Alma Mater

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I woke to Malcolm running his fingertips along the skin of my bicep.
"Mmm." I muttered turning towards him.
His lips caught mine. He kissed me hungrily moving to press me into the mattress.
Then his phone rang.
"If that's your father, I swear to God..." I muttered against his lips.
He looked over at his phone and sighed rolling off me.
"Hello, Dr. Whitly." Malcolm muttered.
I growled climbing out of bed.
"We slept fine." Malcolm sighed.
I dressed simply in blue jeans and a forest green v-neck top before wandering into the kitchen to make coffee. Then a knock came at the door.
"We don't have a case." Malcolm's voice said as he opened the door.
"We've got a case." Gil's voice said.
"Making house calls all of the sudden, Gil?" I asked coming around the island.
"Yeah. I was on my way out to the scene and figured I'd stop by instead of just calling. Everything all right?" He looked at Malcolm's phone in his hand.
He could be a good liar but not with me.
"Better now. Where are we headed?"
"Westchester. There's been a murder at Remington Academy. Mayor pressed me to take the reins."
"'Course he did. We must protect the children of the rich at all costs." Malcolm muttered.
"No." I said firmly.
"We're not going. No." I turned on my heel and walked back into the kitchen.
"I know that you don't want to go back..." Gil said following behind Malcolm and I.
"To the oppressive boarding school from which we narrowly escaped? Nope. And they don't want to see us either." Malcolm sighed laying his hand on the small of my back.
"What if I say I need you?" Gil asked.
Malcolm's fingers trembled against my back.
"We'll consider it. But only if the victim is Headmaster Brumback."
Gil looked between us raising his eyebrow.
"Oh you've got to be kidding me." I shook my head.
"So I guess it's my lucky day?" Gil asked.
"Fine. Get dressed." I sighed looking at Malcolm.
"This is a terrible idea. You have no idea what we went through there." I told Gil after Malcolm disappeared to change.
My own hands shook and my heart raced as I drove behind Gil out to Westchester and Remington Academy.
Neither Malcolm nor I had been back there since we'd left in 2006.
"We're going to get through this together." Malcolm said as we sat in the car outside the castle like school.
"Right?" He asked when I didn't answer.
"Right." I forced a smile at him.
My breathing became increasingly unsteady as Malcolm and I followed behind Gil towards the pool.
It looked exactly as I remembered.
"Malcolm!" My own voice screamed out his name within my memories.
"Lil. Lily. Lily! It's okay. I'm okay." Malcolm's voice broke through my subconscious.
Only then did I realize I'd collapsed to my knees.
"I can't do this." I looked up at Malcolm my tears blurring his face.
"You can. We can. You're the strongest person I know. I can't do this without you." Malcolm told me.
"What the hell happened here?" Dani asked clearly worried crouched in front of me.
I looked up at Malcolm who nodded solemnly.
"A pounding knock came at my dorm room near midnight...
I opened the door to find Ryan Young standing there looking as if he ran a marathon.
"Lily... it's Malcolm... James... James took him to the pool..." He forced out through labored breaths.
I pushed passed him and broke into a run. My heart slammed against the walls of my chest as I forced myself forward faster and faster.
As I approached the double doors I could see Malcolm floating face down in the middle of the pool.
"Malcolm!" I called out his name slamming into the door.
I didn't break stride as I jumped and dove into the pool. I flipped him onto his back but his eyes were closed and he wasn't breathing.
Adrenaline took over allowing me to pull him out of the water.
I couldn't find a pulse.
I began CPR.
Instinct took over because I couldn't think as I urged him to come back to me.
"Come on, Malcolm. Come on."
Finally, he coughed up water.
I pushed him onto his side so he wouldn't choke.
"Malcolm? Malcolm, can you hear me?" I asked gently.
"Lily?' He said my name after a moment.
"I'm here, Malcolm. I'm here."
"... I never stepped foot in here again after that." I explained as Malcolm held me.
"What happened to the kid? The one that tried to drown Bright?" Edrisa asked from inside the pool.
"Nothing. James Brumback is now a successful trial lawyer in D.C." Malcolm answered looking at the body of Headmaster Nathaniel Brumback.
"You up for this?" Malcolm asked me.
I took a deep steadying breath.
"I am if you are."
He nodded and helped me up to my feet.
