°He don't love me°

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In police station

"Will you three speak up or not?" Inspector bangs the table in front of three people who sat cooly.

"Please don't shout anymore. Nowadays heart attacks come frequently for old men. If you go, who will see your family." One fair funny guy said.

"This is not a joke time, Cabir." Inspector glared at Cabir, who shrugged his shoulders.

"You're wasting our time. We will leave this place in 2 minutes." Another guy said giving hifi with Cabir. Middle guy sat silent.

"Oh really! But who will come for a low class gangster like you." Inspector smirked at them .

"30..29..28.. timing going inspector, leave before something happens to you." Cabir said.

"You bloody gangster, say your boss's name." He shouted at them but three sat unaffected.

"10..9..8..7..time is very less...3" Arya said.

"Sir there is someone who came to see you." Constable said to the inspector who glared at them.

Cabir gestured to him to go. Inspector went out to see a lawyer standing with paper.

"See this." Lawyers gave a paper. Inspector opened and read, sweat forming on his face.

"Leave them or your family is dead. If you want to see your wife alive.


"Leave them." Inspector said, three came out.

Tall guy stretched his arms and stood in front of the inspector, "Doing your duty is not bad. But you should treat criminals in a nice way. Be happy, I didn't lose my temper and kill you." His deep voice made the inspector shiver in his place.

He walked out in attitude, Cabir and Arya followed him.

"Hahahah, Manik, did you see that inspector shivering in his place?" Cabir laughed giving hifi to Arya.

Manik smirked and sat in the car. They drive to their house.

"Call the boss and inform him that drugs are safe with us." Manik said while driving.

"Didn't the drugs reach the police ?" Arya asked in confusion but seeing Manik smirked they got to know he did something.

"Manik is here, why fear?" Cabir said laughing, Manik smirked.

Arya called boss and told him, "Money should be transferred."

"So Holiday for a few days." Cabir said stretching his muscles.

"But Cabir Manik has work to do tomorrow." Arya said, smirking.

"Ohh yes manik's love must be waiting." Cabir teased Manik, who rolled his eyes.

"Fuck! She is not my love, shut up." Manik growled at them.

"Manik come on for one year we are seeing. She looks at you with so much love." Cabir said seriously.

"Cabir, you know what kind of job I am doing. So in my life no love, marriage, nothing." Manik stopped the car, and rushed inside the house hurriedly.

"He won't understand Cabir." Arya said looking at the manik figure.

"Till how many days he's going to be like this I don't know.", Both sighed sadly and walked inside. All slept except Manik who spent the whole night thinking about something.

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