(𝟮𝟱) pads and assholes

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"Y/n..." you were filling the bottles with water when you heard yachi's voice speak who had came with you.

"Yeah?" you asked, perplexed as to why she was whispering even though there's only the two of you there.

"Um, can you check if there's a stain?" yachi looked at you sheepishly. "I think my period just started like, right now."

"Oh shit for real?" you got caught off guard. "okay turn around for me."

She turned around slowly, and your eyes immediately saw a tiny stain. It wasn't that noticeable because she was wearing dark sweatpants but it was still there.

"Yachi, I think you should go to the bathroom." you told her once she faced you again.

"Oh no, I didn't bring any pads with me." she lightly face-palmed herself for forgetting.

"It's okay! I can buy some for you. There's a convenience store nearby anyways." you reassure her.

"Are you sure, y/n? I don't wanna burden you." yachi scratched the back of her head.

"Come on, yachi! What are friends for?" you laughed. "Now hurry to the bathroom before the stain gets any bigger." you pushed her to make her move.

"Thank you, y/n! You're the best!" yachi exclaimed before running off to the bathroom stalls.

You shook your head, smiling. How silly of her, who forgets her pads? that would scare me if that happened to me.

You quickly filled the other containers so you can leave and buy yachi some pads.

You scrambled back into one of the gyms where seijoh and nekoma were taking a break, all of them panting and sweating. (a/n: yo, don't get the wrong ideas ppl.)

You passed off the water bottles to each of them with some towels.

"Y/n-chan! Are you sleeping with me tonight?" oikawa grabbed your hands, holding them in both of his.

"I won't allow that, shittykawa." kuroo intervened, putting his hands on your shoulders from the back.

They had a stare off for a few seconds before you broke it.

"I'm sleeping with the girls, idiots, now let go of me, I have to leave for a moment." you shrugged their hands off while they stared at you in confusion. "See you guys later."

"Wait, where are you going?" iwa inquired. He wanted to keep an eye on you always, but he would never admit that.

"I'm just going to buy something real quick. I'll be back!" iwa let out a breath of relief.

"Do you want me to come with you?!" kuroo shouted as you exited the gym.

"I'm okay!" your distant voice reached their ears as your figure disappeared from their sights.


"Hm, I forgot to ask yachi if she preferred wings or no wings." you talked to yourself, scanning the rows and rows of different pads on the shelves.

After browsing and guessing which ones would suit yachi best, you picked out one pack of winged pads and one pack of non-winged pads.

You also decided to buy some milk for tobio because he said he was craving some this morning and a pouch of gummies for tendo. Tendo has a huge sweet tooth and you were honestly weren't surprised.

You put everything into the small basket that you were holding before making your way towards the counter to pay for the stuff.

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