"Someone floated the entirety of Brumback's office in the pool along with Brumback." Gil explained as we walked along the pool.
"Brumback was marketed as an academic legend." Dani said.
"Yeah. A legend of accepting thinly-veiled bribes from wealthy New York families all so their kids could attend one of the most prestigious boarding schools on the East Coast." Malcolm muttered.
"And helping his son dodge attempted murder charges." I sighed.
Dani's phone dinged.
"Can you shed some light on the pool party?" Gil asked.
"Senior prank. Remington tradition. When we were here, they forked the quad." I answered.
Dani's phone dinged again.
"JT's losing it. The baby's a week overdue. And if Tally doesn't give birth in the next 24 hours, they have to induce." Dani sighed.
"I heard. They'll take good care of them." I smiled reassuringly at her.
"When's the last time he had intercourse?" Edrisa's muffled voice asked.
"Ask him. Ask him. Actually, hold up. Let me put a finer point on that. When was the last time that JT brought Tally to orgasm? Oxytocin can help trigger labor contractions. Plus, the prostaglandins in JT's sperm..." She continued.
"Okay." Gil cut her off.
"What do you have, Edrisa?" I asked.
I still felt incredibly hypervigilant and anxious standing next to the pool, even with Malcolm's arm around my waist.
"Oh. It's a real trip in here. It's all the contents of a stodgy office setup. Phone, banker's lamp, pen cup. Even a sad desk fern."
"And our victim?" Malcolm asked his fingertips on my skin helping to ground me.
"He was bound to the chair, carefully positioned. You know, I wish you could've seen it intact. It really... completed the whole vibe." Edrisa said with a slight hint of malice in her tone.
"So we're looking at a drowning?" Gil asked.
"Uh, can't be sure. Back in a few." She answered before diving beneath the water again.
"Brumback was a gatekeeper. So check out resentful parents, ex-teachers." Gil told Dani.
"His enemies aren't just adults. He was tough. A disciplinarian." Malcolm looked at me.
"A student killed him?" Dani asked.
"Dani's right. Kids wouldn't do this." Gil nodded.
"The kids here might." Malcolm asserted.
"A kid tried to kill Malcolm. That's just what this place is." I sighed leaning against him.
"That was almost fifteen years ago." Gil sighed.
"I guess we'll see."
"Come on." Gil lead Malcolm and I into the headmaster's office.
"Professor Delaney." Malcolm said his name when we saw the tall man with grey hair.
"Good Lord. Malcolm Bright and Lilian Russell. It's been a minute, hasn't it? Oh. You must be, uh, Lieutenant Arroyo. Thanks for being here. I'm Alan, the board's chosen me as interim headmaster. Which may be more of a curse than a privilege." He shook our three hands in turn.
"Why is that?" Gil asked.
"Well, the Brumback baggage. There's not a kid on this campus who doesn't dread having to report to this office." Delaney answered looking at Malcolm and I.
"How many in the senior class?" Gil asked.
"127 students."
"More like suspects." Malcolm sighed.
"Easy. Let's keep an open mind." Gil cautioned.
I laid my hand on Malcolm's shoulder.
"I'm not worried about his mind, Lieutenant. Or Lilian's. I've been in awe of them for almost 15 years. You do your thing, Malcolm. Besides, your mother has assured the board that the investigation would remain discreet."
"My mother?" Malcolm asked.
"Around here, it's vice chairwoman. Professor Delaney, I assume the reunion has been auspicious?" Jessica came around the corner.
"You called the mayor." I sighed.
"Why would you make us come back here?" Malcolm looked at his mother, his pain more than evident.
"I needed this handled delicately, and you both would have said no." She looked at me.
"I think we might say no now." Malcolm reached for me.
"Malcolm, Lily, please. My family helped build this school. If the press report that the headmaster was found dead in Pop-Pop's aquatic center, how soon until they connect that back to me?" She pleaded with us.
"We'll need to review the headmaster's recent schedule, phone records." Malcolm sighed looking at me.
Reluctantly I nodded. He needed me and as much as I hated being at Remington, I needed to be where he was.
"I'll talk to his secretary. Thanks, everybody. Malcolm, Lily, I'm glad you're here." Delaney nodded at us.
"And we'll go and... profile." Malcolm took my hand as we watched Gil and Jessica glare at one another.
"This was low, Jessica. Even for you." I sighed before following him out into the hallway.
