chapter 6

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There were two things that [name] had learned over the course of a week from being around this blonde man.

Firstly, she had learned that walking was a gift. In her first few days spent around this man, she struggled to balance herself up onto her own two feet, almost like a toddler would, as they learned how to traverse the world on their own two feet for the very first time.

He was a quiet person. While he could converse, he held his tongue, simply from what seemed to be a wish of solitude, and instead, only resorted to talking with her when he was the one asking a personal question or shortly answering one of hers. But, he didn't complain, not once, nor did he swear even as he had to help her walk back and forth from the bed to a chair, or even emptying herself out in the wilderness.

Secondly, according to the books, boxes, viles and even more laying around the table across from the chairs around the makeshift pot for meals, he was an educated man. More questioningly however, were all of the chemicals he created day in, day out. As well, the weather day or night, would be freezing cold. While it was common sense, and she would be freezing her butt off in bed, he would regardless still remain standing over the table. Without a care in the world, as though the cold world blowing around them was apart of him.

She wished she had the ability to ask him.

Why? For what reason would anyone want to come to a place such as this?

It seemed almost... Lonely.

"Is something on your mind?"

[name] flinched, scolding herself mentally.

She forgot the third thing: frankly, he was perceptive.

She leaned onto the palm of her hand. "Why do you ask?"

Without peering over his shoulder, Bedo continued pouring a liquid into the flask he was holding. "I can feel your stare. Do you have a question for me?"

Her eyes squinted at his shoulder curiously.

"Nothing in particular."

"Hm." He hummed. "Is it about what I'm creating?"

Fuck. Is she really the detective here or is it him?

The [hair color] haired girl swatted her hands in the air, as though she was swatting away her own embarrassment. Bring her leg to sit with her on the chair she was on, she embraced the limb, burying her face into her knee, her [hair color] bangs covering most of her face. "Go on."

She could almost hear soft amusement hidden in his voice. "Medicine."

"Why? You said you weren't a doctor."

"A physician."

"Same thing, spill the beans chump一what's bouncing in those sleeves of yours."

Bedo had taken a short while to answer her. "If you make eggs for breakfast."

Now, she had been the one humming. "This is a very subtle analogy, ain't it?"

"一It is considered food. But, what if you burn it?"

She raised a brow at his back. "It would still be food."

"Right, just as how a cook at home is still the very same as a cook who cooks food for a living一making medicine doesn't require a special skill or title. At the end of it all, it is through trial and error, medicine."

Does FDA approval mean nothing to this guy then?


... He had a point.

Lackluster Detective's Grand Case [Albedo x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now