14. The drive

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It took about twenty minutes to get everything into the car, and then they were on their way. It would take them over thirty minutes to get to the Evans estate, which was the perfect opportunity to ask Ryan about earlier. "So when you said a little complicated, what did you mean?" Chad asked, turning to look at Ryan from the passenger seat.

Ryan glanced at Chad, slightly confused before realising he was referring to earlier that morning, after his phone call with his father. "My dad and I have a...complicated relationship. He's not really comfortable with me, the way I dress and choose to express myself. He usually sort of simmers in silence though, probably because my mom tells him not to say anything. I don't know what changed, today he called me because I wasn't home, I told him I was with you. They all know about us, but for some reason, today he decided to try and convince me to go out with Kelsi, he said that me being gay is just a "phase", I don't understand what his problem is, I get that this is a little difficult for him because of how he was raised, but seriously? I have never even thought of girls as attractive, I have never in my life expressed attraction to a women and he wants to call it a phase." Ryan sighed and shook his head, "I never feel seen or heard in that house. My mom is the only one who actually gets me, she listens to me, she knows what I like, who I like, which was a pretty big deal when I first told her. Sharpay is his favourite, so he doesn't really pay much attention to me, always too busy with work or her. Sharpay is....Sharpay, she has her moments and I do love her, but she doesn't really understand me. Mom on the other hand, she knows me, she knows what I like and dislike, she knows all my secrets and even though she isn't always home, she always makes up for it when she is." Ryan looked at Chad once they reached a red light, wanting to gauge his reaction.

Chad listened to Ryan as he spoke, he never really talked about his parents and Chad wasn't sure what to expect, it wasn't this though. He couldn't imagine how awful it must feel to not have anyone to turn to in your own home, even though he knew it already, Chad couldn't help but think how lucky he was to have Jio'vani as a mother, he sometimes wondered what his dad would think about Ryan, about his relationship, he was sure his mom would never marry a man who would hate him for something he couldn't control. It was moments like these that he wished his father was here even more than usual, so he could tell him everything, ask him for advice, 'Dad always knew what to say' he thought before taking a breath and turning to Ryan. "Okay, I'm not exactly sure what the right thing to say is right now, so I'm just going to say what I think. First, your dad is a total dick, no offence. A typical straight, homophobic male who feels your homosexuality might rob him of his masculinity, basically, you're dad's a bitch. But you're wonderful, you're perfect to me, you're sweet and kind and beautiful and most importantly, you're you, no matter what other people say, you continue to be true to yourself which is honestly one of the best things about you and it makes me like you more and more each day. I'm proud of you, and you should be too, what your dad says doesn't matter, he doesn't understand you or know you, he chose to not know you and that's on him, but he's missing out on an amazing person." Chad didn't even realise how passionate he had gotten as he spoke, by the end of his speech, he was breathing a little heavier than before. He looked up at Ryan who had his eyes focussed on the road, he had a small smile on his face and his eyes glistened slightly with unshed tears that were gathering along his waterlone.

"That was...definitely the right thing to say, if I wasn't driving right now, I'd kiss you so hard. Thank you, I needed that, I'm really happy I'm with you." Ryan was always thankful to be with Chad, but it was moments like this when he was extra grateful for the wonderful, sensitive, loving boy he got to call his own. Ryan knew he was lucky to have Chad, 'I mean, just look at him', Ryan thought, but it was moments like these that made his heart race with what he thought love would feel like, because he had never felt so seen, so supported by someone he had never even expected to be friends with a few months ago, his heart was racing, and his thoughts were a mess but he knew one thing for sure, he was slowly falling for Chad Danforth, not because of his looks, or that damn gorgeous smile or the amazing fruity smell of his hair, or the way his eyes lit up when he saw tacos were on the lunch board, it was because Chad saw him for who he truly is, and he embraced it, he made him feel the exact opposite way his father did. He glanced in Chad's direction and removed one hand from the wheel and took Chad's hand in his own, giving it a squeeze.

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