"Are you sure about this?" I asked gently as Malcolm wrapped his arm around me both lending me and asking for strength.
"I am if you are." He smirked at me weakly.
"Sure is a strong word. The sooner we solve this the better." I nodded.
"Alright. Talk to me." Gil said walking into the hallway where we were.
"Well, there are two crimes. One is a prank. Elaborate yet childish. And the other is a murder. This is a case of teen brain." Malcolm said turning us to look at him
"Teen brain? You're kidding." Jessica scoffed at her son.
"He's kidding, isn't he?" She looked at Gil.
"Not usually. Explain teen brain." He answered her.
"It's the psychological state of adolescence. The frontal cortex of a typical teenager is underdeveloped. They can't weigh the consequences of their actions." Malcolm answered.
"And I thought it was all the spiced rum I drank.
Not here, of course." Jessica muttered.
"Adolescence is also when certain mental disorders can surface, even psychopathy. Combine teen brain with that and you get something a lot worse than a hangover." I added still fairly unhappy with my soon-to-be mother-in-law.
Malcolm and I walked together through the halls of the school we'd sworn we'd never come back to and found Dani in the central hallway.
"What is a Foley balloon?" She asked as we walked in.
"An inflated catheter inserted into the cervix to encourage dilation." I answered as Malcolm walked away from me.
"Ugh. Poor Tally." She grimaced.
"Malcolm? You okay?" I asked watching him walk slowly down the hallway.
"Sure thing. Great to be back. Go Stags." He muttered.
"This is your year, right?" Dani asked pointing at a picture of the '06 class.
"The class photo is for graduating seniors. We didn't make it to the end of the year." I answered.
"Your hand is shaking." Dani looked over at Malcolm.
"Some neuroscientists believe that the body can store memories. The tremor? I wasn't born with it. Didn't happen till years after my father's arrest."
"The drowning wasn't the only thing that happened here, was it?" She asked and I shook my head.
I finally focused on what Malcolm was staring at down the hallway.
"Shit..." I muttered.
"Malcolm, baby." I said rushing forward to stand in front of him.
"Baby, look at me." I urged taking his face in my hands.
"It's okay. I've got you. It's okay."
I hadn't seen Malcolm before the three day weekend. Mrs. Whitly sent a car to take him to meet her and Ainsley in the Hamptons while I'd spent the weekend with Gil and Jackie.
This feeling of dread washed over me when I realized that Malcolm wasn't in attendance in our homeroom.
"Ryan?" I called rushing to catch up to him after.
"Hey, Lily. What's up?"
"When did you see Malcolm last?"
"Must've been Friday afternoon. He said he needed to drop his books off at his locker and I didn't see him after that."
"Thanks." I sighed.
"Why?" Ryan asked when I fell back.
"He wasn't in homeroom." I called just before turning to run towards his locker.
By the time I got there the hall was empty.
"Malcolm!" I called his name and paused.
I heard muffled movement at the end of the hallway.
"Malcolm?" I said again.
"Lily?" His muffled voice came, small and weak from behind the locked closet door near his locker.
"Lily, please help me. Let me out." He pounded on the door.
I slid the lock and ripped the door open.
Malcolm shrank back away from the light. Instinctively, I sat down on my knees in the doorway.
"Malcolm. It's me. It's okay." I urged reaching out towards him.
"You're real? Please tell me you're real." He looked towards me.
"I'm real. Malcolm, I'm real." I answered.
He crawled towards me and collapsed into my arms.
"What happened? Malcolm, tell me who did this." I pleaded with him but he just shook and cried in my arms.
"Someone told him... Someone told him who I am. Told him my name." He looked up at me finally, pain radiating from his eyes.
"Told who, Malcolm. Who did this?" I asked again running my fingers through his hair, wet with sweat.
"Nicky. Nicky did it." He muttered.
Pain shot through my chest. Malcolm trusted Nicky Covington. Considered him a friend.
"Lily. Lily stay with me. Don't go after him. Stay here with me." Malcolm looked up into my face again.
He knew me too well, even then.
"Brumback expelled us. Put our names in his little black... The book." Malcolm told Dani back in the present.
"Is the headmaster's desk still in the pool?" He asked looking back at me.
"Yeah?" I shook my head.
"No. Malcolm." I sighed as he took off back towards the pool area.
