Rosalie x Alicia

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Welp, the next few ships are for a friend of mine on wattpad, they know who they are UwU.

Tip of the day: Rosalie is Eliasor backwards which means Elaina, which also means Aina, which also means Alicia BOOM.

Rosalie's POV

Hi, I'm Rosalie. I'm 17 and my girlfriend is 15.

Yes she may be young but we're not officially dating yet, we're waiting till we're a little bit older.

Anyways...this Is going to be a story about how we met!

So whenever my parents are asleep, I always snuck out of the house. There was this secret garden somewhere next door. It was so beautiful! The flowers were taken care of and the place has so many different creatures like birds, frogs and sometimes I see swans land in a near by pond!

So one night when I snuck out I found somebody else there. I really wasn't trying to get caught. But before I even had time to go, the person spotted me. She and or he quickly ran off. I wasn't thinking at the time but I quickly ran after them.

Basically there was this woods also near our house. So the layout is like this, the woods are on the side of the garden and the pond is behind the garden.

Anyways that's not important right now. I chased after them for a while. They managed to get stuck on a branch and that slowed them down.

When I turned the figure around, they were a female. She had long black hair, a red headband, a yellowish shirt and some jeans. In the split moment I think I fell in love.

I thought she was so beautiful. She then started freaking out, and I had to calm her down. She had also discovered the garden and wanted to come here too.

I didn't mind sharing this spot with her, since it was for everyone.

So...after a few months we both realized we had feelings for each other. And agreed to wait until we were both 18 to start going out with each other. So, that's our story...

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