The Air Kingdom

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By the time the trio had gotten to the Air Kingdom, Varian had just about ripped his hair out. As far as he was concerned, Hugo was the physical embodiment of nails on a chalkboard. He was noisy, obnoxious, rude and had no concern for the others' well-being.

The previous night when they had set up camp, Hugo had loudy declared he was sleeping in a tent even if Varian had been adamant in refusing to share. Needless to say, Varian lost that battle due to Hugo's sheer will to be annoying. He didn't get a wink of sleep. The blond man on the other hand had had quite a pleasant night. Varian knew this because he was kept awake by the other's loud snoring. Not only did Hugo noisily snore, he also shifted in his sleep a lot which led to plenty of accidental kicking to Varian's shins and many elbows to his stomach and chest. If Varian didn't know better he would have assumed the man were doing it on purpose.

It was plain to see that Varian had just about had it with the blonde man; and it had only had one night. He wasn't sure if he had the strength to endure a whole journey with him.

"Hey goggles-"

"Shut up." The striped-hair hair boy simply demanded and glanced down to his map again. "Okay. This is the place." He looked down to Yong, climbing off Prometheus. "You ready?"

Yong grinned back and nodded.

"You." He jabbed a finger to Hugo's chest. "Do. Not. Mess. This. Up." He emphasized every word with clear authority to which the blond man simply shrugged and mumbled out, "No promises~!"

The trio walked into the kingdom, taking in their surroundings. It wasn't long before they heard a shout and noticed multiple people running in the same direction towards what looked like underground bunkers. Varian ran, following the crowd until he stopped before the bunker. There was a young girl guiding others to the bunker and rushing them in. She wore a simple baby blue dress that had a yellow ribbon tied at her waist. The lower part of the dress had pale yellow dots that connected to make constellations. "What's going on?" He asked.

"Oh! Visitors!" She said in a happy tone despite the fact that everyone was practically running for their lives. "Please, don't worry, this is only a drill. You see, every year there is an annual meteor shower. As the princess of the kingdom it is my job to keep everyone safe. To do this, I must orderly and neatly get everyone to safety."

"Why don't you guys just... move?" Hugo asked out of genuine curiosity. Varian smacked his arm, telling him that was rude to ask.

"My people are very stubborn. This is their land and they refuse to leave. We've been here for centuries. We can't leave."

Varian nodded in understanding as he watched the last few people make their way into the bunker. The princess soon followed after, waving for the trio and their animal companions to follow behind.

The bunker was somewhat cramped but Varian was pleasantly surprised to find he at least had enough room to move his arms around. He had spent an entire night cramped in a tent with Hugo; The last thing he needed was to be crowded in another small area with the obnoxious man.

"Yeah, I understand that but you guys are in literal danger here. Do you guys have any self-preservation skills?" Hugo continued to ask questions.

The woman looked at the blonde with an unimpressed glare. "I do not like you." She stated simply.

Varian rolled his eyes, not pleased with Hugo's bothersome attitude. "Sorry about him. Uh, if you don't mind me asking, what's your name?"

"Oh! I totally forgot, where are my manners? I'm Nuru, princess of the Air Kingdom!" She gave a polite smile and bowed gracefully.

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