"At least give me your phone first." I sighed finally catching up with him standing at the edge of the pool.
He took his watch off, then handed me his wallet and cellphone.
"Be careful."
He looked at me and nodded before diving into the pool in his three piece suit.
Seeing him in that pool grated at me. I could feel my hands shaking as my heart rate picked up.
Finally, he emerged from the water laying the book at my feet.
"Do you need help?" I asked looking down at him.
He reached up for my hand.
"Who's names are on the last page?" Malcolm asked sitting on the edge of the pool.
"Uh... Molly Albright, Anton Currie, and Lousia Morrison." I answered.
"...Gil gather them. I already texted him the names. I'm pretty good at this." I teasingly glared at him.
"Come on. Wow. You're soaking wet."
"I'll need a towel and a change of clothes eventually." He nodded as he followed me down the hallways, his shoes squishing with every step.
The door to the classroom creaked as I pulled it open.
Malcolm followed me into the room. Each of the three pairs of eyes were on me. An FBI Chief and New York royalty that was once expelled from Remington. I took my place next to Gil as Malcolm leaned against the table in front of us with a sigh.
"Hi. I'm Bright, Malcolm Bright, and I'll be your profiler today." He said with a glance back at me.
"Police profiler? You're a detective?" A teen girl with dark hair, Lousia asked.
"He's the detective, she's the FBI, but I'll be asking the questions. You're here because I found Headmaster Brumback's black book."
"It's not real. It's just a myth they tell for scaring the freshmen." The only teen boy, Anton shook his head.
"You'd think, right? But, funny story... We saw it when we went to school here. He kept it in a lockbox in his desk. You know the one. It's floating in the pool. Hence, the swim." He motioned down at his clothes.
I stifled my laugh.
"Professor, is there someone who can get Malcolm a towel and a change of clothes until we can go home." I whispered.
"Of course. I'll get someone on it." Professor Delaney nodded.
Gil cleared his throat impatiently.
"Right. The book is reserved for expulsion-level offenses, and your names appear on the last page, dated yesterday. So, tell me... what did you do? And who wants to go first?" Malcolm continued after a quick look back at Gil
"I was in Brumback's office. But I didn't do anything. It was about my graduation. A pep talk for my salutatorian address. He knew I was disappointed."  Louisa began.
"Here we go." Anton muttered.
"I'm National Honor Society, editor in chief of the Daily Stag."
"Louisa also generously volunteers her time in our library." Delaney said handing me a pair of sweatpants, a zipup hoodie, and a large towel.
"Thank you, Professor Delaney." Lousia said watching me.
"I'm sure our beloved headmaster wouldn't want a little thing like his murder to affect her college prospects." Molly spoke up.
"Dude, you're dripping." Anton looked at Malcolm.
"Yeah, water does that. What's your excuse?" Malcolm sighed sarcastically.
"Fine. Brumback called me in. He was pissed. Two girls got in a fight over a status update." Anton admitted.
"Was one of them your girlfriend?" Malcolm asked.
"They both were." Anton smirked.
"So gross." Molly spat.
"Boys, right? Oof." I looked at her then my loving fiancé.
"Brumback caught me smoking pot, a so-called "drug" that's legal in 11 states." Molly looked at me.
"Fight the power, Molly." Malcolm raised his fist.
"He was ancient. He had a good run." Molly shook her head.
"Excuse me. As revolting as that statement is, none of what's been said here is a motive for murder." Lousia looked between us.
"Not necessarily, but you've all exhibited interesting psychological markers. Lack of empathy, paranoia, grandiosity." Malcolm looked between them.
"It's called survival." Lousia glared at him.
"I have one more question. Did you talk about this before you came here?"
"We don't talk." Anton chuckled.
"He's a jock, she's a stoner, I'm..." Lousia shrugged.
"Perfect?" Molly shot at her.
"We're not friends." She looked at us.
"Can I go now? I mean... my condolences to our late headmaster." Lousia amended looking at Delaney who nodded.
"For now." Gil amended.
I teased Malcolm's hair with the towel as I walked around to stand in front of him.
"You are a mess, my love." I teased helping him out of the soaking wet jacket.
"Yet, you still love me." He smiled at me.
"With everything I am." I smiled back as he rested his hands on my hips.
Malcolm and I retreated to the men's bathroom so I could help him peel his wet pants off and change into the sweatpants.
