Twenty Four

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Arya couldn't recall the last time she was so panicked. As she strode down the murky alley, her heart raced a hundred miles per minute.

Dangerous things happened in those alleys, especially at night. Time ticked ten on her wristwatch. She needed to reach home soon. Her mom must be worried.

But the area was unfamiliar to her. She had never been there before. No matter how many turns she took, she felt she was wandering in circles, lost and scared.

Finally, she paused at a place and leaned against the wall, catching her breath. Picking up her phone, she called the first person who entered her mind.

"Arya? Why are you calling so late? Are you okay?" His voice alone calmed her down.

"Taehyung...I'm lost. It's so dark here. I'm terrified..."

"Calm down. Tell me what you see around you." Arya told him all she could see. Taehyung assured her he would be there as soon as he could before ending the call.

Arya stayed for ten minutes in the same place, breathing a little in relief. Just then, she heard voices from the lane next to her. Her heart beat fast again. She peeked to see two drunk men sauntering in her direction. Her eyes widened as she took several steps backward before she knew it she was lost again. But this time, she saw headlights glaring. She squinted her eyes as a car stopped in front of her.

Taehyung got out, looking not amused at all.

"What the hell were you thinking coming here all alone?! Do you know how dangerous this place is?" He yelled in her face.

"I-I started a new job around here."

"You are going to come here, every day? No way! Get inside!" He scolded her like she was a four-year-old. Arya pouted, getting into the passenger seat. He started driving. There was silence for a few minutes and he seemed to calm down from his outburst.

"I'm sorry...I was just so worried-"

"It's okay." Arya smiled at him. "You were only looking out for me."

"Aren't you tired?" He asked out of the blue.


"You go to school, then you work three jobs, you go back home to finish homework, always stay on top of the class..." He paused and take a glance at her.

Although her lips held a smile, her eyes were tired. It was unfair. She shouldn't have to work so hard at such a young age. It was her time to enjoy and explore her interests, but she was burdened with responsibility. It was in that moment he felt his heart swell in admiration.

"You are the strongest girl I have ever known."


"I'm sorry I troubled you in the middle of the night."

"Will you stop apologizing? You treat me as if I'm a stranger." Taehyung said, taking a sip of the coffee. He was quick to rush to Arya when she called him after the brief episode that frightened the wits out of her.

"This means what you said that night was true..." She spoke, her voice thick of sorrow. "...but who would do that to her?"

"There's someone in my mind." Taehyung said, making her look up at him.

"Jaden." Her eyebrows shot up in realization.

"I put him in prison after all. It must have enraged him."

"You are not safe either."

"Pack your bags. You will live with us for a while." Arya complied, but she was a bit reluctant. That house had so many sad memories but good one's as well. Going there will return an overpowering feeling. Was she ready for it?

"-don't have a choice, dad. She'll learn eventually." Arya heard Taehyung speak as she climbed down the stairs.

"I'm bringing her with me." With that, he cut the call and turned around to see Arya standing by the staircase.

"How long have you been standing there?" He asked.

"Just now." Arya shrugged. They both made into the car and Taehyung began driving.

"Arya..." He gulped.


"A lot has changed while you were away." Arya listened.

"Can you promise me that things between us won't change, no matter what?"

Arya didn't want to make promises she wasn't certain about. Whatever relation Taehyung and she had, it was very shaky. Nevertheless, she nodded.

The car halted in front of Taehyung's house. The lights were on.

"Dad hasn't been able to sleep since I told him." Taehyung said getting out of the car.

Arya walked inside with Taehyung. The place she walked in as a bride and daughter-in-law but walked out as a divorcee and a daughter.

Walking inside gave her nostalgia. Nothing changed much. The pictures were the same on the walls, the pattern on the rugs were the same as well.

"Arya!" Taehyung's dad pulled her into a hug. "Are you alright? You aren't hurt anywhere, are you?"

"I'm fine, dad." Arya beamed at him.

"Arya?" She heard a tiny voice. Turning her head in the direction, she saw a sleepy Amara grinning. Arya smiled widely as Amara came running towards her. She took the kid into her arms and hugged her close.

"I missed you, Arya."

"I missed you too, sweetheart. Look at how tall you have grown!" Amara giggled, skipping.

"Arya! Did you know?! Mommy came back! She came back from heaven for me!" Amara squealed excitedly. Arya's smile dropped as her forehead creased.

"Mommy!" Amara ran away from her hold, right towards a woman standing beside Taehyung. Arya's eyes widened. She hoped her her mind was playing tricks on her.

"Mommy! She's my friend I keep telling you about!" Amara squealed again, confirming it.

Mia was alive.

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