ch. 2

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I pull up to Divergent High as I get out I see a group of guy a few parking spots down stare at me as I get out of my truck. I look at my phone and see that I have 10 mins before first period starts so I take off to the main office to get my locker number and combo, and my schedule.

Tris Prior- 11th grade

1st- History – Mr. Max

2nd-English- Ms. Roth


3rd- Math- Mr. Tell

4th- P.E- Coach Tori

As am looking for my locker I bump into a mocha skinned girl with beautiful shoulder length hair. “Oh my, I am so sorry I wasn’t looking at where I was going.” “OH, its fine, my name is Christina, but everyone just calls me Chris!” the girl said real peppy. It sticks my hand out to shake her hand and said “My name is Tris, I’m new.” “Oh let me see your schedule. OMG WE HAVE ALL OUR CLASS TOGETHER!!!!!” “Yay, now I will know someone.” “Come on let’s get to class so you can meet my friends”

We walk in to history and as Chris walks in a boy walks up and gives her a sloppy kiss.
“This is my boyfriend, Will; he is on the rodeo team.” “Hi I’m Tris, did you say rodeo team?” “Heck yeah” says Will “I do team Roping and Bull Riding, do you do rodeos?” “Yeah, I do barrel racing, pole bending, and goat tying.” “You should totally try out for the rodeo team!” says Chris “I think I will”

Finally updated. sorry for the wait plan on updating again today or tomorrow.

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