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“Dad, is Taehyung home?” Arya asked, walking into the house after a hefty day at work. Taehyung’s dad looked away from the book he was reading.

“He came home an hour ago. How is it the owner leaves work before his employees? I think I made a mistake giving him the CEO position.” Taehyung’s father grumbled. Arya chuckled.

“It’s because he is the owner, he can leave work anytime and nobody would question him.”

“That doesn’t mean he should abuse his power. What’s that in your hand? Is it for me?” His eyes perked up.

“No, it’s a little gift for Taehyung. I saw these shoes at a store and they reminded me of him.”

“As always, that douchebag gets all good things.” He sighed, adjusting his glasses and went back to reading as Arya climbed up the stairs.

She reached Taehyung’s room and hesitated before twisting the knob. The door opened, making a click sound. Arya peeked her head in to see if he was there. She breathed in relief when she heard the shower running. She just wanted to place it in his room and leave before she caught his sight. 

She tiptoed inside the room and placed the bag on the nightstand. Arya was about to leave when her eyes caught the photo frame beside the lamp. It was a woman smiling shyly as though not wanting to be photographed. Arya remembered that face very well. It was Mia.

* * *

Arya felt a new-found excitement to go to work at the dance studio. She blamed it on a certain hazel-eyed boy. He never left her mind. Before sleeping, while studying, he invaded her thoughts, ruthlessly.

As Arya walked to her work, everything around her, which was once gloomy, turned pleasant with his entrance into her life. She didn’t want to lose it.

When she entered the studio with her mop that evening, ready to greet Taehyung, she didn’t expect to find him in the arms of a woman. A gorgeous one at that. Arya's smile faded as her steps slowed down.

“Do you want to dance with me?” Taehyung asked her as she sat on his lap on the floor.

“You know I’m not a professional dancer. I would embarrass myself terribly.” She giggled.

“We’ll see about that, baby,” Taehyung said standing up and stretched his arm out. The woman sighed, taking it and standing up. He pulled her closer by her waist. Her forehead touched his chin as he lifted her feet and placed them on his.

“What are we doing, salsa?”

“Whatever you want to call it. I just want to hold you in my arms a little longer”

Arya watched, hiding behind a pillar. The way he looked down at her, the way he tenderly held her waist, Arya didn’t find the strength to show herself, but she had to if she wanted her work done and get her to pay. She purposefully dropped the mop on the floor, getting their attention.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t think anybody was in here.”

“It’s alright, Arya.” Arya nodded before she gathered up the courage to ask him.

“Is this your girlfriend?” Taehyung looked at the woman with hooded eyes. Eyes filled with love. Oh, how she wished he looked at her like that.

“My one and only. Mia.”

* * *

Arya should have known better and suppressed her feelings after that day. Her heart was a fool, no matter how hard she tried to restrain herself, she kept going back and watched them. Her heart cracked a bit every time and only she was to blame.

A teardrop fell down her cheek, onto the frame. Taehyung had always been Mia’s. She held his heart, even after five years of separation. Arya couldn’t deny their love and accepted that Mia would always be a part of Taehyung’s life.

“What are you doing?” Taehyung’s voice boomed. Arya flinched as the picture frame dropped from her hands and crashed on the floor with a shattering sound. Her eyes widened as her hands shook.

“I-I’m sorry.” She whispered, again and again, gathering the broken pieces of glass from the frame. Tears welled up in her eyes when suddenly, she felt a grip on her arm. She was pulled to her feet harshly and faced a furious Taehyung. Arya stepped back out of instinct. She had never seen him so mad.

“I-I’m sorry. I’ll... I’ll fix it up. I promise.”

“Tell me you didn’t do it, intentionally.” He gritted out, making Arya shook her head.

“It was an accident, Tae-“

“Don’t call me that!” He shouted and Arya jumped back. Her breathing was now shallow.

“Only.” He stressed each word. His eyes fell on the floor where the box Arya brought in opened and the shoes tumbled out. His eyes narrowed before they turned cold.

“What’s that?”

“I bought it for you,” Arya whispered.

“You did this intentionally, didn’t you?” He accused in a scary tone as he stalked forward, making her take a step back.

“What are you talking about?” Arya whispered, wide-eyed.

“Don’t act so innocent! You knew she used to gift my shoes all the time. Do you want to hurt me that much?” His voice was now deathly and Arya stepped back as her hips hit the nightstand.

“Haven’t you been doing that enough already?! How much more do you want me to suffer?!” Arya flinched, gripping the wood of the nightstand.

“Taehyung...I-I really didn’t know. I’m sorry.”

“Is your sorry going to take all of my pain?” His voice lowered and strained. His eyes held agony.

“Taehyung! What are you doing?! Stop.”

Taehyung’s dad pulled him away, but Taehyung’s deadly gaze never left Arya’s. It was the look that made her feel worthless, nothing more than a speckle of dust under his shoe.

“Why did you have to come into my life? Why do I have to suffer? Is this some kind of your sick revenge for not paying attention to you in all those years you had this little crush on me?!”

Arya was speechless. She was too scared of Taehyung to form words at the moment.

“Because, congratulations. You won. You turned everybody against me. My friends who have been with me my whole life, even my dad. You both have gotten so close. I wouldn’t be surprised if one day, I found you both in bed-“

Taehyung didn’t get to complete his sentence as he felt a pain strike across his cheek. His head flew to the side. A moment of silence passed as realization dawned on Arya of what she had done. Her eyes widened as a fresh set of tears burned her eyes.

“I wanted nothing from you, Taehyung. Just a little love and respect.” Arya’s voice came out, strained. She was holding in a sob. “With this, you have hit the lowest.”

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