"They're lying. All of them." Malcolm told me as we got his newly bare chest and back dried off.
"Lack of empathy is not enough to get us to murder. Even we're more relieved than empathetic that he's dead." I reminded him.
"I don't know if they're murderers. But I do know they're friends."
"They're called "cliques." It's a high school. A weird-ass high school, but a high school." Dani called from just outside the bathroom door.
I helped him into the t-shirt and zip up hoodie then we walked with Dani back into the classroom.
"When I pulled out that book, they exchanged looks, glances, fleeting micro-expressions that indicate a familiarity. They're hiding something." Malcolm insisted.
The door opened and Jessica walked in.
"Those students are innocent." She exclaimed looking at her son.
"Jessica, this needs to stop. You're interfering with my case." Gil stood between us and Jessica.
"Because I can offer valuable insight." She responded.
"'Generations of Miltons attending Remington Academy' is not valuable insight." Gil argued
"You are allowing your unfortunate experience at Remington to cloud your judgment." She approached Malcolm but I stood between them.
"'Unfortunate experience'?" I shot at her.
"Then maybe you shouldn't have forced us to come back here." Malcolm added from over my shoulder.
"I am on the board of trustees. I know these students. Louisa, Anton, Molly... they're all from impeccable families."
"So were we, and we were expelled." Malcolm shot back at her.
"And just like you, none of them is capable of murder."
"You don't know that. You don't know what they're capable of. You don't know what this place can do to someone." I shook my head.
"What does that..."
"Lily? Help." Edrisa's voice cut her off.
I turned to look at her just as she started to collapse. I barely managed to catch her.
"Malcolm. Clear off the desk so I can lay her down."
After laying her on the desk I pulled up her shirt to find a fist size bruise directly over her diaphragm.
"She's not hurt badly. Lousia got in a good hit to her diaphragm and it shocked her." I explained to Malcolm, Gil, Dani, and Jessica.
"It was a fridge full of water bottles, and these kids acted like I was trying to steal the compound microscope." Edrisa said having regained consciousness.
"And it was Anton, Louisa and Molly?" Jessica asked.
It shouldn't surprise me that she was still unconvinced of their guilt but it did. Even she couldn't be so blind.
"According to Delaney, Remington doesn't even have a Physics Club." Gil looked at me.
"Whatever they're up to, it's off the books." Malcolm nodded beside me.
"You were right. They're in on it together." Dani added.
"But in on what?" Gil questioned.
"Well, it might not be just water. There are a handful of drugs that are water-soluble: MDMA, LSD. Run a test on the water bottle." Edrisa said handing me a bottle from her bag.
I ran my fingers along the bottle noticing that the label felt odd.
"Malcolm." I muttered pulling the label up.
"They're not running drugs. They were cheating." Malcolm told the group.
"Huh. The label's a crib sheet." Edrisa said reaching for the bottle which I handed her.
"And if Brumback knew, they could kiss their Ivy League futures goodbye." I added.
"There's your motive." Malcolm nodded again.
"Three kids teaming up to drown their headmaster?" Dani asked.
"Oh, it wasn't a drowning. Brumback was dead before he hit the pool. The killer used chloramine trihydrate. It's a poisonous antibacterial agent." Edrisa told us.
"And it wasn't three kids. Not together. Teen brain doesn't fit with organized crime." I looked at Malcolm who nodded.
"My vote is for Louisa. Girl's got a heavy fist." Edrisa touched her abdomen.
"She's the brains." Malcolm agreed.
"Louisa Morrison's father is a top hedge fund manager. If we bring her in for interrogation, she's coming with a high-priced lawyer at her side." Gil told us.
"Then maybe we don't bring her in. I know of a master interrogator who's dying to talk to her." He looked at me.
I nodded.
Dani took Malcolm home to change and I wandered the hallways. My fingertips shook as I dragged them along the wood grain closet door that once trapped my fiancé.
"You are Dr. Lilian Russell." Lousia's voice came from behind me.
"I am, yes." I turned to look at her.
"You're dating the profiler?" She continued.
"I'm marrying the profiler." I nodded absently fiddling with my ring.
"I noticed you watching me during Malcolm's questioning. Is there something you want to discuss?"
"My father talks about you all the time. He's in awe that you could attain all you have having been expelled from Remington." She told me.
