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Kol's P.O.V.

"Nooooo," Kol yelled. Rex obviously wasn't smart enough to get stronger chains, because I snapped them in half. I vamp sped towards both the men and ripped their hearts out. I picked Liley up and vamp sped out of this horrible place and went home. I finally arrived at the mansion.

"KLAUS!!" I yelled through the house. I ran into the living room. "Kol why do you need to scream thr-," Klaus stopped and looked at Liley," What happened?" Klaus's face changed. I explained everything that happened. "I'll go fetch someone for here to feed on, for when she wakes," Klaus vamp sped out the door. 

"Come on Liley, wake up," I pleaded, and stroked her long beautiful blonde hair. I took her into my room. I layed her down on my bed and waited. 

Liley's P.O.V.

I looked around to my surroundings, I was deep in the woods where Kol and I were today. The air was a lightish blue color. "Where am I?" I asked myself. I looked around for Kol, I couldn't see him, Did I come alone? 

"Liley?" I heard a familiar accent shout out for me. My feet started moving towards the call," Liley!" Kol's yelling came louder and louder. I was so eager to get to Kol, I started running. I kept tripping and falling over tree branches that have fallen down. Rocks kept getting stuck under my feet, like they didn't want me to go to Kol. 

I finally broke out of the woods seeing Kol standing there looking around for me. "Kol?" I mumbled. Kol turned his head towards me and smiled. I burst off into a sprint and plunged at him to develope in a hug. I burst off crying, but not just any tears, happy tears. "Come back to me," he softly moved me out of our hug. He looked at me," Come back to me," I looked at him confused. " Kol I-I'm right here?" 

"Come back to me. Come back to me," Kol repeated.

My eyes flashed open, I gasped for air. I breathed in faster and faster trying to get more air into my lungs. I looked around to see I was sitting on Kol's bed. "Kol," I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. Kol did the same thing but held me harder in his hold. "Your alright darling," he soothed my hair. 

"Kol? What happened to me?" I choked out. My throat felt scratchy, I clutched my throat in pain. Kol took me out of our hug," Darling, your in transition," his voice softened. Kol looked down trying not to make eye contact with me. 

"I-I died?" I sobbed. Then all the memories started flooding back to my brain. When I tripped over that damn branch, I drank Kol's blood, and Rex snapping my neck. "Why did he do this to me? I didn't want this!" I cried out. I know it wasn't Kol's fault, he was the one trying to protect me from all this. I slid off of the bed and paced around the room. 

"Darling?" he walked towards me. "Do you wanna complete the transition?" He placed a hand on my shoulder. I thought about it for a moment. My gums were starting to hurt, "Ahh," I rubbed my lips trying to make my gums feel better. "Darling do you want to complete the transition?" Kol asked again. " I don't want to die Kol," I rubbed my head in pain. "EVERYTHING HURTS!!" I yelled.

"Love calm down. Klaus will be here any minute now," Kol tried to comfort me. "Please, please just be quiet," I whimpered in pain. "Aww look who came back from the dead," I heard Klaus say as he entered the room. I turned my head in pain to look at him. "Love you need to feed," Kol soothened me. I looked at the brunette girl that Klaus has broughten me. 

Kol helped me up and I walked over to the girl, I examined her for a moment.  "Darling don't be shy," Klaus pushed the girl softly over to me. Kol scraped his finger nail across the girls neck, blood started dripping from the wound. I looked at the wound in disgust, I leaned into her neck and placed my mouth over the wound. I tasted the nasty coppery taste, but the more blood that dripped on my tongue the more blood I wanted. 

I could smell and hear the blood pump through her neck. I couldn't fight the urge, I plunged my fangs that just magically came out of my mouth into her neck. I grabbed at the girl, I couldn't get enough blood. It's like the blood took everything away and just gave me happiness and satsifaction. I drained every single ounce of blood out of that girls body. I dropped the body and smiled, I wiped my mouth and looked at Kol. He seemed satsifyed, " Way to go darling," He smirked. 

2 months later....... 

I sat at the Mystic Grill and ordered a glass of Whiskey. I was trying to decide who was going to be my lunch, I looked over and saw a guy about in his thirties flirting with this girl about 20/ 21. "So what do you do Mr. Hendrickson?" I heard the young women ask. "I work at a construction site, you?" he swirled his finger around the glass of his cup. "I stay at home and raise 2 of my kids, while my husband is running his own store down town," she drank the rest of her drink. 

"Why don't you order us some more drinks while I go use the ladies' room," the young women stood up and headed for the rest room. I watched as the bartender poured them more drinks and went over to another customer. The older man took a small vial out of his coat pocket. He poured some liquid into the young lady's drink. 

I placed my drink down and walked over to the older man. "Hey," I sat down next to him and smiled. "Hey there," the man smirked at him. "I couldn't have helped but listen to your converstation with the other girl over there," I slid my index finger down his arm. "You did, did you," he grabbed my hand. I felt uncomfortable for a moment but still played along. "Why don't we head over to my place," I smiled at him.

"Sure," the man got up and pulled out some change and placed it on the table. "You can call me Henry by the way," We walked outside. We walked down the the street for a minute and pulled him into a allyway. I shoved Henry into the wall and started compelling him," You will not scream, you will stand still and not say anything at all," Henry robotically repeated what I said. 

"Good boy," I plunged into his neck and fed on him quickly. I dropped his dead body and heard someone clap. I spun around to see Kol smirking at me, "You never fail to suprise me Liley," he spoke. I laughed and spoke," And whys that," I smiled. "I don't know, you just do," he continued smirking at me. 

Kol taught me alot over the past few months. He taught me how to control myself, and helped me feed without killing people. Yeah I killed somebody today, but he was a pervert. Also through my journey through a vampirel life I became closer to Kol. Kol and I blurred over to his mansion and sat in the living room and talked for the rest of the night. 

"Are you ever going to go back to school at all darling?" Kol asked the next moring handing me a blood bag. I took my time drinking my blood bag"Yeah," I finished my blood bag. "Well we should get going then," Kol took my hand and vamp speed to the car.

 I looked at at my daylight ring and played with it on the way to school. The ring had a turqouise rock with a feathered band holding the rock in place. The ring was absolutly beautiful, Kol had Bonnie make it for me. I died December 16th so you can say it was considered as a gift. Kol and I finally arrived at school," Don't kill anyone today," Kol smirked at me. I gave him smile and headed towards the school.

A/N: Hey guys!! I just wanted to show you guys Liley's ring that Kol and Bonnie had made Liley. I'm going to start making my chapters a little longer due to someone asking why I have such short chapters. I'm sorry if that was what has been going on. Well anyways enjoy the story, and don't forget to vote, comment, and read on!! - JazzyTonic24

 Well anyways enjoy the story, and don't forget to vote, comment, and read on!! - JazzyTonic24

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