The Water Kingdom

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The travel to the water kingdom was much more exhausting, taking longer than the previous trips. It took a good three days and two nights to get to the kingdom and by the time they were there, Varian’s feet ached. He had let Yong and Nuru alternate turns riding Prometheus and had insisted it was fine that he walked despite Nuru’s protests. He just wanted to collapse.

He was happy to get to the kingdom and was ready to turn into the inn for the night and continue to the trial tomorrow. Unfortunately for him, Yong had other plans. “Whoa! Is that an aquarium?!” He pointed to the building that very clearly had “Archer’s Aquarium” painted on the sign next to it. Varian screamed internally in frustration. He was tired and didn’t want to make any pit stops but he didn’t want to say no either. It was probably Yong’s first time out of the kingdom and he wanted to explore. Varian couldn’t blame him for that.

“Yeah, but we don’t really have time to--”

“Aw c’mon goggles, don’t be such a stick in the mud. Let the kid explore! It won't hurt if we go in for a while, right?” Hugo playfully jabbes an arm into Varian’s side which was rudely smacked away.

“I guess…” He reluctantly agreed. He only felt slightly better when he saw Yong’s face light up and even Nuru grinned. Hugo looked happy too but it did little to brighten his mood. He did not care for the blond’s feelings.

They gang walked into the aquarium as Varian left Prometheus and Ruddiger outside, trusting them to not raise havoc. Nuru and Yong immediately ran off together the moment they entered the building, leaving Varian stuck with Hugo. Varian was slowly beginning to dislike children.

“Well hair-stripe, looks like it’s just you and me!” 

“Nope. Just you.” Varian began walking away, leaving Hugo to be on his own.

Hugo, being as persistent as he was, simply followed the shorter man. “Aw, c’mon sugar, don’t be so mean.” 

“Shut up.” Varian hissed. “And don’t call me that.”

“What? Sugar? Okay. How about sweet-cheeks? Rose? Beloved? Darling?”

Varian had to stop himself from decking the man with glasses in the face. He didn’t want to cause a scene in public. If they had still been travelling he would have gladly taken a swing at the older man. Instead he slapped the man on the arm. “Will you shut up?!” He harshly whispered.

“Why? Does it make you mad?” Hugo had the gall to smirk at him. 

Yes. It made him quite mad. Enraged, in fact. But he didn’t want to give Hugo the satisfaction of knowing that. “No. It’s just annoying.”

“It makes you mad. Admit it.”

“Shut up, glasses.”

“Glasses? Oh… You’re so mean to me… How could you?” The blond man feigned an expression of hurt before chuckling.

Varian on the other hand found the situation to be less than desired. He walked down the long corridor of glass and water in front of him, admiring the fish and ignoring Hugo. He stopped for a minute to stare and admire it. It was calming.

That was until Hugo came over his shoulder and stared intently. Varian pointed to a rather ugly looking fish. “Look, that one looks like you.”

“WHAT?!” Hugo shouted in shock. Varian chuckled to himself. “Gotcha” He thought.


By the time the duos had regrouped, Varian was exhausted and so was everyone else. They had turned in for a night at the inn and for the first time in a while, Varian got a good night of sleep not having been forced to sleep next to a snoring and kicking Hugo so by the morning he was ready to take on whatever the trial threw at him.

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