~Chapter 4~ But Lots Of Poison Too (Kirishima POV)

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I feel bad. I don't know what came over me that night... With Bakugo... And when Ochako walked in I- I was speechless... That was something so unmanly I don't know why I did it. Ever since Ochako has never treated Bakugo the same and I'm the one at fault. Yet Bakugo never was able to tell her it was my fault or she didn't believe him. I've thought about telling her. Bakugo talks about her nonstop. It makes me feel bad. The funny part is... I wasn't even drunk. I just did it. I don't know what part of my body took over me in that point in time... but whatever it was, I wish it didn't. 

I finally got up and walked to the common area. I guess my heart lifted a little when I watched those 2 mess around with each other. Bakugo putting powdered sugar on Ochako's nose. Her smile. There was something about it... Something that just lit up the whole room.

"Kiris-" I nudge right past Deku ignoring him and heading straight for the equipment closet to grab my guitar to go practice. I was in a good inspiring mood so why not do it when I have motivation. I play for an hour or 2. Suddenly I notice Kaminari has been sitting there listening. 

"Hey Kiri! You seem down today- You kind of brushed Midoriya off this morning, is everything all right?" Kaminari seemed concerned, usually he's off hanging out with Jirou which is normal so now I'm confused too. 

"No I'm fine! Where's Jirou?" I waited slightly eagerly for his response.

"Well she got her period so now she's grumpy and doesn't wanna be around anyone." Well I don't think I needed to know that much but there's my answer I guess. I kind of asked for it. 

"Well o-ok then... Uhm... NEW SUBJECT!" Yep I'm just going to quickly pull the "new subject" card. He nodded his head in agreeance.

"So you don't seem to be hanging out with Bakugo that much anymore. And there's something weird going on with him and Uraraka- Do you think something happened?" I let out a quick sigh and just decided to stick with the classic "I don't know" even though I full well know what happened. I just need the band to stay together that's all.

"I uh- really don't know Kaminari but I can agree with you..." There was a little bit of sugar... But lots of poison too...

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