"I was expelled for standing up for someone who was being treated unfairly. Unfortunately, those I stood against were more popular with the board than I or my friend. I maintained that integrity and that's what has made me as successful as I am." I explained.
"What does your father think about all this?"
"He doesn't know and he doesn't need to." She looked at me. 
"They say I'm a legacy." She looked down.
"Us too." Malcolm said walking up behind her to join me.
"Ms. Whitly is your mother?" Lousia looked at Malcolm who nodded.
"Lousia, if you're holding anything back we need to know." I said as Malcolm wrapped his arm around my waist.
"I should go." She turned from us.
"We know about the cheating." I called after her.
"What cheating?"
"You know who I am and what I do. I don't fish for information." I answered.
"Oh. I just needed a little help, one linear algebra exam, but then he threatened me. He said he would out me if I didn't work for him." She admitted.
"Who? Do you know who killed Headmaster Brumback?" I pushed.
"It was Anton."
"Go, Malcolm. I'll meet you." I urged him looking at her.
I wasn't certain she was being honest with us. Something about her didn't sit right with me and she punched my friend.
"Thank you, Lousia." I feigned a smile.
I found Malcolm in the library with Professor Delaney after conferring with Gil and Dani.
"Your collection got a real upgrade." Malcolm announced his presence.
"Well, Remington Academy is nothing if not disgustingly overfunded. I come in here for the quiet." Delaney nodded.
"Books don't talk back." Malcolm recited.
I knew he knew I was there. That's just how we were, yet, I still hung back watching the scene unfold.
"No. Unlike most students. Oh, there we are. Good as old."
"You have a... purposeful look about you. What's happening?" Delaney looked up at Malcolm finally.
"Louisa identified Anton as the ringleader. We're here to arrest him."
"Anton. Well, tell me more. You can come in. Have a seat. You still claustrophobic?"
Malcolm leaned forward gripping ahold of the edge of the doorframe.
"Malcolm? Hey. Malcolm, hey. You all right." Delaney took a step towards him but I made it to him first touching his skin, lending him my strength.
"Malcolm." I said his name gently.
"Lily." He breathed turning to me.
"It's okay. I'm here." I hugged him.
Finally, he took a deep breath.
"When we were at Remington... when Nicky Covington locked me in that closet... who told him my real name?" Malcolm turned to Delaney.
"You know I defended you to Brumback, right? You should never have been expelled. Neither of you." He said not answering the question, immediately heightening my defenses.
"Thank you. Who told Nicky? Brumback must have known." Malcolm pushed.
"Why always the detective, huh? You have a compulsion to solve things. Just leave it, Malcolm."
"Don't tell him to leave it. Just don't." I snapped raising my hand to point in his face.
"Please." Malcolm almost begged next to me.
"Your dad... called the dorms, left a message using your real name. Sorry." Delaney finally told us.
Loud helicopter sounds broke through the tension in the room.
"What the hell?" I muttered.
"Were you expecting a helicopter?" Malcolm asked Delaney who shook his head.
"Go. Go." I pushed him towards the door and ran behind him.
"All units, all units, Code 4. Chopper just took off from the south field. Suspect is on the run. I repeat, suspect is on the run." Dani called into the radio as we ran up behind her.
"Anton's on board?" I asked.
"And it looks like he used Daddy's money, for the getaway car." She sighed.
"I want to go see my father." Malcolm said next to me.
I nodded. There wasn't anything we could do there on the ground.
"A murder in Remington? Well, forgive me if I root for the killer this time. Kidding. Tell me about your case." Martin told us after I explained the case.
"I need to know why you did it." Malcolm finally said as I leaned against the wall.
"Did what?" Martin asked looking at me.
"No. Why? Why did you betray me? Why would you do something so despicable?"
I could hear the pain in his voice confronting his father.
"Well, I've been accused of a great deal. Please be specific."
"You told them my name. You destroyed my last chance of a normal childhood. All with one phone call."
"To Remington. How surgical of me."
"You're a narcissistic psychopath. But do you know what else you are? You are a terrible father. I was in that closet... for three days. No food. No water. Trapped."
I stepped up and touched Malcolm's skin again as he advanced slightly on his father.
"Was it because I changed my name? Because I left? Or was it because I'm nothing like you and you can't stand it?" He pushed against me, not violently but desperately.
