~Chapter 1~ Where We Started (Uraraka Perspective)

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Staring watching the trees and mountains roll by. Sitting on the bus staring out the rolled down window. I like how the wind feels on my face. I'm suddenly startled from behind.

"Hey round cheeks." It's just Katsuki. Always scaring me like normal. "You seem sad, something wrong teddy bear?" 

"Nothings wrong I just like staring out the window" I do. I love staring out the window. That breeze on your face telling you, "Hey everything's ok!" You know? 

"Alright just checking on you, you've been acting funny ever since..." He trailed off and went silent. 

"I don't want to talk about that ok!? You don't need to start stuff this way!" I'm not typically an aggressive person but this was absolutely a topic I WAS NOT going to get on to today. What Katsuki did was absolutely absurd. I still don't want to talk about it. 

"No need to get aggressive teddy bear. Calm down, I can promise you I will NEVER do it again." I don't know if I could trust him but it was too hard not too. I knew he loved me. It wasn't his fault he was forced into it. He finally walked away to go talk to Kirishima like normal. Suddenly Mina walks up behind me.

"Hey girly! What's up boo!?" Mina, enthusiastic as usual. 

"Nothing much!" I nervously laugh at the end so it's not as awkward. 

"You excited for that party this weekend!? It's gonna be so litty! Hopefully there's cute guys there, or even some hot chicks if you know what I'm sayin!"

"Yea I guess. Hopefully it'll be fun!" I tried to sound positive but I realize it can go 1 of 2 ways. 

Option 1: We get a kick starter for our band so when we hold our first concert there's actually people interested.


Option 2: Katsuki gets drunk and accidently cheats again.

I'm really praying for option 1- 

"Uraraka-" someone says quietly I just can't seem to figure out who. "Uraraka!" It's a little bit louder.  "URARAKA!" I suddenly snap out of it. 

"Sorry Mina I spaced out!" She brushed it off and continued to ramble on and on about the up-coming party. I was nervous. I never really went to many parties during high school or even college- I just am really praying for option 1...

This is the end of Chapter 1! I really hope you enjoyed and would be pleased to continue reading this series!

Twisted The Tinted Glass//BNHA Band AUWhere stories live. Discover now