~Chapter 7~ People Change (Ochako POV)

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I was unsure how to feel but in summary... People change. They really do. I had lost trust in Katsuki. But I suddenly feel so connected and comforted by him. He's really trying his best to give me the world... to give me his world. And I adore him for that. The way he opens up to me is in such a way I think no one ever could. We walked backstage and he hugged me as tight as he could. He cradled me in his arms. Like I was his world. I want to be with him, I NEVER want to leave his side. Our love is just... Beautiful. Love is a precious thing that needs to be kept. Love needs to be fed, and if your not willing to feed it... It will die. Those are my words of wisdom. And I will stand by those words for every second my heart is still beating. I love you Katsuki.

***EDITOR NOTE BEFORE I CONTINUE*** Sorry for the lack of updating this story, I was on a hiatus due to my lack of motivation, also I decided that since nothing eventful was happening in the plot line I'm going to end up skipping around and that's alright!


Me and Katsuki have been engaged for 3 wonderful months. Today we decided to bring the whole band with to help me and Katsuki find a nice house. A house where we can have our own family, let loose, be ourselves. There will be love. And there will be fighting, but that's ok! Family is family.

We started driving down the streets of a  modern Japanese neighborhood, there were children playing in the streets, parents in their front yards, nice big stone houses. We stop by this nice looking house, for sale sign outside.

Katsuki and I, with the rest of the group trailing behind walk in the house. The railing on the stairs is broken and some floor boards are rotten. There appears to be a problem with the plumbing and the cabinets are in rough shape. I can imagine the place all fixed up though, with children of my own someday running around the kitchen playing. I give Katsuki and assuring look that tells him, "This is the one." He nods in agreement. We call the retailer and purchase the house. It was ours. The rest of the band wished us luck and went on to find there houses or apartments.

Me and Katsuki begin by walking around and figuring out what needs to be fixed. We run to the store and pick up some things and get to work. After a short month, everything feels as it should be. New floorboards, cabinets, we fixed the plumbing, and everything looked good as new. With our wedding in the coming months we though we would take this opportunity to utilize our time together before we're back on the road with the band.

Shortly after... Something that could not be undone happened. Everyone was in a panic, Izuku and Shoto broke up so they were upset, they did not want to talk to anyone, then Jirou decided that it was a good time to attack everyone for the things she did not like about them. I accidently, in the heat of moment, brought back something I had wished to forget. I failed to forget it. I failed. I cracked under the stress. I attacked Kirishima for what he did to Katsuki, breaking the band even further. We were falling apart. Even Katsuki was mad at me for bringing that up. It was just like his highschool self... Before I met him... Before I saved him from the terrible path he was going down... I didn't want to see him like that again... I feel as if I failed as lover. I felt as if I let him down. I walk downstairs to see him in tears. My eyes just looking at him swelled up with tears too. He looked at me. Looked at me right in my eyes. He grabbed me and pulled me into his chest. We cried together. It was just like this moment where everything slowed down. It felt like our hearts beat as one. It felt so connected. Like I never wanted to move. This was the thing we needed. To fix our bond. Forever. Our wedding was only a month away, but it felt like we already were.

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