"How you wish that that were true. My boy, I have made mistakes... but not this. I never called Remington Academy. I never agreed with your mother's boarding school "experiment." But I loved my son. Still do." Martin surprisingly maintained his composure.
"Why should I believe you?" Malcolm asked his body sagging against me.
"Because you are the one person I cannot hurt. Even when my own freedom depended on it. Go on, do it. Analyze my sick, deviant mind. You know I'm telling you the truth."
"I asked you about your case. It's the real reason you're here, isn't it? Someone's lying to you, Malcolm. And it isn't me." Martin told him.
I turned to look at him and found a surprisingly earnest expression. Malcolm himself spent his entire life profiling his father and I did my final case study in the FBI academy on 'The Surgeon'. I believed him. He'd taken Malcolm into the woods, to the cabin to kill him and he couldn't. He didn't call Remington.
"Brumback was poisoned. Chloramine trihydrate." Malcolm told his father finally beginning to calm down.
He knew Martin was telling the truth just as much I did.
"It's a compound used in medical sterilization. It's also a bleach. It can save old paper, reduce browning, deterioration." Martin shrugged.
"Professor Delaney." Malcolm looked at me then knocked on the door.
"And they're off." Martin muttered after us.
"I confronted my father." Malcolm told Delaney walking back into the library two steps before me.
"Oh, God. He denied outing you, I'm guessing." Delaney turned to him.
Malcolm nodded.
"Well, a parent who lies so consistently, gaslights you at every turn... I can't imagine how difficult that is. That's why I prefer books to people. They do not let you down." Delaney continued.
"Is that why you need so many? That drive to collect points to obsession. Anxiety. Intrusive thoughts. A need to control one thing in an out-of-control world." Malcolm said.
"Are you profiling me?"
"No, but... I've been profiling my father all my life. He's telling the truth. Which means... you're lying." Malcolm said glancing at me.
"I should get a lawyer about now, shouldn't I, Malcolm?" Delaney looked between us.
"You told Nicky my real name. I was just a kid." Malcolm shook his head reaching for me.
"Please. You were more than just a kid. You saw everything. Having someone so observant around is inconvenient when you're running a cheating ring, wouldn't you say?"
"You came for me but not for Lily."
"Lilian Russell was and will always be untouchable. The only way to get to her is to go through you. It's always been that way. She didn't see it then because she was focused on keeping you safe." He explained looking at me.
"For over 20 years, you gave students the exam answers. Why?" I asked.
"Oh, please, these kids. Their money. Their privilege. You leave this school with the promise of what? Anything you want. A fabulous life. And I am stuck here. So why shouldn't I get my piece?" Delaney asked.
"Headmaster Brumback was poisoned with chloramine trihydrate." Malcolm told him.
"I use it to restore books."
"My profile was wrong. I wanted to punish those students so badly, I missed what was right in front of me. You killed Brumback."
"Well, you are wrong. Malcolm, I helped kids cheat." Delaney reached up and grabbed Malcolm by the back of his neck.
I grabbed his fingers roughly removing them and stepping between them.
I'm not..." He panted stumbling backwards.
"I'm not a murderer. I'm..." He grunted falling to the floor.
"Lily. Get help." Malcolm said urging me out of the restoration box.
"Oh! God." Delaney called out as I rushed out of the room.
"Gil. I need EMS in the library. Someone poisoned Delaney." I said into my cellphone.
I heard the door to the restoration box slam.
"The killer's here."
"Wait for back up." Gil told me.
"I'm marrying Malcolm and right now his claustrophobic ass is locked in a small box. I'm not waiting for anyone."
"You killed Headmaster Brumback. Why? No college is worth this." Malcolm said from inside the box as I made my way as silently as I could through the stacks towards them.
"Speak for yourself. My father taught me you don't let someone like Brumback stop you from doing what has to be done." Lousia told him.
"That's why you're doing this? Your father? For his approval?"
"I'm not some rich kid cliché." She scoffed at him.
"No. You're not, are you? This is about getting away from him. College means escape. Somewhere far." Malcolm figured.
"Yeah. Oxford."
"Running away won't solve anything."
"It'll solve one thing. I'll never have to see my father again."
"But you'll still be his daughter, and you'll still be a killer."
"A killer? No."
"Delaney is dying! And when the air runs out in here, I am next!"
