0/8 The Accident

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Once Kol and I got out of the car, we began to walk on the trail. I felt happy and relieved not to be at school right now. I looked at Kol waiting for him to say something, but he never did. Kol finally noticed my stare, his smirk started to form again. 

"What's on your mind darling," his smirk grew bigger as I turned my head to look away. I honestly didn't have anything to talk to him about. So I said this: "Nothing, just wondering if you ever compelled me," my eyes rested on a couple of squirrels figthing over a nut.

 Kol stopped and grabbed my shoulders gently," I would never compel you love," Kol's smirk disappeared. "Darling, I would never do anything to hurt you," Kol let me go and we started walking again.

"If I asked you, would you turn me? You know into a vampire," I looked back at him. "No," his face turned into a weird look I never seen before. "I mean it's not like I want to be one, but I was just wondering," I looked at him smiling. "I would want you to live your life as long as possible," he smiled at me.

I laughed when he told me a couple of jokes, he is actually pretty funny. I gazed into his eyes, he held my gaze. I couldn't look away from his goergous chocolaty eyes. I kept walking and felt something hit my leg, hard. I felt my body tumble over the tree branch. I felt a stinging pain in my leg, I looked down and saw that the tree branch pierced through my thigh. "Ahh," I cried out in pain.

"Hold on darling," Kol reached down and pulled out the branch as quick as he could, but also gentle so he wouldn't hurt me as much. I yelped once the branch exited out of my thigh. He wrapped his arms around my waist and sat me on a rock. "Here," Kol bit into his wrist, holding his wrist toward my mouth. 

I looked at him, then his wrist. I put mouth over his wrist and took in a couple slurps of blood. I gagged as I swallowed the drops of blood. "It's not that bad," Kol smirked. I looked back up at him," We should probably start heading back," I got up dusting my bottom off. 

"Yeah you look ter-," I watched as a stake plunge into his heart. Kol dropped to the ground, luckly he's an Original Vampire or else he would be dead. "KOL!!" I cried out, but before I could go and try to help him I felt something hit the back of my head; everything went black.

A Hour Later.....

I woke up with a pounding headache, I looked around  trying to see where I was. I was tied to a chair, the room I was in was about a medium sized room. I looked around and saw Kol chained to a wall. "Kol?" I watched him flick his head up to look at me. 

"Darling are you ok?" I closed my eyes as the pain struck my head again." Yeah just a little headache, that's all," I opened my eyes when I saw a wooden door open. I saw a tall guy with red hair walk in, with a shorter guy following behind. " Awe your both awake, brilliant," he looked at Kol and I," Shall we get started?" the guy smirked.

"Who the hell are you?" I glared at him. He didn't seem so pleased when I spoke to him. He started walking towards me. "You better watch your mouth young lady," he started pointing his finger at me. 

"Did your mommy ever tell you that it's not nice to point at a lady," I heard Kol chuckle. "Now are you going to anwser my question or just stand there acting like a idiot," I smirked.

The man came over to me and slapped me across the face. I looked at him suprised, that bastard had a grin on his face. A satisfied grin. Without even thinking I spit on his face when he lowered down to speak to me. I felt another sting on my cheek. "You fucking bitch!" he wiped my spit off his face. Kol chuckled again. "You can call me Rex," he glared at me.

"This might be the wrong time to say this, but you shouldn't talk to a lady like that mate," Kol smirked. "You have a little mouth too? Do I need to fix our situation here?" he yelled. "Maybe, maybe not," Kol snorted. 

"Where's Klaus?" Rex questioned. "Why do you want to know?" Kol snapped. "Klaus is a hybrid, he can harm anyone he wants. I want to end him," Rex paced through the room.

"Well first off, you can't kill a Original Hybrid. Second I would never tell you where Klaus is," Kol looked at him in disqust. 

Rex started walking towards me," I guess we'll have to do this the hard way," He smirked. "See, I saw Liley here drink your blood. Meaning she has vampire blood in her system," Rex started petting my hair. I tried to move my head away from his hands. 

"I swear, if you hurt her I will end you!" Kol spat at Rex. "Then tell me where Klaus is," Rex demanded. "New Orleans," Kol rolled his eyes in annoyment. 

"See was that so hard," Rex smirked. He bent down facing me," Since Kol here was having to take so long on anwsering. I guess we will let him pay the consequence." I saw Kol struggle with the chains trying to get to me. Rex wrapped his hands around my neck and snapped it.

My One and Only// Kol Mikaelson Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now