brothers best friend

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Y/n pov:
As I wake up to the sun peaking through my window blinds I force myself out of bed considering it's already kinda late. I start to walk to the kitchen but instead walk straight into someone's chest. When I look up my cheeks instantly go bright red as I see who I've run into, Ruel. I hate to admit it but I've had a crush on him for years now. I mean how could I not he's literally the definition of perfect, he would never feel the same way about me though considering he's my brothers best friend.

"Watch where your going love" he smirks down at me

"S-sorry I didn't see you there" I stated nervously. He's always had this effect on me and every time I see him it seems to get worse. All Ruel does is chuckle at me blushing but as he was about to say something my brother comes running from the living room.

"Ruel- oh hey y/n me and Ruel were just going to head out for breakfast if you want to join" josh (the brother lmfao) states.

You obviously said yes as you went to go back to your room and change. Usually you wouldn't worry about how you looked but considering Ruel was coming you decided to go with some mom jeans, a tight white long sleeve, and slipped on an oversized t-shirt over that to pair. Throwing on some converse and taking another look at yourself in the mirror happy about the outfit.


You guys finally made it to the cafe where the boys chose to eat. There was only one booth left open so your brother took one side and Ruel sat next to you. You were a little confused by this but quickly brushed it off remembering the feelings between you and him could never be mutual. You all decided on getting just lattes since it was still early. The three of you talked until the waiter came over and you hated to admit it but he was rather attractive. Blue eyes, brown hair and looked around 6ft- Ruel obviously still more attractive but this boy wasn't too bad. He took Ruel and Josh's order and soon it was my turn.

"What can I get for you today gorgeous" he stated
with a bright smile.

The compliment made me throw him the same smile back but that soon faded as I saw Ruel's jaw clench shut, as he stared at the boy with nothing but anger. You turn back at the waiter ready to tell him your order but was cut off by Ruel before you could get any words out.

"She will have the same, thanks." he scoffed

"I don't think I remember asking you bud" Luke (the waiter) spat at Ruel with a slight smirk on his face.

You could tell this angered him more so before he could say anything else you grabbed ruels hand in yours.

"Hey it's ok, I got this" you say barely over a whisper. You see him face soften as he nods his head.
You told Luke your order and sighed in relief as soon as he left. You were still confused on why Ruel was acting like this but didn't let it get to you too much, so put it to the back of your mind and finished up at the cafe.

——— (later that night, sorry for the time skip)

The clock just hit 3am and I couldn't sleep. The only thing I could think about was Ruel and how weird he acted today. Just as you were going to get up you heard your door slowly creak open, revealing the boy that's been on your mind all day shirtless with only gray sweatpants.

"Oh shit sorry did I wake you I can go if you want.." ruel scratching the back of his neck slowly starting to walk out.

"No no you didn't wake me I actually can't sleep" you smiled softly not wanting him to leave.

"Yeah same- do you wanna watch Netflix or something since we can't sleep?" He asked

You nodded your head as you reached over and grabbed your laptop from the dresser. You pulled up Netflix as Ruel got into your bed next to you, your shoulders touching.

"What do you want to watch? You can pick."

"Hm how about a scary movie? Of course only if your into that stuff" He said looking into my eyes

Shit I'm terrible with scary movies

You pushed your fear of scary movies as you nodded you head. You pulled the blanket over the both of you guys as the movie started.

Ruels pov:

About 20 minutes into the movie there's a jump scare, causing y/n to flinch. You slowly moved your arm to wrap around her and pulled her into your chest. She didn't seem to mind as she snuggled up into your chest.

God I wish u could call her mine


I hear y/n say as I pause the movie to look at her.

"Yeah love"

"I- I like you. More than a friend Ruel, I always have." She says fiddling nervously with her fingers.

I look at her in shock. She likes me. She likes me back.

"I'm s- sorry I knew I shouldn't have said anything" she says trying to get out of my grip. I tighten my arms around her so she can leave."

"Y/n. I like you too, I have for a long time. Why do you think I acted like that at the cafe when that asshole called you gorgeous. I want you so fucking bad but I never had the guts to say it" I spoke looking into her eyes.

She immediately crashed her lips to mine as they mold together. The kiss gets more heated as I start to move from her lips to her jaw, then to her neck. I find her sweet spot sucking on it lightly. Causing her to let out a moan. I go back up to her lips as she lightly pulls at my hair, making me groan. Both of us pull away after a few minutes for air as we rest our foreheads together. Our lips swollen from the make out as we try to catch our breath.

"Y/n will you be my girlfriend?"



"Wh- what?"

"Of course I'll be your girlfriend Ruel oh my god come here" she says opening her arms for a hug.

"You almost gave me a heart attack" I mumble into her neck.

"Sorry bub"


A/n: hey guys this is my first imagine so please be nice :)
I try to update once or twice everyday so if you want you can always send me requests in the comments
Anyways have a good day/night xx
And don't forget to vote if u want LMFAOO

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