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"No way." Errol said, clearing his head as he sat up.

"You really want to play this game again? I will kill your precious moonlark, Forkle." Fintan sighed.

"You won't. I can see it your eyes." Mr. Forkle informed him.

In one quick movement, Fintan held Sophie by the throat.

"You doubt me?" The Ancient hissed, his hand bursting into flame. "She will die the way you were supposed to."

"You won't kill her." Errol repeated, reassuring himself.

"Hello? Forkle? Miss Foster's burning to death over here. So I suggest you talk. Especially since you're the only one left, and Gethen's not around to defend her." Fintan told him, rolling his sky-blue eyes.

"Fine." Errol muttered. It was one word, said so quietly, and in a defeated manner. But it was all Fintan wanted to hear.

"Now we're getting somewhere." The Pyrokinetic mused, dropping Sophie, who gasped for breath.

Fintan strode to Forkle's shield, then leaned down, and simply uttered, "Talk."

Mr. Forkle took a deep breath. Then another. And another. " .... " 

"Speak, you doddering old man!" Fintan snarled, that deranged look sneaking back into his expression.

Vespera muttered an expletive under her breath when Errol couldn't speak.

Ruy groaned under his breath, then electrocuted Forkle until the elf was barely holding on to conscious.

"Just tell me everything!" Fintan growled, enraged at Forkle's state of not complying.

Errol regained a firm hold on reality, then opened his mouth again. Nothing came out.

"Stop playing games! This is serious! I have your moonlark's life on the line, and still you refuse to speak? I think her life should be more important than a few of your secrets!" Fintan screeched, his annoyance reaching new heights as he jerked Sophie over to him and grasped her arm in a burning hold.

Forkle found his voice. "I changed my mind. You're not hearing anything from me, Fintan."

"Seriously? You're sacrificing your moonlark just so you can keep some knowledge?!" The Pyrokinetic demanded, incredulous.

"Knowledge is the most dangerous and most powerful thing. In the wrong hands, it can be used as a weapon." Errol said as his way of explaining.

"What else do you think I'd do with it?!" Fintan shrieked, looking quite mad. Vespera tsked under her breath, and Ruy sighed.

"Exactly why you won't learn a thing from my mouth." The leader of the Black Swan informed him.

Fintan snarled, then resumed his fiery grip of the moonlark.

After a few seconds, Errol dropped his head in defeat. "Okay, you'll learn everything."

"Good. This better not be a trap. No taking it back." Fintan snapped, dropping Sophie once more.

"Okay, so we were created because we hated the Council's way's, and wanted to fix our world. Not tear it down like you maniacs, and become power-hungry menaces." Forkle started.

"Sometime you have to tear things down to rebuild them. And something better will rise from the ashes." Fintan told him.

Errol rolled his eyes. "Let me finish, then you can justify your actions. As I was saying, we were created to fix our world. The Black Swan has been around a lot longer than anyone realizes. We've been existing for a few decades now, fixing the little things that we could. And then when your group declared it's existence prominently, we had to also, to combat you lunatics."

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