The Truth About Laguna

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Trollex shouted, "A-five, six, seven, eight!"

Trollex and his friends started singing.

But then...


Ronnie asked, "Why isn't this one singing?"

He pointed to Laguna.

Synth said, "Come on, Laguna! Sing with us!"

Everyone else also wanted Laguna to sing with them.

But, she responded, "Oh, no thanks. I'm good."

Ronnie asked, "You don't think this will work?"

Laguna responded, "Oh, no. It's not that. I just don't sing."

Trollex went, "Laguna!"

Ronnie got upset, "No, she's right. This will never work!"

As the others tried to comfort him, Laguna tried to leave with Trollex following her.

"Laguna, what are you doing? You have to sing."

"I told you; I don't sing."

"Well, you have to."

"I'm sorry. I can't."

"No, you can, you just won't."

"Fine, I just won't."

"You have to."




"Why not?! Why won't you sing?!"

Laguna finally shouted out, "Because singing killed my grandpa, ok?!"

She turned away from him and made a frown.

"Please, just...leave me alone."

Laguna swam to the corner with Trollex having a slightly shocked look on his face.

Synth whispered to the others, "My aunt broke her fin whirlpool surfing once."

Trollex calmly asked Laguna, "How did...singing kill your grandpa? What song was he singing?"

Laguna sadly answered, "I was the one singing."


Five-year-old Laguna was singing outside her grandpa's house in the Techno Conch.

But, her singing caught the attention of a Sharkanian.

"That day, I was so lost in song...I didn't hear my grandpa trying to warn me."

Her grandpa was doing some research when he saw his granddaughter was in danger.

He immediately dropped everything and frantically started swimming towards her.

"Laguna! Watch out!"

Laguna still wasn't aware she was in danger.

The Sharkanian was about to grab her.

"Watch out, Laguna!"

Her grandpa pushes her out of harm's way, but gets caught himself.

Laguna landed at the bottom of the conch.

She looked up and heard her grandpa screaming as the Sharkanian took him away.


Laguna just sat there figuring out what to do next.

One of her grandpa's field journels then fell in front of her.

She grabbed it and decided to continue his life's work.


Laguna finished her story, "I haven't sung a note since."

Trollex sympathetically said, "I'm so sorry, Laguna. I had no idea. I just assumed you had a terrible voice."

"No, no. It was like an angel's. At least, that's what Grandpa used to say."

Trollex went up to her and hugged her.

Laguna was confused, "What are you doing?"

Trollex answered, "I just thought you needed a hug."

Laguna smiled a little.

Then, everyone else joined in, including Ronnie.

She then got out of it, "Ok! Ok, I'll help. But, I'm still not singing."

Trollex was fine with it and said to the others, "Alright, Trolls. Hair we go!"

Trollex and the other Trolls helped Ronnie bring out the 'beautiful' part inside...while singing a song.

🎵 I see what you're wearing, there's nothing

beneath it

Forgive me for staring, forgive me for breathing

We might not know why, we might not know how

But baby, tonight, we're beautiful now

We're beautiful now

We're beautiful now

We might not know why, we might not know how

But baby, tonight, we're beautiful now

We'll light up the sky, we'll open the clouds

'Cause baby, tonight, we're beautiful now, we're


We're beautiful🎵

Ronnie was wearing a good blazer and the Trolls formed his hair.

They completed the look with a heart-shaped broach.

Everywhere Ronnie went, every Sharkanian would be in awe.

They thought for sure that the plan was perfect.

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