Chapter VII | You Look So Good to Me

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The next day, Sakuta boarded the train that takes him to the station near his school. He then sat beside Mai, who also was on the way to the school.

"So what now?" Mai asked.

"I don't hate premonitions, but this... sucks." Sakuta responded frustratingly.

"I know... it feels like a fight I can never win." Mai added.

"It's up to Mizumi for that. Not gonna lie, it feels like crying is her everyday routine now." Sakuta replied.

Mizumi's sadness is unmatched by anyone else. As her tears fall down her cheeks, a story is told. Her childhood was not perfect. Her only true happiness was meeting Sakuta on that day.

As the train stopped, they both stepped out and went to their school. They then both went to their respective rooms.

As Sakuta's time ended, he then walked to the Laboratory to talk about something with Rio.

"Futaba-san... can I have a word with you for a moment?" Sakuta asked as he poked his head through the door.

"What is it that you want this time, rascal?" Rio teased.

"Apart from so many questions that needs explanation, I also want an unsterilised beaker filled with caffeine please." Sakuta clapped back then he opened the door full-wide then closed it as he got in.


"Hmm... I see. I still have no grounds for this syndrome though. So you're trying to say that by solving her issues, you can theoretically remove her sadness... Am I correct?" Rio tried to clarify.

"Yes that's mostly it. I honestly don't know if it's going to work or not. Everytime we cheer her up, it keeps going back to square one." Sakuta answered, as he takes a sip of coffee.

"You have to keep trying. I really don't know what to do in these types of situation, but I'll just keep trying if I were you." Rio said.

Sakuta kept thinking of the possibilities.

Hmm... it looks like I'll be tired at the end of the day because of this. Besides, it's gonna be all worth it. Mizumi-san, you better...

"Sakuta-kun, I'm gonna add something." Rio called on him.


Back at home, Mizumi was peacefully watching television, holding a bowl of ice cream as if nothing bizarre would happen.

"Hmm... I wonder when will they be back here..." She asked herself while looking at the wall clock.

"Tadaima!" Mai and Sakuta both opened the door.

"Alright, Mizumi-san! It's time for you to change your clothes. We're gonna have some fun!" Mai said to her.

"Uh- but what if..." Mizumi tried to utter a sentence, but she couldn't.

"Hmm? Your bad luck? Don't be. There'd be nothing to stop us. After all, this will be our second time to get together." Sakuta smiled towards Mizumi.

"Yeah... Yeah I want to! Y- Yeah, let's do it!" Mizumi happily said as she quickly stood up and ran towards Sakuta's room to change.

Yes, this is the right thing to do.  I don't care whether or not she will screw things up along her way. As long as she's happy, that's enough. This might not reverse the effects, but I will try and try until it finally does. I'm not giving up.


As Mizumi took her steps outside the apartment, it seems like nothing is happening yet. As the three realized this, they jumped in joy.

They went everywhere and tried everything that will paint their smiles on their faces. They tried park rides and even spent time on the beach and lit some sparklers on their own. Sakuta and Mai thought they were doing a good job running their show for Mizumi.

Afterwards, they sat down on the sandy harbours so that they could get some fresh air.

"...Thank you, guys." Mizumi uttered.

"Hmm? It's alright, Mizumi-san. After all, this is your night." Sakuta said.

"I really do not know where this idea came. But what fun! I hope I can see all of you in the next lifetime." Mizumi said.

"Huh? What do you mean? We'll always be looking after you. We just want to see you happy all the time." Mai said.

"But... I really want to tell you something. The fact that you did all of this for me... is heartwarming, and I appreciate what you're doing for me..." Mizumi said.

"Yeah sure. You can say it." Mai replied.

"The truth is.... I don't have enough time left."

Mizumi's secret baffled Sakuta and Mai, which they did not believe at first.

"W- What do you mean? You're joking... right?" Sakuta hesitated.

Mizumi looked at both of them teary-eyed. It seems that she wasn't being sarcastic. It looked like she's ready to face her manifested destiny.

Instead of tears of regret and hopeless assumptions, it was the tears of acceptance.

"N- no... You can't. We are just getting started to come together! You can't just leave us like this!!" Mai shouted.

"But it's all too late... the end is near... for me. Goodbye." Mizumi said, as she slowly ran away from them and from the cold spring harbour.

"Oh no you don't!" Sakuta said, as both him and Mai started chasing her.

They ran everywhere the neighbourhood. Along the bridge, and the long roads.

They finally reached the train tracks. Mizumi saw a train going near... she was ready to jump... but Mai and Sakuta pulled her off at the exact moment.

"No!! Please!! Mizumi-san!! You just cannot do this to us!" Mai cried out to her.

"Why are you doing this, Mizumi-san!?" Sakuta questioned, in his raspy voice.

"Sakuta-kun.... Mai-san.... this is what I must do." Mizumi said.

"What do you mean? Nobody's forcing you!" Sakuta said.

"I've been a useless person all throughout my life. My expectations for my life are nothing, and I have no more reason to live in this world anymore." Mizumi cried out.

"B- but... we're here with you! We told you before that we're all in this together! Remember? Is that not going to be enough for you?!" Mai explained.

They were holding tight on Mizumi's lower body, as if begging to stop her from doing what she must do.

"I cannot explain any longer. Even though I appreciate what you're doing for me... it's not gonna work. My bad luck will still be here, and it will affect you. I don't want to become a burden to everyone else anymore."

"This is the only thing I want to do... so please... hold off." Izumi said.

As the barriers went down and the train sounded its horns, Mizumi kicked them off and ran towards the train. She was knocked off, which caused the train to immediately stop.

Mai and Sakuta watched in horror of what they have seen. Her dead body lying on the train tracks.

Mai immediately called the local authorities. When they arrived, they quickly brought her to the hospital.

But she was declared dead.

Mai and Sakuta cried as they watched her cold bruised body covered by a white blanket.


And she was right... just right after her death... her curse was finally gone for good.

Published on: April 27, 2021

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