"You shouldn't have come back. I'm sorry." Lousia moved to turn away from him.
"Wait!" Malcolm called just before she caught sight of me.
She turned back to him and he used the restoration iron to light one of the book pages on fire.
"What are you doing?" She asked.
"There must be a fire suppression system in here. An alarm?" He locked eyes with me.
"Yeah. It'll remove all the oxygen from the vault. Are you insane?" She asked him.
"Maybe." He shrugged.
The alarm began ringing as I pressed my pistol to Lousia's head.
"Open the door. Now." I said as calmly as I could manage.
She complied.
"Down on your knees. Interlock your fingers. Lousia Morrison, you are under arrest for the murder of Nathanial Brumback and the attempted murder of Alan Delaney and Malcolm Bright. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney one will be provided for you. Do you understand these rights as I have read them to you?" I recited handcuffing her.
"Yes." She growled at me.
Finally, Gil and the team rushed into the room. Dani took Lousia from my custody as Malcolm sat next to me.
"Fire?" I chuckled pressing my forehead to his.
"Gil's not going to think it's funny." He muttered.
"Definitely not."
Malcolm and I sat in the conference room in front of Gil who glared at my love.
Malcolm sat wrapped tightly in a blanket to fight the hypothermia from the fire suppression foam and the icy mid November air.
"I know, I know. You don't have to say it." Malcolm looked up at Gil.
"What the hell's the matter with you, Bright?" Gil exclaimed.
"Or maybe you do. I'm fine. Really." Malcolm looked to me for assistance that would not come.
"Guys..." Dani said excitedly rushing into the room.
"Give us a minute, Powell." Gil held his hand up to stop her.
"Oh, a whole minute? Come on, Gil. Can't we just jump to the end? You say, 'A fire? You started a fire in an airtight vault? Have you completely lost it?'" Malcolm imitated him.
I attempted to stifle my laughter earning me a glare from Gil.
"That's a little performative, but sure."
Dani rushed over to me to show me a picture of JT and Tally's new son.
"And then I remind you that you arrested Louisa. We solved the case, saved Delaney's life..." Malcolm continued.
"And nearly died of asphyxiation." Gil shot at him.
"All in a day's work." Malcolm shrugged.
"We've got a baby. It's a little boy. Little JT." Dani finally exclaimed drawing Gil and Malcolm's attention to us.
"Just when we needed some good news." Gil smiled looking at the picture.
Malcolm looked at me after looking at the picture.
"Born November 19th 2020 at 18:55." Dani beamed at us.
"I need to go apologize to my father." Malcolm told me as we walked out to the car.
"Okay." I smiled at him still thinking about baby Tarmel.
"So, did you close the case?" Martin asked as we walked in.
Malcolm nodded and took my hand.
"Well done. Of course, I wish that you had included me from the start. I know a great deal about poisonous oxidizing agents."
"I'm sorry." Malcolm said.
I could feel his pulse in his wrist.
"Excuse me?" Martin looked between us.
"I accused you of something that you didn't do. And I'm apologizing." Malcolm explained.
"Okay. Here we are. You're apologizing to me. These are words I did not expect to hear." Martin looked at me.
"You realize I'm not apologizing for anything else." Malcolm reminded him.
"Come on, let me have this one little moment. Apology accepted."
"I don't care." Malcolm smirked.
"I know that I am, so people say, a little... problematic."
"Problematic doesn't get you chained to a wall." Malcolm scoffed softly.
"Oh, no, I meant problematic in the sense that I'm not all bad. And that was your mistake at Remington. You should have owned your last name. The rich, dashing son of a killer. Oh, those little devils would have loved you. Am I right? You're Malcolm Whitly. You're my boy. Don't forget that." Martin said with a smirk.
"Don't worry. I can't." Malcolm sighed tugging on my hand.
He knocked on the door and the lock buzzed letting us out.
"Call me tomorrow." Martin called after us.
"Enjoy Bible study." Malcolm responded.
"Bible study?" I chuckled as we walked back to the car.
"At least he's making friends." Malcolm shrugged.
"Why don't we go home and continue that conversation that your father so rudely interrupted?" I suggested.
"Conversation?" Malcolm looked at me confused.
I stopped walking and pulled him closer to me pressing my lips to his.
"Oh. That conversation. I can't think of anything else I'd rather do." He smirked at me.

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