towards the door but realize how hungry I am. I grab an apple and take that with me.

The sun is really bright so I put in my sunglasses. I take a bite of watermelon and before I even got halfway to the town I was done eating. I really forgot how much I like food.

I walk through the doors to the nursery and get stopped by Lucy. "What are you doing here?! I told you that I wanted you to take time off so you could feel better " Lucy says.

"You said I could come back and when I felt better. Well....I feel better." I say.

Lucy flips her brown hair," Just promise me you won't have a weird crazy melt down and scare the children?"

"Um when have I ever had a meltdown and scared children?"

"Well I don't know about a melt down, but your face can be scary sometimes." Lucy jokes.

"Very funny, now where is Jessica?" I ask.

"Where do you think?"

I smile and walk to the back. Jessica is eight years old. She is usually in the back. Her parents left in the ship leaving her with Lucy . Well since they never returned Jes and lily had been living here till someone takes them. I have offered, but Lucy won't let me until everything passes completely. I was acutely going to take them next week. I still probably will if everything goes as planned.

I walk through the doorway and I see her reading in a tiny chair. She is a really smart kid. Unlike most of the kids here she acutely likes learning. She is reading at a higher level then most kids.

"Jessica! Come over here and give me a hug before I come over there and attack you." I say.

She turns around and I swear her blue eyes lit up when she saw me. "Alice!" She says running towards me.

I pick her up in my arms and spin her around.

"I missed you." She says

"I've missed you to Jes." I say.

She puts her finger to get lips and motions for me to follow her. I shake my head yes and I do.

She leads me to the front of the building and picks up Lilly. "Hi Lilly. Look who's here." Whispers Jessica.

She hands me Lilly,She is still sleeping. The first time I worked here I got so worried. She wouldn't wake up for anything! I ran to Lucy and right when I got her she woke up. That girl like sleep more than me!

I put her back down in her crib. We leave silently.


I spent a few hours there and then I started to walk towards the library. The streets were actually crowded. Wow.

I walked into the library and I grabbed a book from the top shelf. I notice a little picture book on the bottom shelf. I'll get it for Jes.

"Hey Al." Logan says.

"Hey Logan."

Logan works in the library every two days. I come in here a lot so I know most of the people here.

I sign the check out sheet. "So is that for Jessica?" He says pointing to the childrens book in my hand.

"No its for me. I just wanted to know if the little engine could." I say sarcastically.

"You don't gotta be so sarcastic Al."

"I'll try harder next time. Bye Logan,It was nice seeing you again."

"You to Al. O hey, remember to tell me if the little engine could or not. That's going to bother me all day!"

I roll my eyes,"look who is being sarcastic now."

I then back around and start to leave but I here him calling for me,"Alice wait for a second!"

I look up from the books,"yeah?" I ask.

"Just be careful out there, okay? I heard rumors there was a ship spotted this morning."

"They always spot them. You don't need to be worried about me." I say.

"I never said I was worried about you."

"Yeah sure." I say rolling my eyes,"bye Logan."

I wave goodbye and I walk out of the building. I open the book to the very first page of my book and start reading. When I was walking I heard a bunch of whispering and things like that when I was walking. You really would think they would stop doing that considering I have been here for four months!

I don't stop reading until I hear something very familiar. "Where is she?!" They say. I know that voice.

"She is over there"somebody in the crowd says while pointing to me.

I walk to the front of the crowd to find the a boat docked. What's going on? My heart starts to race. Whatever this is it can't be good. Then I remember who that voice went to.

"James?" I say.

I see him Walking and looking for someone. Looking for me. His dark hair is in his face. His dark eyes search the crowd of people. When his eyes meet mine I gasp, I never thought I would see them again!

"James" I yell running up to him

He picks me up in his arms, and for one it doesn't bother me. "Your back."

"Yeah, I guess I am."

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