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"Bo..boss you are here. We were about you come there." Arya broken the silence. Boss raised his eye, and sat on couch like king.

"Boss we will bring that weapons some how?" Cabir said seeing Manik not opening his mouth.

Manik mind fully on Nandini, he praying she shouldn't come down.

"Why the mister Manik not speaking? Do you know why I kept you as my right hand and saying all things to you." Boss asked Manik.

"Because I am doing all work well and fool police." Manik said looking down.

"Yes, and you strong and smart at same time which help me more. But you" Boss throw chair on anger, which made Hugh sound and broken Nandini sleep.

"This Cabir don't have any work." Nandini murmured and slept again but in a second she sat on bed like ghost , "did Manik came? Yayay." She jumped and went down.

"You know you broken the trust I have on you. I want my weapons and drugs somehow I don't know how you trio do. I need it back." Boss order strictly for which Cabir and Arya nodded, and nude Manik who lost in thoughts.

Manik looked at angry boss and nodded yes.

"For this job concentration and focus is important Manik, you losing it. Be careful." He warned, Manik nodded but his reaction changed when Nandini voice heard. All turned to Nandini who standing on hall.

"Manik.." her eye widen seeing blood in manik shirt and hands.

"Mani..what happened..blood.." Nandini run to manik and held his face and hands. Manik glanced at boss, who seeing Nandini held her tightly in his arms. Cabir and Arya srood in front of manik covering Nandini mainly, as the men's and boss eye not proper.

"A girl? Here? Who is she?" Boss voice gain Nandini attention, she try to turn but Manik held her arms tightly. She looked up at manik who looking straightly, by seeing his clenched jaw, Nandini can understand he is angry.

"She is...Cabir sister, came from Delhi today morning." Arya said, Cabir frown and nodded yes.

"Yes my sister, meri Jaan. She don't have anyone except me, so came to see me. My parents....." Cabir did fake drama, pulled and hugged Nandini and cried,which made Arya and Manik curse him.

"Don't worry nandu, Ma and papa will come soon."Nandini stood silent in Cabir arms.

"Cabir if you need to live tomorrow, stop your fucking drama." Manik whisper in Cabir ear, who left Nandini in switch and stood silent. Nandini stood nervously looking down, they are five more mens other then trio.

"Hmm can't believe you have a beautiful sister." Boss said looking at Nandini up and down. Manik glanced at it and stood in front of her.

"I will bring the weapons tomorrow istelf." Manik said with neutral face. Boss smirked and turned to leave.

He stopped at door and turned to Manik, "having weakness is bad Manik mainly in this job. I hope next time no mistake will happen, if happens you know what might I do?" He looked at Nandini who peeking from Manik back, immediately went behind Manik. Boss smirked and left from there with his mens.

Manik in switch pulled Nandini front and held her arms tightly, "Who the hell told you to come down? Why are you always getting into trouble yourself. Didn't I said whenever I am home don't come in front of me. Useless."

"Manik leave her." Arya and Cabir pulled Manik back, Nandini stood in tears.

"Don't always control me, say to her. He saw her now he will do anything." Manik yelled kick the couch near by. Nandini flinched back.

"I.miss.." Nandini words cut by Manik scream "Missed me wow??. How you love and miss a gangster like me who kill all."

"Manik he left, won't come back. Let's us first get the weapon from police." Arya said glaring at him.

"I can take care of that. You get into your room and be there, only come out if your were ask too." Manik warned Nandini and turned to leave but Nandini held his hands.

"Youu." Nandini pulled Manik to couch, made him sit and took medical kit, she took his hands and treated his wound. Manik looked at her face which was ready to cry loudly, tears are flowing like river but she refuse to rub it. Cabir pulled Arya with him to their room.

After she finished, held his hands, "I am sorry for all you facing. I missed you so much in this two week. Being with you only making my feelings increase for you." She sniffed and whip her tears, Manik looked at her face.

"I won't disturb you anymore, I won't come in front of your face, now, or never I will." She said and stood up, took all blood.

"One more thing." Manik looked up at her, who back facing him, "no one born as criminal, situation make them as criminals. I know you very well manik, how much bad you show yourself, that much good person you are. I won't ask the reason or say to anyone. That what really make me love you so much, always I will." Manik heartbeat raised hearing it. She run up into her room. Manik sat numb, running his palm through his face and hair. Full night no one slept, Manik went to police station to get weapon, Nandini stood near window and thinking about her life.


"Boss, your doubt is right. That girl is not Cabir sister." Boss smirked and looked at his men.

"Her name is Nandini Murthy, college student, her parents filled a missing complaint on her. And mainly." Boss raised his eye at him.

"She loving Manik for three years which known to her parents, she run away to Manik." His man finished the data.

Boss smirked and looked straight, "I thought right, how she become Cabir sister, when all trio are orphan. And Manik eye shown some kind of feelings for her. Which is very interesting." He looked at Nandini photo, caressed it.

"Keep eye on Manik house, mainly on this girl." His men nodded and went.

"Boss why so much important to this small girl?" One man asked to him.

Boss smriked and said looking at Nandini photo "Keeping girl with us make our work more interesting and mainly a girl like her, hard to find."

Words:- 1118

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Few words for Manan

Few words for Cabir and Arya

Few words for boss

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Unknown writer✨❤️

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